F O U R T E E N | Vengeance and Hero Names

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When I got home, I dropped the bags, sweating.

- Jesus, I hope they didn't notice anything weird, I mumbled. I do look a lot different now, but the hair, eyes and freckles are way too obvious.

I feel like this is all a game, and I'm tired of it. I keep hiding because I know Ochako is not ready. I respect her choice tho.

When I was finally done, I got changed into lighter clothes and went outside. I jogged until I got to the beach. There, I started throwing punches and kicks around, using various strenght each time. I could use 100% now, when six months ago, it wasn't even possible for me to use 20%. I remember the day I hit the 100% without breaking my body, it was a few weeks before the end of the third grade.

I smiled at that thought. I threw a punch using that 100% in the sea's direction. It split the sea in two in about a 200 meters radius, causing a few people that were on the sidewalk to step away in shock. The sea calmly retook it's form like nothing happened after that.

Satisfied, I jogged back to the house. There, Mr. Seiro called to give me the next day's schedule. It was a simple day, business men coming to get fancy suits, nothing new there. Then, I got to real work.

I opened the phone I bought and pulled out a notebook as well as a pen. I started searching up the last months news papers. News about mysterious villains attacks around the entire world.

I swore to myself to arrest or even kill Shigaraki, even if I die doing it.

The bastard stole my entire life so it's right for me to steal his.

I figured that since he probably noticed we were gone by now, he'd try to look for us by asking others. But again today, I found nothing but small unimportant villain attacks.

I sighed as I closed my phone and put my notebook away. I looked at the hour, 5:15.

Ochako was about to come home...

I heard the door open just as I thought that.

- Hey Izu.

I kissed her on the forehead and she hugged me as she took off her shoes. She made her way to the kitchen and started getting out food to make the dinner. I helped her cut the vegetables.

- Did you have a good day? I asked.
- Yeah! And you?
- I saw the girls at the grocery store.
- Oh? What happened? she asked, looking at me.
- Nothing. I was wearing sunglasses anyway.
- Oh ok.

It was silent for a few minutes. But I noticed she was deep in thoughts, like she was about to say something, but she wasn't sure about it.

- Hey Izu.
- Hmm?
- I'm ready.

I stopped cutting the carrots as I locked eyes with her. She huffed in confidence, a wild gleam in her eyes.

- I miss my friends and family. Plus, it's getting even harder to live by ourselves without knowing shit about taxes and stuff, she said as she sweat dropped and so did I.
- Right. We learned it in 3rd year, but it's pretty far away.
- Yeah. So, what do you think?
- It's great Ocha.

I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush.

At the same moment, the door slammed open.

- We're home!
- Oh no, I whispered.

Ochako laughed and poked me on the shoulder.

- How was your day?
- We received nominations from the sports festival for the stages! said Kiba.
- Oh? How many demands? I asked.
- 1369.
- 1420.

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