Chapter 28

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Midoriya's POV

Carefully, we crept into the abandoned building, Winter at the front. Now and then she would pause, ears twitching, before we continued. The rays of sunlight wormed their way through the cracks in the walls and the few windows. The black-and-white checkered floors were dusty, grime-covered, and blood-stained. Carts that once carried medical supplies lay knocked over, scattered around. Eventually, we filed into a large room, possibly a former auditorium. The ceiling raised way above our heads. "Winter, are you sure this is the right place?" Iida asked quietly. "Yes! I'm certain, trust me! I'd know that stench of rat shit and decaying flesh anywhere." Suddenly, there was a slow clapping. It echoed throughout the creepy room. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Well done, Winter dear, well done. Even after twelve years, you remember us. Couldn't say I expected any less from our only child."

That voice! I recognize it from Winter's memories!

We turned towards Winter, looking past her to see a dark shadow. Slowly, it stepped closer, into a sunbeam. There stood Insanity and Death Row. I felt sick at the sight. They had blood stains all over and random limbs and dried out organs hanging from their outfits and belts, like some costume.

"Holy shit-" Bakugo choked on his own words, taking a small step back. Even the pros with us seemed startled. Winter's ears flattened against the top of her head as she emitted a low growl. "Oh, look dear, she brought new victims! Yay! I've waited so long for this to happen! Our little girl's finally grown up!" Insanity squealed, which sounded more like a high-pitched squeal of a rodent that was choking to death. "Yes. What was that saying we always told her?" Death Row tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Our blood runs in your veins for you to spill the blood of others." Winter snarled, her voice dripping with hate and venom. 

"SHE REMEMBERS!" The two villains shouted at the same time. "However you're both missing a vital point here." Winter took a step forward. "I did not bring these people here for you to kill. Nor am I your daughter. You may have brought me into this world, but I do not belong to you. I am not some weapon for you to use in your schemes. Though, you did get one thing right. I am here to spill the blood of others. Your blood, specifically." She spat. "Seems that the heroes have corrupted you. Oh well." Death Row shrugged. "How cute. Do you think you'll be able to defeat us? Maybe in the past, you could have. But now that we've modified ourselves, there is no way for you to win." Insanity said.

Winter turned back to us for a moment. "Called it." She stuck her tongue out. "Where did you hide the civilians?" All Might spoke up.

All Might, please don't do this...

I silently begged. He was in his muscle form, even though he wouldn't be able to keep it up for very long. All Might was too weak to fight, yet he still demanded to join us in battle. "The civilians are being handled by some of our friends. Shigaraki's somewhere outside watching his subordinates keep the citizens in check, and we lost track of Overhaul a while ago. I think the last time we heard, he said he had to rid himself of four pesky intruders. Something about a former sidekick and three wanna-be heroes." Insanity flicked her hand dismissively.

"Sir Nighteye and the Big 3..." I muttered. "That means that we've been left with nothing to do. Winter, since you already brought all these lovely victims here, why don't you choose one of your favorites and we'll give the rest of them some real entertainment?" Death Row suggested. "Like hell, I'd do that," Winter growled. "Okay, then. We'll pick one of them for you! Hmm, let's see... who'll draw the biggest reaction. All Might's too obvious, I want a student. The younger a victim, the better." Death Row said. He scanned our crowd. "That one." Death Row finally stopped and pointed at Kirishima. "I'LL BLOW YOUR FACES OFF IF YOU SHITS LAY A HAND ON HIM!" Kacchan roared, stepping in front of his friend. "Such an attitude. Bad attitudes need reprimanding." Insanity shook her head, raising a hand. "BAKUGO MOVE!" Winter threw herself at Kacchan, knocking him out of the way just as a massive knife struck the spot he had been standing in. Unfortunately it just barely hit Winter. She snarled, wincing at the sudden pain that shot through her back from the new wound. "YOU JACKASS, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO THEM?!" Winter shouted at Kacchan as they stood up. "Winter you're hurt-" Suddenly, there was a deafening boom from outside, the shockwave enough to knock us all off our feet. The wall that faced the blast crumbled to the ground.

Shakily, I got up. We were on the top floor, so I could see far across the city. "Oh no..." I gasped. There was a massive crater in the center of the city, smoke rising high into the blue sky. Orange flames engulfed the rubble and whatever buildings were nearby the center of the impact. Sirens wailed at top volume as the ground still shook. Winter shook the dust from her head before turning to Insanity and Death Row. "What's your goal, here?!" She yelled. "Well, our goal specifically was to find you and show off our new abilities. Overhaul and Shigaraki were aiming to create as much destruction, chaos, and death as possible. I've also heard that some of the most powerful villains in other countries are doing the same. But since you aren't interested in helping us, we should go find some victims anyways, if any are left after that attack. I think the buildings they were held at just blew up." Insanity said. "Yes, we'll see you later dear. Oh, and keep an eye on your friends. We warned you what would happen if you made any." Death Row smirked. Just as suddenly as the villains had appeared, they were gone.

Slowly, everyone stood again. I turned my attention to Winter. She was frozen in place, slightly shaking. "Winter? A-Are you okay?" I stuttered, resting a hand on her shoulder. "I will not let them touch anyone." She whispered. "I know. That's why we're here." Ururaka stepped over to us. "I'm ready to go kill those bastards." Kacchan crushed his knuckles together. "We made a vow the second we signed up for UA to protect the citizens, and that's what I intend to do." Yaoyorozu agreed. "I said I'd uphold my brother's legacy, and this is how I'm starting," Iida added. "My father always wanted me to be better than him, better than All Might. I might as well do that now." Todoroki walked over. Winter's eyes flashed, emotions swirling around. For a split second, I thought they changed to an iridescent purple. "I as well made a promise twelve years ago. Now I must uphold that promise," Winter looked back out through the hole in the building. She changed into her snow leopard form, except this time she was at least three times her normal size. "INSANITY, DEATH ROW, SHIGARAKI, OVERHAUL, AND WHOEVER ELSE IS ACROSS THE WORLD, THIS MEANS WAR!"

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