Chapter 2 And 3🍁-Wedding prep

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Me of all people?

Marriage?!? To Ayaan?!? No freaking way!

Wait no maybe I heard him wrong, it can be that right?

"Kinajina Khairi?" my dad asked snapping me out of my thoughts. His gaze is fixated on me alone and when I looked up I couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes on me waiting for my reply.

I must've zone of while thinking of 1001 ways to kill the guy they're thinking of getting me married to. Of all the people they can possibly think of hooking me up they just HAD to choose Ayaan. Of everyone in the Qureish family it had to be him.

I quietly cleared my throat looking down, "Eh Abba" I replied my voice coming out lower than I want it to be. I'm pretty sure they are all thinking it's out of shyness, like what the hell? Wallahi it's not. I just don't trust my vocal cords knowing that I might end up sayings something about the situation at hand that I will regret.

Even though I'm not looking at him I'm sure my father is smiling, "Yawwa toh auren ku nan da sati daya but that is only if you agree. We just want to make it as soon as possible because there's no use for the delay and whatnot. If you don't want this just speak up now Ok? I'll never force you to marry anyone against your choice" my dad said in a firm tone that is his own way of saying I have a choice in this but do I really? I mean getting married in a week is way too soon. Who does that?

And what's with marriage out of the blue like this.

I know my parents always wanted me to marry one of my cousins; it's just the way our family is. They believe marrying someone from our family will strengthen our bond and whatnot all those logics only them old people understand and see sense in.

I bit the inside of my cheek so as to not say something stupid, "Toh Abba. If this is what you choose for me then I agree. I know you'll always have my best interest in heart ", Was the only thing sensible I could say.

"Allah miki Albarka" my mother said, her tone laced with underlying happiness and enthusiasm.

"Ameen Ammie"

The elders started rejoicing and congratulating one another while my cousins and siblings started talking about the wedding. I excused myself and went back up to my room wanting to get away from them.

I don't know what to feel right now honestly. I am neither happy nor sad. I don't even know what to think. I just made that choice out of respect and nothing more. But it seems like I just got myself stuck in one hell of a mess because marriage is for life and I'm in for it.

I picked up my iPhone X and called Maryam, she didn't pick up. I tried calling the idiot again but she still didn't pick it up. I hissed and threw the phone on the bed.

Just then, the door opened and my sisters and cousins came in.

Nafeesa is the first to hug me "Anty na!" She squealed fighting her hold around me.

"Feenah do you want to break her bones before her marriage ne?" Bahijja scolded Nafeesah lightly but she had that smirk on her face while wiggling her brows at me like the clown she is.

Feenah smiled sheepishly pulling back and sat on the bed, Bahijja hugged me too.

"Hey in-law" she smiled whereas Zahra just hissed and sat on a bean bag far away from us and kept her eyes in her phone. He girl has never liked me, I have always known that.

"Bahi ya kike" I asked ignoring the nuisance, Zahra. And also trying to change the topic I so dreaded right now

"Lafiya Anty amarya, matar ya Ayaanu" she replied smiling, she sat next to me; I just smiled back at her but it didn't reach my eyes. She made it sound like it's something good. What will be good in marrying Ayaan?

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