Part 1: Start of life

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Space. Space is a continuous area or expanse which is free, available or unoccupied. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time and elements. Space is also known as "the Void" since everything around is endless. Most things in space don't go well with the void itself. Which takes us to a story of a Steve named "Galaxy Steve". Galaxy Steve is the Master of Space. He controls galaxies, stars, planets, etc. No one dares to bother his incredible masterpieces. Until a villainous Steve called "Void Steve" interferes him and challenges him to a duel to see who's strong enough to master the ability of space. They fought for a very long time and Galaxy Steve was losing. He was breathing rapidly.

Void: "give it up, Galaxy Steve. You know you won't win."

Galaxy: "I'm not giving up so easily, Void Steve! I can't let you take over! Even if you attack me a hundred times or more, I still won't give up! Because I'm the rightful owner of this place! If I surrender it to you, you will destroy this whole universe!"

Void: "just look at you. You're about to lose. Why are you still trying?"

Galaxy: "because I still can! I will defeat you! Even if it costs any part of my body to do it! And if I failed, I will find someone else to defeat you! And I'm keeping my words..!"

Void Steve was starring at Galaxy Steve for a while as Galaxy was injured and bleeding very badly. Until Void Steve gave an evil smirk on his face.

Void: "I'm surprised of how determined and courageous you are, Galaxy Steve. It's too bad that I can't kill you right now. If I do, we both know what happens. But, did you say something about,"finding someone else to defeat me"? Well, I'm sure you will. I'll give you a year to "find" someone to challenge me. And after that, let's pick up where we left off. Find your best opponents to fight for you. And once I meet up with them, I'll make sure they meet the same fate as you..! And then I'll be the one... TO ERADICATE YOU!!!!"

Galaxy: "oh. I'll find my best opponents. And if you lose, I'll be the one to finish you off..."

After Void Steve gave his speech, he disappeared leaving Galaxy Steve helpless. Galaxy Steve went back to his Galaxy Tower to regain his health and energy. He felt very stressed and worried about what happened. He started talking in his mind..

Galaxy: ("Void was wrong...! But he's right. What do I do? I know I can't defeat him myself. I don't even know how strong he is. What if he wins? He'll take over everything.. I can't let him hurt other people! All of my efforts will be in vain. If only... I have someone to help me.. Someone to watch over him to see what he's planning. Someone to keep track of time. Someone... to defeat him...")

Galaxy Steve has been thinking for hours and can't make up his mind of what to do. He's becoming more and more stressed everyday. And very worried. Until one day, he went into his basement filled with lots of books. He started looking for ideas. Nothing on what he read worked.

Galaxy: ("there's no use! None of these can help me! What do I do?!")

Galaxy Steve was running out of ideas. He collapsed in despair. He was about to give up until he remembered what Void said earlier..

"find your best opponents to fight for you!"

Galaxy: "wait a second.. Instead of finding some opponents, I should create some opponents!"

There you have it, Guys! The first part! I'll continue on making the next one. Sorry if it sounds dumb and there's some bad grammar in it. 😥 Thanks for being patience!💞

P.s: I might do some more changes to the story.

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