Chapter 26🍂-Take a Stand

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Ayaan's grip on my waist didn't loosen instead it tightened.

"Zahra what are you doing here?" He asked in a stern voice

"Haba yaya,I just missed you" she replied grinning ignoring my presence

"Zahra,you dare show your face here after what you did to my wife" he added glaring at her.
Ruma opened her mouth to talk,but one glare from Ayaan was enough for her to keep her mouth shut and I mentally grinned

"Look,yaya,can we please talk in private?" She asked putting on a fake sad face than Ayaan and I know better than to fall for

"No Zahra,whatever you want to say to me you can say it in front of my wife otherwise keep shut and go back home before I lose my temper" he replied in a tone that even Zahra didn't dare talk back,I've never seen him this angry before

Zahra sighed "please Yaya" she pleaded

"Zahra,you're not deaf right,so I suppose you heard what I said" he added in a firm tone leaving no more place for arguments. But Zahra being well, Zahra,objected

"Haba yaya,it's always Khairi. Khari this Khairi that,everything Khairi. Yaya she doesn't deserve you,Ruma is in love with you,but you can't see that,only because you're blinded by your so call love for khairi, even if you don't want to divorce Khairi,you can still marry Ruma as your second wife. Khairi is nothing but bad luck,she killed your child for God's sake,yaya can't you see that" she yelled crying.

Even though I know Zahra despises me so much and I know she's capable of saying that to me but it still hurt just hearing her utter those words to my husband in my presence,it hurts more to be accused of the lost of my child, it hurts how much zahra hates me and I have no clue why,it hurts that Ayaan's ex girlfriend and her wicked mother are after me,I didn't even ask to marry Ayaan for Allah's sake, I wasn't any choice but to accept,but I'm glad I'm married to Ayaan and there's no way I'll let them see my weakness.

Zahra glared at me before storming out. I held Ayaan's hand
"Amor,go talk to her" I whispered

"No I won't" he replied

"Please" I pleaded and he sighed kissing my forehead before going after his sister. Ayaan may be stubborn a times and Zahra might hate me but they are still siblings and I know he wants to talk to his sister.

Ayaan left me with ruma who walked towards me her face clear of any emotion,stoic.

"I do not regret kissing Ayaan that day and I will still do it again"


" I'll not feel pity towards you for losing your child"


"And I'll most definitely won't stop until you and Ayaan are divorced or else we'll be co wives"


I made sure I slapped that face of hers every time she said those sentences to me,but that didn't make her stop but my next sentences sure did the job

"You know Ruma, I've always thought you had no manners since you grow up as an only and spoiled child" she glared at me,anger visible in her eyes "but,I guess you did have manners,only that you lost it when your sister left your house" I smirked and her eyes widened

"How..?" She asked unable to fathom the fact that I know about her sister

"What?,nobody knows about this right?" I asked mocking her smiling mischievously, oh I just love seeing her disturbed, it's funny and also sad,but mostly funny

"Ruma,let's just say I know a lot of things about you and I'll be more than glad to have you as a co-wife,it'll be fun,too bad Ayaan will never ever marry you,cuz he's mine alone. Always has forever will be,there's only a room for one woman in his heart,and that's me"

"Who told you about this" she asked. By now it was so obvious, Siddiqah's her weakness,she's being a brat and being a pampered princess because her mother spoiled her and Suhailat did that  because doesn't want her to leave her like Siddiqah

"A little birdie" I replied earning another deadly glare from her

"I won't let this go,I'll destroy your married life even if it's the last thing I do"



When we were little, we had a group,we were best friends,it was Affan,I,Hamid,Hamida and Zahra.

Zahra was the youngest amongst us,and so we spoiled her rotten with love. We never see fault in all that she did,even when we know she's wrong. She's always be the possessive and jealous type. To her,whatever is hers is hers to keep,and that includes the love she gets from all of us.

Then,little Khairi joined us,and she was the cutest girl ever. She's kind hearted, nice and is impeccably religious at such a young age.

Affan was 21 at that time,I,Hamid,and Hamida were 19, zahra was 17,while Khairi was just 13.

Khairi always treat me kike her elder brother,and believe me I'm honored but I just wanted to stand out and be special to Khairi,and me being nice to her was not the way so,I chose to always annoy her.

For years,she always sees me as the annoying cousin of hers,and to me,she's my one and only love.

Rayyan was a friend to Abbie,so when i was still 19,I and his daughter Ruma went to study abroad together at the same school Affan was attending.

A year after we've started attending school, Affan started talking about this mystery girl,the perfect girl,his future wife. I thought it was Hanifa since he always had a crush on her,and because I was curious,and refuse to tell me who she was saying that I'll know when the right time comes.

Days passed and time flew,before you know it,Affan was graduating. Afterwards he went back to Nigeria,still not telling me who his mystery girl was while I haven't seen my Khairi,and I thought that maybe it was just a crush that I had on Khairi,although I still stalked her social media accounts. Few months later,Ruma and I started dating,and I stopped stalking Khairi for Ruma.

When our graduation came,Affan visited,telling me that he'll finally tell me the dream girl of his that he'd been dating for four years.
And he dropped the bomb,it was Ruma.

He never knew Ruma and I were dating and I never knew he was dating Ruma. When we confronted her,she was least fazed and she had the guts to turn down Affan claiming that she never loved him anyway,she was in love with me.

Affan was heartbroken whereas I was furious. Furious that she dared to say that to Affan,furious that she cheated on him,furious that she dated the two of us,furious that she didn't have an ounce of regret for what she did.

It took Affan a couple of months to get back on his feet,but he eventually did it, while I broke up with Ruma and came back home and started working at my father's company.

Not long after that,I acidentally overheard mammi and Abbie talking about Uncle Abubakar is going to marry off his daughter,Khairi to their oldest brother,Uncle Hasheem's son,Haidar,and I immediately felt so angry and possessive but than Allah mamii recommended me for Khairi,and it was at that time I thank Allah that Mamii knew my feelings for Khairi,and soon enough we got married.

Now back to reality,Zahra. Dad has realizes that he had gave her too much freedom so now the final decision is made,which was still oblivious to her,but the final decision

He's getting her married in two weeks time.

Thank you

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