Chapter 30

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Winter's POV

We aren't going to have enough time! I've got to figure out a faster way! DAMNIT!

I snarled, knowing that if Insanity and Death Row had any extra time, they'd use it in ways I would do anything to forget. "Cold you've got to slow down! None of us are going to have the strength to fight if we waste our energy using our Quirks to get there at this speed!" Todoroki shouted from behind. I spread my wings flat like a ship's sails to halt myself, my body jerking backward at the sudden break. I watched as the rest of 1-A and the pros that we could gather came to a stop, gasping for breath. Carefully, I lowered myself to the ground. "Thank- you-" Deku groaned, flopping onto the road in exhaustion. "We're just as worried about everyone as you are, Cold, but we're still human." Yaoyorozu reminded me. "I can't relive those memories. I can't. I promised I wouldn't let anyone die-" "No one's going to die, you idiot." Bakugo snorted. "How do you know that?" I glared at him. "Because. You said it yourself. You wouldn't let anyone die. Even if we have to take a break to catch our breath, that doesn't mean we're giving up. Besides, you're not the only one with something at stake here." He sighed, looking away. I frowned, tail twitching. "Is there something you want to say? Alone?" I asked. Bakugo glared at me, slowly nodding. "Follow." I led him a little bit away from the group, just out of earshot. "What is it? We can't keep secrets from each other right now." I said. "I'll keep secrets from whoever I like, thank you very much. But you're right. Now is not the time. Ugh, where do I start?" He growled. "You said you'd got something at stake." I reminded him. "Kirishima." "What? What about him?"

"He... when we got back from Alaska we kinda... started dating. I've seen what Insanity and Death Row are going to do! I-I don't want him to get hurt." I felt a familiar pang of grief hit me like an arrow. This was a side of Bakugo I don't think many people have seen. "I understand. You're worried. I- We'll get him back, okay? No one's gonna die; we've both agreed on that, right?" I asked. "Yeah..." "Good." I punched him hard. "OW WHAT THE HELL?! I'LL KILL YOU-" "There's the hothead we need. Keep up that attitude and you've got nothing to worry about, okay?" I held out my hand. Bakugo glared at me, shaking my hand, agreeing on the deal. "Now come on, let's go get Kirishima back."


Bakugo's POV

"DIE BITCHES!" I roared, blowing up the wall to the building our allies were currently being held in. With a thundering boom, it collapsed. The one-story cement building cracked due to an entire wall being destroyed. Dust surrounded us, creeping into the darkened room. All around us, in the city and miles away, there were more explosions, from other pros and villains fighting. Flames as well engulfed most of the city, fire hydrants erupting, cars flipped over while the horns still blared. Sirens from ambulances and built-in alarms were going off like crazy. Above, helicopters whirred. "WHERE ARE YOU, YA COWARDS?!" I shouted, raising a gauntlet, ready to fire again. "My, my. The one with the bad attitude already caught up." An already all-too-familiar voice 'tsked' in disappointment. As the dust cleared, my eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness. Our six allies were trapped in metal cages, like pet crates sized for humans, some of them unconscious and bloodied. I scanned the area for my friend. "WHERE IS HE?!" I questioned, seeing as he wasn't there. "Who? Oh, you must mean your spiky little friend. He's unavailable right now." Insanity replied. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I ASKED! TELL ME WHERE HE IS OR I'LL BLOW YOUR FACE OFF!" I was beyond pissed right now. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. We've rigged the cages to pour gasoline on anything inside of it if smoke is detected." She chuckled. I glanced over to the rest of my classmates and the pros, feeling torn in half.

I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I chose either option... damnit, Winter, where are you when we need you?!

I angrily thought, hating the bastard for not being there. "Seems you're caught in a bit of a dilemma, hmm?" "I hope you know you're not gonna get away with this," I growled, hoping to stall at least one of the psychopaths. "We already have, dear." "Not with your end goal. I know what you're planning. I know you're not a regular human anymore. I know you injected yourself with some sort of weird-ass serum. Besides, I think you've missed the most important part of everything, also known as the one thing that'll stop you." I smirked. "Oh? And what would that be?" Insanity seemed quite intrigued. I glanced at the five people in the cages, winking to those who were still conscious.

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