Chapter 23🌿-Abuela

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I had been discharged from the hospital earlier today. Much to my surprise,Ya Hamad and Maryam came,they supposedly 'postponed' their honeymoon to next week. Why are all of them so worried,now,the two couples have postponed their honeymoon because of me and I don't like it.

Mamii suggested I stay with them for the meantime and I couldn't agree more. Honestly, I'm not ready to go back to my house yet. Everything kept reminding me of my baby and how I was lying on the floor covered in blood,it's just too much.

And Ayaan,well,he kept whining like the child he is,but then he had no choice but to let me stay. So,he came up with a compromise',which I didn't think he was serious about till I saw it in action. The man packed his bags,and moved into his parents house with me,because he said and I quoted 'Mamii said you need to recover physically,so I told her you also need to recover emotionally and that's where I come in' . And now,both he and I are at his parents mansion,in his previous room,not his own side,mamii wouldn't let me stay there because she claimed it's too far from her,and Ayaan,of course,sticking to me like glue was more than happy to stay with me inside the mansion.

Ayaan went out earlier to pray Magrib with Abbie,so I was home with Mamii,Bahi, and Feenah.
Zahra ran to her aunt's house after what happened at the hospital earlier. Mamii kept pretending as if it was alright but I know it wasn't and I kept feeling bad that they fought over me.

No,it wasn't your fault,Zahra was a bitch. My subconscious said but I ignored it.

Since we came back,they didn't leave me alone for one second,so that I wouldn't feel lonely and kept thinking about my baby but I just can't stop thinking about it,it was too much.

After Isha prayer,Ayaan and Abbie came back. I was in the room with Bahi when Feenah called us down for dinner.

"Ina kishiyata take ?" I heard when I step foot at the dinning area

"Kai Abuela" Feenah whined as Bahi and I entered. It was Ayaan's maternal grandma,the one from our wedding. I greeted her and sat next to Ayaan as she smiled at me

"Kai,yana Ga kishiyar tafini kyau ne,angona ban gane ba fa,miye sirrin" she teased me and I hung my head low

"Saboda na fi sonta,ko baka bane matata" Ayaan replied his grandma winking at me

"Shameless boy" mamii smacked him lightly smiling and we all laughed

"Abuela,when will you stop teasing my Adda Khairi" bahi asked hugging her grandma

"Qawata,wannan Kuma Ai wasan kishiyoyi ne kuma gashi angon yafi sonta" Abuela(grandmother in Spanish) added and I smiled

"Eh mana,kawai ki koma wajen dayan mijinkin" ayaan added putting the food on his plate. Just as I was about to put mine,he dragged the plate away and put his between us,passing me a spoonful and looked at me as if he grew two heads

"Mijina na nanan angon,kai idan bataso ni zanci angona,za kabani abaki ko" Abuela said wiggling her brows and I couldn't help but to laugh and the rest joined me

"Ah ah,amarya kawai zan bawa" Ayaan replied passing me the spoon again and I shyly opened my mouth and he fed me while Abbie and Mamii smiled at us as they too,were doing the same. Since I joined this family I never once saw them eat from separate plates,no they always share and feed each other and I can't help bit to admire them.

"Ah ah lalle angona yanxu ya dena sona"Abuela added and Ayaan nodded

" yesso,yanxu Nafi son amarya ta" he said before Abuela smiled shaking her head.

After the dinner, I went to our room first to freshen up. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Abuela sitting on the bed

"Abuela,is everything Ok?" I asked

"Come sit my dear" she said patting a spot next to her and I went and sat.

She held my hands and smiled at me "how are you feeling dear?" She asked,worries evident in her tone

"I'm feeling better'' I replied honestly

" Khairi,this is a test from Allah SWT,do not lose hope Ok,you're not the first to have a miscarriage and I'm really surprised by your actions. I've seen cases where women who had miscarriage lock them self up and shut out the whole world but you didn't do that,you let the people who love you take care of you. You are strong,I can now see that. And truth be told,I had a miscarriage too with my first child" she said and my eyes widened

"You had a miscarriage?''I asked unable to believe what my ears heard,not that's its impossible, just that the thought of another family member loosing their child,I thought I was the only one

" yes,I did. But I didn't give up and loose you and neither should you. And now, look at me,I have 8 children, 3 girls and five boys and I couldn't be happier. And,besides,you don't gave any complications, you can conceive again,you should be thankful for that,not everyone is this lucky, and you're still young,you still have so much time and years ahead of you,so you shouldn't be too depressed Ok?"she said snd then I realized,this is the first time Abuela is being serious since I met her and this is the first real conversation we had since we met

"Ok,thanks Abuela,that really meant a lot" I said hugging her tight and she laughed "haba kishiyar,so kikeyi ki karyani iye?" She joked and I laughed releasing her and she stood up holding her hips

"Kai jikin tsufa,bazan je in kwanta kusa da qawalli ta" she added before walking out leaving me there smiling

Gosh I love that woman


I love her too sistor,who else

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