Chapter 1

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Ok this chapter its a little short but i promise i will make them longer. Also out a little boring right now but trust me out will get better soon;)


I get ready for the big game tonight. It’s the first game of the season. I didn't want to have to tell my best friend that I'm going to be moving to New York, it’s so far away from Oklahoma. I look in the mirror putting my make up on, not much but enough to notice I had some on.

"Hey girl. “My best friend comes up behind me and gives me a hug. "You ready?" She asked. "You bet, I know we are going to kill it out there! Go Dust Devils.” I say loudly with a lot of spirit. I mean I been a Dust Devil since I was a kid. “Well you better be ready! “She starts to leave the locker room. "Ok, love you captain!"

"Love you to."

I put my lip gloss on last and headed to the field to practice the routine before the game starts.


After the game, which we won, I and Lilly decided to go to the party that my boyfriend invited us to. "Hey, where is Henry." I asked Lilly. “He is getting something in his bedroom that is what he told me anyways.” I'm not the partying kind of person but, as a cheerleader it's expected of me, so I just go to these kind of things because Henry is the QB of the football team. Even though I know I should wait, I decided to tell Henry tonight that I'm moving. I walk in the house but could I barely make it through because of all the drunk people. I never drank before because of my father. Also I never really seen the point in it. I end up marketing my way through the people and headed up stairs trying to block out the loud noises of the music. Finally the music lowered as I got further in the house. I see Henry's door down the hall and walked up to it but before I could knocked on Henry's door he walks out. “OH hey babe.” Henry says then kissed my cheek. "Hey, what were you doing?"

"I was just wanted to get my flask."

"Oh, ok well I was wondering if we could talk."

"Sure, let's go downstairs." He says while trying to pull me away from his room. "No it's too loud down there. Let talk here."

"Ok." He pulls me right by his door but looks at out nervously. "Ok so what did you want to talk to me about? Wait please don't tell me you’re breaking up with me because if you are I just want to let you know that I love you." He had a sad look on his face. “No of course not I would never because I love you too. I kind of needed to tell you something you’re probably not going to like it but here goes nothing. I'm moving to New York." He just stayed silent for a while. “What do you mean you’re moving, you can’t?"

"Sorry, I don't have the choice in the matter."

"Well I kind of hope you don't expect to have a long distance relationship."

"What, you're breaking up with me you just said that you loved me." I had tears in my eyes. Who in the world says they love you one minute and brakes up with you the next?

“Yes, I just don't do long distance, sorry but I still love you just wanted to let you know that. Bye. “He kisses my head and walks off. What the heck was that? I expected he would be at lease the slightest bit sad about his girlfriend, for 2 years, was moving, but no he walks away like I meant noting to him. I just stay against the wall right next to his bedroom door just thinking. Suddenly hid door just opened. A girl walked out trying to fix get hair and her clothes."Becca!" I screamed. Becca was my other best friend, who is also on the cheer team. No one was in there other than Henry, which means they must have had sex! "Annie, oh my gosh. I thought you were gone. "She says with a surprise look on her face that I just wanted to slap off. “Well you thought wrong, and if you’re wondering, we are not friend no more. Why the hell would you sleep with him you bitch!"

"Annie I'm so sorry we are just drunk and he came on to me I swear."

"Oh really now so how long have you been 'getting drunk with him'?" I questioned. She hesitated for a few seconds. “It’s only been a few month." She looks down disappointed.

"Well then, screw you." I held up my fist punching her in the jaw knocking her to the ground. I started running away. I tripped over something and fell while balling my eyes out. "Annie?" I heard a soft voice say. I look up and Lilly stood above me." What's wrong?" She asked while trying to pick me up from the ground. Instead I just brought her down with me. "Annie, talk to me please. She pleaded." B-Becca and H-Henry. I tried speaking clearly but couldn't."Becca and Henry what", she asked with a confused look on her face." T-they had slept together and been doing it for a month." I started crying even more. "What no way, that bitch!" She had her hands in a fist. I took her hand and grabbed her in a tight hug. "Lilly its ok I punched her in the jaw and knocked her down."

"Dang didn't know you had out in you." She started chuckling. "Lilly I have to tell you something."

"Ok what is it?" She questioned.

"What, you’re moving! To where?"

"New York." I hesitated a little bit. "Annie no! You can't leave me."

"I don't want too, believe me, but I have no choice.” She started tearing up. "When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow sadly." She gives one of her bear hugs, squeezing the life or of me. "I will miss you so much Annie Lea Rose. You have to call me at least 3 times a week. "She demanded. ”I will try because you know I don't have a phone."

"I don't care! Just at lease try." She started crying and so did I." I will miss you so much to but I need to go home and get some rest for the flight tomorrow. I just can't believe I'm not going to spend my junior year with you." I sobbed." I know. You better not forget your best friend and don't worry I'm going to kill Henry and Becca for you." We both started laughing." So then this is goodbye then." I started to say before she interrupts me. "No it's not goodbye it's just I will see you soon.” We gave each other one last hug then I left.


I packed all my stuff in one night. Though I didn't have much so there is no surprise there. I had a long day, a long miserable day. I still can't believe that he cheated on me with my best friend. I guess I don't need to be thinking about that right now, I need to get my beauty sleep. When I was finish packing I got under my covers ready to go to sleep. It was so hard though I kept wanting to cry but I just can't anymore.

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