[Headcanon] Things Lovers Do: DiliSloth Edition

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Who is the most affectionate?

Diligence. Udah jatuh di Amerika, sifatnya gentleman rasa playboy.... Sloth is so lucky to have him. XD

Who drives and who rides shotgun?

(Buat yang belum tau, "riding shotgun" itu artinya duduk di kursi samping driver sambil megang pistol buat jagain si driver dan mobil mereka. Kayak yang sering ada film action barat. :D)

Sloth drives. Diligence rides shotgun.

Who is most likely to carry the other?

Diligence. Dia kan tekun!


Diligence manggil Sloth "babe", "Ashe", atau "koala". Sloth manggil Diligence "Dili", "Gent", atau "gila kerja".

Who proposes?

Diligence, lah.

Who sings along with the radio?


Who worries most?

About their relationship? Sloth. About everything else? Diligence.

Who always wants to take selfies with the other?

Diligence. Sloth males berpose buat kamera.

Who has the weird taste in music?

Sloth. Diligence biasanya dengerin pop atau rock yang populer dan cenderung mainstream. Kalo Sloth dengerinnya lagu OST game kesukaannya, jadi genre yang sering dia dengerin campur aduk.

Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?

Diligence. Inilah kenapa salah satu bawahannya adalah Knowledge.

Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?

Justru Diligence malu kalo dia dateng-dateng liat Sloth lepas pakaian. Sloth mah peduli amat.

Who tops?

Diligence. *insert lenny face*

Who initiates kisses?

Diligence. Tapi kalo lagi pengen banget, Sloth juga bakal.

Who reaches for the other's hand first?

Diligence. Sloth juga sih, tapi kalo dia lagi emosional.

Who kisses the hardest?


Who is most ticklish?

Sloth. Diligence suka menggoda Sloth dengan kelitikin dia. XD

Who brings an animal they found home?

Diligence. Sloth sering pengen bawa kucing ke rumah, sayang dia males. :'3

Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining?


Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?

Diligence, again.

Who kills the scary bugs?

Diligence. Sloth bukannya takut; dia cuma gak peduli dan terlalu males buat ngejar kecoa.

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