Part 1

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Tori Woke Up at 6 Am, Grabbed Some Pink Yoga Pants, a Black Nike Sports Bra, Captian American Ankle Socks, Black nikes, Gym Bag, HeadPhones, Wallet, Keys and water bottle. She Sent a Text to Dean Ambrose: T: Heading to   gym for a couple hours then Starbucks after want 2 come? D: Come to my room 4th Floor 413 baby Girl.  Tori went to the Elevator and went up a floor and knocked on Jon's Door. Jon Opened the Door and Tori walked In. Jon: Give me a couple minuets to get ready and we can head! Colby and Joe are Still asleep!   Tori: Oh Lord, Don't they know we have a flight to catch at Noon to go to Florida! I will be so glad to sleep in my house!   Jon: Thats Right Your house is like 2 blocks away from the Arena.  Tori: Yup, So if you want, You, Joe, and Colby can Crash at my Place. I only have two guest rooms so I figured You could share my Room!  Jon: Thanks Babe! Alright Lets Go Grab Doofus and Samoan.   Jon Opens the Adjoining Door and Colby and Joe are already Up.  Jon: Tori Said we can Crash at her Place once we get to Florida. Joe: Awesome Got to Love that! Tori: Yes You all can use my work out gear that's at the House and any laundry that needs to be done give it to me once we get there! Colby: Wait You only Have two Guest Rooms Who's Sleeping were? Tori: You and Joe get the Rooms, Jon's Sharing mine. Now are we going to the Gym or Not? Colby: Is there Something Going on between You and Jon??    Tori: No Now if You Don't Cut it out I'm going to Give you Dirty Deeds Right here or Would You Rather Get Punched? Your Choice? Tori Heads back to Jon's Room and Whispers: I miss You Every day Baby girl ! Mommy Promises You I Will visit Soon. I'm Coming Home. Your My Angel. Joe knocks. Tori: I know its You Ro Come in. Joe: You alright I know today's a Hard day for you! Tori: I Miss her. My Daughter was taken from Me. Today marks 4 years since she Died. You, Jon, and Colby are my Rock. Joe, You know I Love you and Ninja as my Brothers but that Night When I destroyed Everything Jon Stopped me. To this day that Hit and Run case is still Unsolved. My daughter will Never see Justice and I will Never see her take her 1st steps. Joe: Come Here. Tori hugs Joe. Tori: Winter was my baby. Can You get Jon Please? Joe Goes to His Room that he Shares with Colby. Joe: Jon, Tori Needs You. I don't think She's going to be working out today. Jon: Today is the Day isn't? Joe: Yeah, Marks 4 years since her Little Girl was taken from her. Colby: Wait whats Going on, What Do you two know that I don't? Tori Comes in wearing one of Jon's shirts. Tori: Sit, Its Time you know Colby. Jon and Joe know because they have been with me since day one. 4 Years ago on this date, I was in Florida getting ready to head to the arena, My daughter Winter Rain Johnson and I were in a Car accident, The other Driver took off. My daughter was taken to the hospital, I said call with any changes. I was backstage in my locker Room when I got the Call that my daughter died. I was a mess, My brother was off Filming a Movie so of course call it Cousin intuition Joe, Jimmy, and Jey came to my aid and saw that my locker room was destroyed, Joe did the only thing he knew, He went and got Jon. Jon hugged me and kissed my head and I calmed Down. To this day Jon is the only one who can calm me down. Going Home is hard because I have a headstone outback under her Favorite Orange tree.  Jon Hugs Tori and Kisses her Check. Jon: I promise Love, I will be with you all day! I Don't want you to hurt yourself or anything. Once your Home, You and I Sunset walk on the beach our normal thing Every time I'm There. I Miss her TO. You Know I loved her and You and I still Do Baby.

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