part 13: Complications

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"How stupid was I that day? I know T doesn't deserve this. I just wanted to see if I can feel the same pain as them since they have the same energy as me. After all, they are m̶y̶ ̶c̶r̶e̶a̶

Galaxy: ("oh my god. Oh my god! He's not breathing! He's losing a lot of blood! I need to resuscitate him!!")

Galaxy immediately takes T to his ER room. After an hour attaching some machinery...

Galaxy: *breathing rapidly*

"that... Was a close one. And now, I don't think 1st is gonna be too happy about this. I should keep this as a secret for as long as I could and keep him distracted from his curiousness of T."

1st Creation: "Hey, Purple nerd. I'm 'happy' to see you again. So, how's 2nd? What are you gonna do to him?"

Galaxy: "he's..."

1st Creation: "?"

Galaxy: "he's fine. Don't worry. There's just some... Complications. He'll be alright."

1st Creation: "Well, I'm glad. You better not do anything worse to him! Or else, I'll do something way worse to you!"

Galaxy: "..."

"He would definitely be looking for a fight with me if he finds out about T. I decided to wait for a few hours to watch over T while he's recovering. I..... Once had the ability to recover or heal after I had the ability to master nature. I believe that these nature powers have a special substances that caused the healing ability. I tried using it on T but it wasn't enough. My healing is too weak since I sacrificed half of my energy for.... 1st. I wonder if he can master my healing abilities...."

Galaxy: "1st."

1st Creation: "what is it now, Purple nerd?"

Galaxy: "come with me."


1st Creation: "so... What do you want me to do?"

Galaxy: "I need to test something.."

Galaxy Steve grabs a scalpel then wounds himself.

1st Creation: "woah, woah, woah! What are you doing?! Why did you do that?!"

Galaxy: "I.... Already told you... GAH! I wanna do a test..!"

1st Creation: "but why cutting yourself?! Are you insane?! What do you want me to do about this!?"

Galaxy: "1st. Listen... I know...- Kksssssh!- this is a very disturbing thing to do... But. I know... you have the ability to heal!"

1st Creation: "what?! Are you serious?! What makes you think about that!? What's going on?! What are you doing?!!"

Galaxy: "look. I'm sorry about not treating you properly! Kksssh!- I just... wanted you to forgive me and... I wanted you to understand that I'm not trying to hurt any of you! Gah!- you're not a moody teenager, okay?"

1st Creation: "not hurting any of us?! Look at you! You're clearly hurting yourself in front of me!"

Galaxy: "I know... But. Please..! Try healing me..! I know you can!"

1st Creation: "but... But I...! I don't know how! You haven't teach me yet! What if I couldn't?!"

Galaxy: "1st... Listen to me... You CAN do it...! Just.... Just try... To feel the same pain as I felt.... Then... Do the same as how you put your hands around the little plant..!"

1st Creation: "okay... Okay..! I'll try!"

1st's eyes were glowing and some green aura glows from his hands. His healing ability seems to be working and the wound from Galaxy Steve was closing up. 1st was getting tired.

Galaxy: "okay.. Okay. That's enough!"

1st Creation: *breathing* "did... Did it work?"

Galaxy: "you.. Did it. I can't believe it!"

1st Creation: "is... Is the wound healed..?"

Galaxy: "yes. It healed up. Wow..! Your healing abilities are so strong..!"

1st Creation: "so.. Does that mean.. I can heal anything now?"

Galaxy: "I think so."

1st Creation: "wow.. I have healing abilities!! Amazing!!! I'm so excited!!!"

Galaxy Steve then gave a little smile on 1st.

1st Creation: "ummm.. you're... You're smiling at me. For a second I got an exciting feeling then I was ruined by your smile."

Galaxy: "Well, I'm just glad that you can heal now."


"I can't believe my theory was right. He can master my healing abilities! I guess now he could-"

The heart rate monitor then stops beeping. T's heart rate was stopping.

Galaxy: "no! No!! NO!!! Please! Beat again! Please! No! Don't die! Don't die!! Don't die!!!"

Galaxy immediately started to compress T's chest. He did it a lot of times. He also tried using his healing abilities and T's heart started to beat again. Galaxy was relieved.

Galaxy: "oh... My... Stars... You almost gave me a heart attack, T... That was a close one.... I'm... So tired."

"....this is not good. T is... About to die. I can't let that happen! But... I don't know if 1st's healing abilities are strong enough to heal T. If he finds out, he'll be so upset with me. But... S̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶t̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶i̶s̶k̶?̶
Forget it!! I'm risking it! It doesn't matter if 1st is very mad at me while T is about to die. I need him to do it... He will do it....
He CAN do it... I have no other choice. It has to work!"

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