part 28: Help for Hope

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??? (1): "hm̶m̡͡.͏.̵ ͠they̷̛ ͝wen̨͜t ̷̢o̴̡f̴̢f͜͡ ̨͜s̸̵o͠me̛w̶̨her͡e̕͠?̀͝ ͏Ś̷o͜͠un͢d̨͡s of̶̵f-pu̸t̶t̴̴i͟͝n̢͢g.̢̛.̷."

??? (2): "y͡es. ͡Bu̡t̢ ̕they m̧igḩt ͡b͝e͞ ̢p͞lanni͘ng̷ s͘omethi͜ńg͝ ̀t͜o̵ ͠ḑef͟eát ̛yo̕u.͡ ̴We̶ m͠us̛t a͡ct i͠mm̵ed͘ia͟t̵el̶y."

??? (1): "..͡.͡I̶'m a͞f͝r͡ai͟d̡ wè ͝d̛o͝n'͏t h͞ave ̕to.̵"

??? (2): "w̶h̀y's̵ ̀t͠ha͞t͟?"

??? (1): "Gala̡xy͞ ̕Şt̡ev̷e͟ ͡i͘ş śo̶me͠ţh̸i͏ǹg͠ ̧that we d̸on't́ nee͝d ̶anymor͡e̶. I̶ ̶wanted͝ h̕is ̸p̧ow̕er of͘ ͘Ti͘m̨e ̶and S͏pàc͡e̷.̵ B̵ut̵ sinc͠e įt͞ ͏h̛a͏s ̵bee̡n̷ p̴a̵s͢s̸ed̛ ͡t̡o hįs̷ çrea͟t͠iòns, I ̀thi͡n̢k t̴hi̢s w̴i̸ll ̨b͟e͝ a ̸b͠it e͘ąsy̨ to ͟t̀ake. For͡ ͘no̷w͘,̷ ̵we m̧ùs͝t̴ ͝wa͡ít for them̸ to c͘ome̡ ba͠c͞k̸.͢ And ̵onçe̕ ̵th͝e̢y hav̸e̷,̴ ̵w̡e'̨l͘ļ stri͢k̨e ̡i͜n ͡f͡r̕o͘nt͜ of̀ them."

Meanwhile, Galaxy, E and T finally arrived at their destination.

Galaxy: "here we are."

T: "woah! Where are we?"

Galaxy: "welcome to the Overworld!"

E: "The Overworld? Is this... A different dimension?"

Galaxy: "yup. The Overworld is one of the many dimensions out there."

E: "wait! There are more?! Woah!"

T: "this dimension is so... Blue! And green! It's looks peaceful. Like, I could live here!"

Galaxy: "Well, you could. One day..."

E: "so. What do we do here?"

Galaxy: "we're here to visit some other people. I hope you both are ready."

T: "meeting.. Other people? I... I never thought...-"

Galaxy: "what's wrong?"

T: "I'm.. I'm too scared. What if they're one of those villainous entities that you told us?!"

Galaxy: "T. Trust me. These people are nice. You're just shy. Don't worry. I'm here."

T: "Well.... Okay then."

Galaxy: "let's go."

The gang went on a journey on the Overworld. They did lots of explorations while they're on the way. They were amazed by the life forms around the Overworld such as sheeps, cows and chickens. T is always amazed by everything that is interesting to him . E seems very impressed.

E: "Master. How many dimensions do you think there are?"

Galaxy: "I'm not sure. I could say there are over hundreds of dimensions out there."

E: "How could you say that even though you do not know?"

Galaxy: "Well, I was the Keeper of Dimensions before. The power that I have to 'protect' the dimensions are no longer in me, though."

E: "so, where is it, then?"

Galaxy: "Well..... I am 100% sure.. That the power is now in you."

E: "me? Impossible."

Galaxy: "oh, it's possible. You are the reason the dimensions are still active and well-balanced. It's because of you."

E: "but I am not doing anything."

Galaxy: "exactly."

E was very confused.

E: "so... What you're trying to refer is... The power of the dimensions are within me now. So that means, as long as I am okay or well-cared, the dimensions will still be fine?"

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