Chapter 24🌿-Together

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fattyshaams here's an update dearie

and thanks to hot_pinks
aseeyerhm khadijabadaru nana_ly8 fattyshaams thanks for the votes,Endless love


Three weeks had passed in a blur with Ayaan slacking around with me,none of us going to work. The man is so lazy I tell you,he kept saying he's sick too since his wife is sick,the man had some sense of humor, some of which are lame a times while some are just so funny. I've recovered both Physically and emotionally thanks to Ayaan's family and mine,ie Ameer and Ameera who visit often. Ameera goes along with Feenah so much. Adda Hami went back to Kaduna where she's staying last week with Ya Hamza and Wafiyya. Abuela went back to Katsina after a week,Abuelo is the king of Katsina,that's why i never saw him around,making Abuela Queen and Mamii princess.

Turns out Zahra was staying with her Aunt Ameena,Mamii's younger sister,she still hasn't returned back home yet and although Mamii pretends to be fine with it we still know she misses her daughter and no one could blame her,Abbie is always with Mammi when she gets emotional.

Ayaan and I are still staying at his parents' house but are planning to move back to our house next week.

Ya Hamid,Maryam, Affan and Hanifa are still not back from their honeymoon yet. Ya Hamid and Maryam went to Seychelles for a week,then spent another week in Switzerland, now,they've spent a week at Saudi Arabia and staying for another week. Affan and Hanifa went to Saudi Arabia for two weeks first before spending a week at Hawaii and now are currently staying at Paris but they will be back tomorrow since they left a week before Maryam and Ya Hamid.

Bahi and i spend almost everyday together,along with Ruky who had started working at a company two days ago with today being Wednesday and surprisingly,her boss is Kamal, as in Kamal,Ayaan's friend,the one who is fond of Eaman.

Currently, Bahi,Ruky and I are sitting in Bahi's room as Ruky kept whining none stop about Kamal.

"He's so arrogant wallahi,for Allah's sake I'm just an employee not his secretary and he keeps asking me to get 'A cup of coffee' for him,and does the man even know the meaning or existence of the word 'please' ?" She yelled in frustration as she kept pacing round the room back and forth.

"Ruky calm down" I said suppressing my laughter,she's been whining for almost ten minutes

"No, I can't, he's getting on my nerves,and get this, he fired his secretary yesterday and then made me do all her job, I mean,the man is not even gonna increase my salary to how he pays her" she added squeaking

"Why won't he?" Bahi asked laughing

"Why don't you ask him?!?" Ruky replied "and does the man even know how to smile,his face is always stoic, I'm thinking why won't he change His name to Mr Grumpy Pants'' she added throwing her hands up in frustration

"but you guys have met before,at my wedding, the days we went shopping, Maryam and Hanifa's wedding and he's fond of Eaman" I tried reasoning with this angry troll in front of me

"Do you remember at your wedding when I said he looks familiar?" She asked both of us

"Yeah,when you asked me who he is...." Bahi trailed off

"And we teased you about it" I finished Bahi's statement

"Exactly,he's the arrogant jerk from the other day at the coffee shop whom I accidentally bumped into and he had the guts to say 'watch where your going' to me!!" She added groaning

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