part 4: Experiments

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"I really wasn't expecting one of them to have such weak senses. I was supposed to get them to meet each other. But since the grey one can't see very well, I don't think he'll be able to recognize the red one. I'm still not sure whether he's short sighted or farsighted. Or both. This will be very challenging and hard. But, I'll try my hardest to help him see clearly."

After some bit of time writing down, Galaxy Steve decided to get the first creation to meet up with the second creation.

Galaxy: ("okay. So the plan is, to get the red one to meet up with the grey one. So, if anything goes wrong with him, the red one can handle it.")

Once entered into the same room, Galaxy then watches their every move too see their reactions.

Galaxy: "go ahead. Say something to him."


"I changed my mind. I decided to let the red one meet up with the grey one. The grey one had no idea what was approaching him. So he felt confused, shy and quiet. The red one doesn't seem to have any interests at all besides just walking towards and checking the other one. However, he did tried to touch the grey one and started babbling to him. I can see the grey one is starting to recognize the red's voice. Which is good. Later, they both started to babble more words to each other. They seem to be getting along and started understanding each other. I was expecting something more threatening might happen if they meet. But, I expected wrong. So, since everything seems fine, I left them in the room while I'm trying to find a way to help with the grey's eyesight. If things don't get fixed, we might lose."

On the second day...

"day two after they met. I helped them learn how to read, how to spell and how to speak. The red one is a slow learner but the grey one is quite a fast learner despite the current conditions he's in. They both can speak normally in sentences now. The red one talks a lot and the grey one seems to be quiet. But, if the red one wanted to talk about some good topics, the grey one will always be the one to listen. Both of them wouldn't dare to leave each other. I know I can't just separate them again once they've met. I wanted the red one to understand the grey one's condition."

1st Creation: "myopia"? What does that mean?"

Galaxy: "it means 2nd Creation has a very bad eyesight. He can't clearly see what he's doing or where he's going. So I want you to look after him. To make sure he doesn't run into any objects or break some stuff."

1st Creation: "okay..."

Until then, the red one has been very careful while looking after the grey one.

"since they're in the same room, they don't bother to search for me anymore. They talk constantly. Whenever I come to check on them, they would either stay quiet or talk. And when they rest, they would always face each other when lying down on their beds. They also asked me a lot of questions. At least they're learning some things.."

1st Creation: "what is 'energy'?"

2nd Creation: "power?"

1st Creation: "ability?"

2nd Creation: "forgotten?"

"Sometimes, whenever I passed by their room, they asked who they are and who am I.."

2nd Creation: "have you ever wonder who he is?"

1st Creation: "to be honest, I have no idea. All he did was coming by and then left. Like, he has some important things to do."

Galaxy: "hmm..."


2nd Creation: "if we don't know who you are, then who are we? Are we you?"

Galaxy: "no.. You two are not me. You two are just creations. Though, I suppose you two could be.... 'friends'.

1st Creation: "friends? We're friends?"

2nd Creation: "wow! Then I guess we're your friends too!"

Galaxy: "yeah.... Whatever."

"soon, I gave them books to read. Since the grey one couldn't see, I told the red one to read the books to him and help him understand. Both of them are learning faster. However, I can't just let the grey one stay like that forever. Broken sights can be fixed. They both are getting clever and more better. Well, the red one at least..."

1st Creation: "How come we can't go outside yet? Is it dangerous out there?"

"he started asking some good and suspicious questions. But I'd never tell him anything..."

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