part 6: Failure

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"the grey one was finally awake. I still kept him separated from the red one. I wanted to do a little test on the grey one to see if his sight has been fixed. However, he seems to be shaking a lot. I couldn't tell if he's afraid or the effects from the healing process. I decides to check up on him."

Galaxy: "Hey."

2nd Creation: "1st? Is that you...?"

Galaxy: "no. It's the other guy. How are you doing?"

2nd Creation: "I.... Can't feel anything.. I can't feel my hands. I can't feel my legs.."

Galaxy: "you're just numb. It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of."

2nd Creation: "o-okay.. Can I ask you something..?"

Galaxy: "what?"

2nd Creation: "why didn't you come for me.. while I was screaming for help..?"

Galaxy: "I couldn't help you. If I go near you, while the healing process was going, you will start to hurt me physically."

2nd Creation: "what? Then, what happened to 1st? Did I hurt him? Where is he?"

Galaxy: "he's fine. He's... Making sure to stay away from you. To prevent you from hurting him."

2nd Creation: "Then... Why can't he talk to me? I didn't even heard a single sound from him."

Galaxy: "okay. That's enough asking for now. Now, I want you to rest. Soon, I will remove that bandage from your eyes. And I will test you if you can see clearly. Got it?"

2nd Creation: "y-yes."

"I never told the grey one that I separated him and the red one. I just don't want him to make such loud noises. His screams are painful. I waited for an hour before I remove the bandage from the grey one."


"however, things might not turned as I expected.. After I remove the bandage.."

Galaxy: "w-what?!!"

2nd Creation: "what? What is it?!"

Galaxy: "your eyes are still grey! How?! They're supposed to be a different colour!"

2nd Creation: "h-huh...? Seriously?"

Galaxy: "I can't believe this! I put so much effort into that experiment! But your eyes are still grey?!"

2nd Creation: "uhhhmm... Hey, don't be upset. What if my eyes just stays grey? And what if they're already fixed? You never know."

Galaxy: "hmm. You seem a bit positive. Well... I'm gonna do a little test on you. Just tell me what you see and be honest."

Galaxy sets a book far from 2nd Creation.

Galaxy: "now tell me. What can you see over there?"

2nd Creation: "ummm... I can't tell. It's so blurry.."

Galaxy: "what?! Seriously?! You can't see it?"

2nd Creation: "yeah. I'm being honest. I can't see it."

Galaxy: ("he might be farsighted. In that case...")

Galaxy moves the book closer towards 2nd Creation.

Galaxy: "can you see the object in front of you?"

2nd Creation: "I...... I can't see it......"

Galaxy: "WHAT?! Don't play with me! Be honest! Can you see it?!"

2nd Creation: "n-no. I can't. Everything's all blurry and... I'm being completely honest with you!"

Galaxy: "no. You can't be short sighted and farsighted at the same time! You're eyes are supposed to be healed!! How is this possible!??"

2nd Creation: "I-I don't know! Maybe your experiment.. Is broken or something..!"

Galaxy: "NO! I never had any failed experiments in my life! I'm gonna try and fix you again. If it fails, I'll try again, again and again! Until you can see clearly!"

2nd Creation: "NO! Please! Don't do it! I don't wanna go through that again! Please! Don't! NO!"


"it looks like the grey one is 'antimetropia'... I can't believe this. I never had any failures in my life. How is this possible? How come the experiment didn't do any effect on his eyes? I have so many questions! There must be some odd magic to this. I just wanted him to see!"


"I've done a lot of different experiments on him.... Nothing has changed..... He will never see the world like a normal Steve... I gave up on trying to fix him. His sights are completely broken. Until he feels.... Apprehensive, afflicted and unsafe. He would always curl into a ball to keep himself safe from me. He thinks I'm dangerous..."

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