[Story] Drabble Collection #1

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1. Greed being high on meds

Greed: ... And the doctor, he's so nice... I don't deserve him....

Gluttony: Thank you! You are nice as well!

Greed: Noo, I'm an asshole....

Gluttony: That's not true at all. You are a great patient.

Greed: Thank you. I... I appreciate that....

Greed: ... Anthony.



Gluttony: It's Gluttony, Miss.

Greed: *sad sobbing* Noooo, where is Anthony? It's not Anthony, it's Gluttony, nooooo.... *sobs again*


Greed: I love you, Charity. I don't even deserve you, but I owe you every single particle of my being. Thank you for being here. I love you so much.

Charity: *speechless*

Charity: I love you too, Darling.

Greed: Don't call me that, I'm gonna cry.... *sobs yet again*

Charity: *pats Greed's hair* I love you, Greed. Always do.

Greed: Tell Mido and Neith that I love them. I'm such a bad mom, but they make great children.

Charity: Of course I'll tell them. *kisses Greed's head* Aw, don't cry, love.

Greed: *sobs and hugs Charity*

Charity: *hugs back*

New headcanon: Greed is a great patient because she's great at receiving things. (That explains her being a great sub too, but oops, NSFW.)


Gluttony: How is that?

Charity: Well, that was... unexpected.

Gluttony: Don't be surprised. She always becomes like that when getting meds.


Gluttony: Don't worry. I recorded them, just in case you want to savor "your brash princess being spoiled sweet" moment.

Charity: Thank you so much. I appreciate that.

(inspired from M*rkiplier's vlog of him getting wisdom teeth surgery)

2. Sloth's pineapple philosophy

Sloth: Your average pineapple, peeled and cut, makes about 36 ounces of pineapple chunks.

Diligence: ... Alright.

Sloth: Cans of pineapples come in variety of sizes, the most common being 20 and 46 ounces.

Diligence: Yeah, and?

Sloth: It means a single pineapple generally won't fill up one can perfectly... which also means everytime you eat a pineapple from a can, somewhere, someone else has the can that has the rest of the pineapple.

Diligence: *begins to get scared*

Sloth: Meaning you can share a single fruit with a stranger from hundreds of miles away. And I think that's beautiful.


Diligence: Babe, how much sleep are you getting?

Sloth: Not enough, sweetheart.

(inspired from nerdgul's Tumblr post)

3. Temperance counting months

Temperance: It's so weird how many months start with J. January, June, July, Jaugust, Joctober....

Lust: One of those is not like the others.

Chastity: One.

(inspired from psyducker's Tumblr post)

4. Envy's perception of time

Envy: Nothing like a microwave timer to remind you that your perception of time is crap.

Wrath: Why?

Envy: You set that to 45 seconds and go to grab something from another room, thinking your food will be done when you get back. You get back and it's, like, 31 seconds left.

Patience: Or you set it to five minutes, go to sit down, and it beeps as soon as you sit.




Envy: Yeah, that's fair.

(inspired from salamander-is-eternal's Tumblr post)




Yeah, four drabbles are fine. All in English because I'm lazy.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I'm still excited for Desime! :D But I gotta be suspicious for every other Spirits... they can be Witchcraft's pawn, after all. Why can't they get along already? IDEKA. :'(

Also, next week I'm gonna spend my time searching for a company due to my upcoming internship! So maybe there will be less update from me regarding DesColle and DesAntho for a week, but I'll make sure to return to them as soon as I finish my job over here! :D

Thanks for the best wishes when I said I caught a flu. I've recovered, so I will take care of myself and do my best! :D I hope all of you do your best out there and take care of yourself as well, because final exams are approaching and it'll be bad if we don't study properly. DX

Don't forget to be awesome! :D

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