First Steps [2]

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"WAAAAAHHHHHH! HE'S SO CUTE!" Min Yeon giggled and grinned, playing with the cooing Yoo Joon in Nancy's arms.

"He likes you Min Yeon" Nancy smiled at the beaming kid beside her on the couch.

(I just realized that... Min Yeon sounds like Minion😆😆😆 maybe Min Yeon was named after Gru's funny minions, amd Jooe unnie maybe is one of those funny minions😆😆 Just not think of it as Minion, read it how a Korean person says it😆😆)

"Nancy ajumeoni, what's his name again?" Min Yeon fiddled with his fingers, embarassed that he forgot so easily.

(Ajumoni is a polite Korean word of 'Aunt' but it can only be used if the woman you refer to is not a relative but only a family friend)

"Yoo Joon, Lee Yoo Joon" Yeonwoo caressed Min Yeon's hair, he smiled at his Yeonwoo ajumeoni and looked again at the baby.

"Oh, he just yawned" Jooe awed.

"I remember when Min Yeon was still that small, he was so cute" Hyebin smiled, extending her arms to give Min Yeon a hug. He ran to Hyebin and hugged her.

"Abeoji always gives me piggy back rides, maybe Yoo Joon would love having piggy back rides"

"That's a clever idea Min Yeon, but Yoo Joon is too small to ride on your ajumoni's' backs" Jooe kissed his hair.

"Wait, did he just call you, aeboji?" Yeonwoo pointed at Hyebin who laughed.

"Yes, we get confused a lot, so we decided go choose who should be called a father. Well, being the oldest and has moves of a guy, I'm the father" Hyebin grinned.

"Moves of a guy?" Yeonwoo leaned forward.

"Yeah, like, I'm the one who picks them up and fetches them to school and work, I protect them everytime and more of what a father does" Hyebin, even though she's such a fashionista, claims she should be the father.

"That's cool" Yeonwoo chuckled.

"Nancy, can I be the father?" Nancy raised her brows and nodded.

"If it's what you want then, yes"  Yeonwoo balled her hand into a fist in victor.

"We'll be heading home now, seems like Yoo Joon is sleepy" Nancy smiled at their sleeping son.

"Let's go now Kirby and Leo" Yeonwoo attached their leashes as the went outside and into their car, Yeonwoo driving them home.

"Sit on the couch for a while babe, I'll just get the things on the trunk" Kirby and Leo followed Nancy inside the living room, doing their playful banters while Nancy would shush them.

"Now I think I'm starting to be a father already" She chuckled and brought the shoppinh bags then the crib upstairs to their bedroom.

"Now how do we do this?" She took the crib's manual and read but she could just scratch her hair in confuse mention.

"You need help?" Nancy giggled, she gently placed down Yoo Joon on their bed and turned on their air-conditioning. She took the manual from Yeonwoo and the couple did some teamwork.

"Wow, now that I see it in our bedroom, it's so cute" Yeonwoo placed the bedding set inside. She arranged the pillow on the top center and hotdog shaped pillows on the sides. She attached the rotary mobile and sighed in success.

"You do the honors on placing him down, you did a great job" Nancy carefully handed over Yoo Joon, Yeonwoo giggled and took him into her arms. She gently placed him to sleep on the crib, his snores barely heard.

"Can I draw him into an anime character?" Yeonwoo hugged Nancy on the waist, swaying her from side to side.

"That would be lovely, I'll just be downstairs and put the onesies, bibs, socks and his stuff toys on the automatic washer and dryer"

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