T E N | Sports Festival

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[Izuku's POV]

After a few minutes, I was dead and plopped down on a chair.

- So, how was the USJ? I asked.
- Good, nothing exciting, but still nice nonetheless.
- Next week, it's the sports festival, am I right?
- Yep! cheered Kiba.
- We'll try to get in somehow, I answered.
- Somehow, said Ochako as she sweat-dropped.


[Time skip to sports festival because your girl's lazy af lmao]

- Bye mom, bye dad!
- Have a good day kids! We'll be looking at you both from the crowd!

They closed the door behind them.

- Ok, so what are you thinking, you reckless idiot.

Grinning, I got out two pairs of wigs and sunglasses.

- Oh no, not wigs Izuku!
- Oh yes!

I put the red one on and put on the sunglasses as well.

- You look ridiculous, you dork.
- Ridiculous yes, but at least we get to see Kiba and Kisaki, so go with it! I said back.

She sighed and put on the pink wig on as well as the sunglasses. I couldn't hold it and started laughing.

- Hey! No laughing!
- Pfffft, ok ok. We need to go now, c'mon!

I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside of the shitty building I promised myself to leave once I had enough money.

We walked to the huge stadium that held the sports festival every year. We got in the waiting line and had to wait for about an hour to get in.

- Identity.
- Gurine Ikuzi and Gurine Okecha.
- For what reason did you come here?

I sweat dropped at the question. "What else you idiot?"

- Uh, to see my kids.
- Names, age, class.
- Gurine Kisaki, Gurine Kiba, 15, A.
- Alright, you can go in, here's your seat ticket sir. Ma'am.

They gave us our tickets as we thanked them. It was on the other side of the stadium, in the third row.

- Woah, we got some lucky seats! whispered Ochako.
- I know!

We made our way there and sat down, waiting for the show to start.


- Welcome to the annual U.A sports festival everyone! I am your BEAUTIFUL host, I cannot stop twinkling!

He winked as the whole crowd cheered. Ochako and I just looked at each other and laughed. Apparently, he was given the challenge the host the sports festival 5 years ago, and the public loved him so much that they actually hired him to be the host every year.

- Today, you will get to see the marvelous classes of first years, from class A to class L! Now-

He did a spin towards the entrance.

- Let's welcome class 1-A! he said with an overdramatic gesture.

[Back to Kisaki's POV]

As our class was called, we all moved out of the shadows and into the huge stadium. I was dazzled by all the people cheering and screaming around me. Then, directly in front of me, I saw something that would stay in my mind forever.

It was mom and dad with a fucking wig.

I choked on pure air as Kiba turned around.

- What's wrong Kisaki.

I was silently dying of laughter as I pointed towards them. Kiba also started laughing loudly.

- What's wrong with you two? What's so funny? asked Iida.
- O-oh, n-nothing *wheeze* *deep breath* don't m-mind us.
- Alright then.

I put on a serious face again and looked around the stadium to see all the students.

- And now, welcome the first years representative, Gurine Kisaki!



- Come on bro! Go on stage! shouted Kirishima as he pushed me forward.

I walked on stage next to the weird guy that was probably Ayoma's dad and took the mic.

- Um, hello! I welcome, uh, all of you here to the sports festival! I wish everyone good luck and as always...

I had a moment of hesitation.

- Uh, plus ultra!

The crowd and students cheered as I gave back the mic to Ayoma's dad.

- Short and sweet bro! Nice!
- Thanks Kirishima.

Then, it was time to decide the first event. It landed on a thing called "Grab the flags!"

Basically, the goal was to climb a huge mountain full of obstacles, get a flag that was on top of it and go back down. Only the first 42 people would be chosen to go to the next round.

We went outside and immediately, we saw that it had already been installed. "How the heck do they do this that fast?!" I thought as I stood by the start and finish line.

A loud gunshot rang through the air as everyone started running.

I was pushed and squeezed between people until a huge gust of wind pushed everyone to the side. A guy in front of me was the author of this gush of wind. I took advantage of this and ran behind him until I reached the mountain's bottom. I started climbing.

My quirk wasn't useful at all for this. That's why I secretly used a bit of One for All so that it would just be considered normal strength.

I was off to a great start. In front of me were a few class 1-B students, other classes students but mostly 1-A students. Hatsu and Horyo were pretty high, as well as Kirishima and Tokoyami.

- Hey bro!

I looked beside me and saw Kiba with Kirishima's resistance quirk on.

- You like using Kirishima's quirk huh? I said, teasing her.
- W-what are you talking about? she stuttered as she blushed, putting her hands on her face.

I chuckled and started pouring in more One for All. That was until one of those giant 0 pointers came into our way. Everyone in front of me stopped. I just smirked and got behind a rock, out of the robot's view. I became invisible and just ran past it. When I was way past it, I destroyed it's controls and it fell on the side.

- Gurine Kisaki has passed in to first place! What a beautiful development, if I might say!

I continued running up and climbing until I reached for the first flag and grabbed it. I ran back down, passing by all the other students with agility. I could hear the footsteps of other students running on my heels.

Before the finish line, I gave myself a boost and quickly passed it a few seconds before the other students.

- First place, Gurine Kisaki! Give this young man a round of applause!

I was running back in the giant stadium, the cheers of the crowd. I saw dad give me a thumbs up and mom cheering excitedly beside him.

- Second place, Bakugo Hatsu! Third place, Iida Felix! Fourth place, Gurine Kiba! Fifth place, Bakugo Horyo! Sixth place...

He shouted the names of the first 10 people before waiting for the rest of them.


The second event was a run where you had to relay a stick to your partner, and so on. I teamed up with Kiba, Todoroki and Tokoyami. We got 3rd place and made it to the finals, the PVP battles. For the first battle, I was against Iida.

- Our first one versus one battle will be Gurine Kisaki, the wonderful student who came first in the climbing event and Iida Felix, a very fast student with a lot of potential!

We both climbed on the stage as the hero finished his explaning.

- Ready?

The crowd cheered, impatient for the fight to begin.

- Go~!

[My grammar and writing was kinda trash in this chapter, sorry, don't mind me lol]

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