Chapter 27

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Ururaka's POV

The calm silence in the early morning hours was honestly quite unnerving. There had been a few wanna-be criminals scampering around, but other than that it was quiet. "Deku, do you think they're watching us? The villains?" I quietly asked. My crush looked at me, thoughtfully. "Probably. But I don't think we need to worry yet. If our theory is correct, that the higher-tier villains are hiding out somewhere, anyone watching us would be a low-level criminal trying to gather information for the higher-tiers. Besides, we've got this!" He smiled. I felt my heart lift.

Even in a situation like this, I still feel safe. Deku reminds me of All Might... weird.

I thought to myself. Suddenly, the group halted. Our battle team had joined up with the other pros and the rest of the UA students that were planning on fighting. The support class students had handed out items to each fighter before taking their positions on the battlefield. We had the whole country covered, ready for whatever tricks the villains had planned. Pros and schools across the nation were all contacted about the war. They had agreed to help with whatever they could. I felt a bit of confidence seep into me, knowing I was a part of such a reliable organization. As long as people wanted to be heroes, the civilians would never have to worry.

"Winter what the hell?!" Bakugo snarled. "Sorry it took us so long to get back here!" Sero swung himself down onto the ground in front of Winter, followed by Shoji and Hagakure. "What'd you see?" Todoroki asked. "Not much. It kind of seems like the city was abandoned. There aren't any people inside the buildings, either." Shoji replied. "Did'ja CHECK?!" Winter snapped. "Yes! Any buildings with open windows and lights on we went over to and checked, but there was literally no one! Their TVs were on, water was running, but no one was in the buildings." Sero said. "I saw blood in a few of them," Hagakure spoke up. "WHAT?!" "What'd the blood splatters look like?" Winter demanded. "Winter why the heck would you ask that?"  Yaoyorozu frowned. "Because! If people were shot, there's one type of splatter. If they accidentally dropped a knife on their foot, there's another. And if they were dragged out, there's one for that, too!" She snorted, acting as if everyone should know about blood splatters. "It was kinda smeared, like a paintbrush stroke." Hagakure finally responded. "Dragged out. Shit. That's why we're not seeing any villains." Winter face-palmed herself. "What're you thinking?" Mr. Aizawa questioned. "THEY GOT UP BEFORE WE DID, KIDNAPPED THE WHOLE FRICKIN' CITY, AND LEFT." She stuck her arms out side by side, raised them over her head, and then dropped them down to the other side so she was gesturing towards the empty buildings as if she were drawing a rainbow. "Alright, change of plans. We've got to track down the civilians." All Might sighed. "Ooh! I can do that!" Winter hopped once before changing forms. She chose a polar bear. "Follow me."

The group trekked through the streets, crossing roads, going over bridges, and crawling through a tunnel or two. Eventually, we came to an abandoned, long-forgotten asylum. The building looked like it should have collapsed, it was so cracked and broken. Grafitti and red paint- or blood- covered the ground floor walls. Weeds grew through crevices in the asphalt. Barbed wire hung limply from cut chicken wire fences. Most of the windows were shattered, the few that remained clouded over. Metal bars around the windows were rusted and dented. Inside, the building was dark. It emitted a crawling evil vibe. I shuddered. Winter's ear flicked. She turned around to face everyone. "Uh... I guess... I ought to say something before we fight. Um... look. I know that since I joined UA, I've been a jackass. I've pulled some nasty pranks, had terrible ideas, almost drowned you, interrupted sleeping hours, yelled enough to cause someone to go deaf, have had a terrible attitude, terrible language, and communication skills, and dragged you all into a fight that I should never have, but... I've made some great memories. We've gone dog-sledding, traveled, laughed at stupid things, played useless games meant for younger kids. I've seen 1-A become more than first-year students. I've seen such incredible improvement, in your physical strength, your bonds with each other, and your mental strength. Despite the shit some of you have suffered through in your pasts and in the time I've known you, you still get up and fight. You're crazy, all of you. Y'all have become heroes, and you don't even know it. I... I once thought that I would never live a normal life. I believed that I should have died in that house along with my-... parents. I hated myself, and still do, because of them. I believed that I was never meant to be happy again, that suffering was my punishment. Fortunately, that all changed. Every single one of you has had such an impact on my life, whether I've acted like it or not. I'm so grateful for all of you. You've become the family I've always wanted, even if I denied it. Deep down, I've wanted some sort of family, and y'all definitely fit that 'some sort'. So... yeah. Thank you. Before we go in, there's one more thing I need to say. I want to repay you for what you've done, but... there's only one way I'm going to be able to. Whatever happens, just know this is how I say thank you." Winter smiled faintly. "Now come on. Let's go stop these bastards."

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