S E V E N T E E N | Hooded Figures

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- Why the hell are there nomus? asked Mr. Kirishima.
- We don't have any time to think, let's attack them! Students, call the others for backup!

I got out my phone as the three pros jumped towards the monsters.

- H-Hello Mr. Kaminari! We need backup in Hosu's south area! I said with a shaking voice as I looked at the villain in front of me.
- We're coming.

The call ended as I sighed. The nomu was terrifying. I'd seen a lot of them before, but not one as big as this.

A few minutes later, the 7 others arrived. They told us to stay back and keep the citizens away from the fight.

- What's happening?! My wife and son are stuck in that building! I need to go get them! a man screamed as I was telling everyone to calm down and stay away.

The man held onto me.

- Please, young boy! Please, go save my wife and little baby son! My wife lost a leg a few years back due to cancer and my son is only a baby! They are in room 34!

I was shocked by what the man told me.

I turned towards the building he was pointing. It was the building just behind the Nomu. Explosions hit its walls and the nomu even crashed into its lower part earlier.

- Kiba! I will go get this man's wife and son! They are in room 34!
- Wait, Kisaki!

But I was already running when she was calling me.

I ran around the fight and sneaked from the side of the building using One for All. I crashed through a window and ran across the apartment I landed in before ending up in a corridor.


I opened the door and saw the mother hugging her son on the floor. When she saw me, she screamed.

- Don't worry ma'am! I am the hero in training Akibano! I will help you get out of here.
- Thank god!

I picked her up in my arms as she continued hugging her baby. I then saw a giant head fly towards the apartment.

I shielded the woman with my back as the apartment's window exploded. I felt a piece of the wall stuck onto my leg, causing me to trip and squeak from the pain.

I quickly walked outside of the apartment. I looked at my leg to see a piece of the wall stuck in my leg. I silently hissed in pain. I couldn't walk much longer like this.

- Are you ok young man?? asked the woman, scared.
- Yes... yes! Don't worry! I will get you both out of here to your husband.

She smiled.

I limped my way back to the apartment I landed in earlier.

I stood by the window.

- What are you doin-

I jumped as the woman let out a little scream.

Pain screamed in my left leg as I used One for All to land safely.

I ignored the pain for a few seconds and ran back to the crowd. When the man saw me arrive, he started crying. I gave him his wife as they all hugged, the three of them together.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The crowd, seeing what I did, started cheering me.

- I'm glad you're all safe! I said as I smiled and raised a thumbs up.

Kiba then approached me.

- Hey bro, what's this sticking out of your leg?
- Some piece of wall.
- Oh, that's not good.
- I know.

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