Chapter 17

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The day has finally arived its firday and we get to go to paris. We are all packed and ready to go. Luis pulls up in the driveway." Hey baby, im gonna miss you." He kisses me on one cheek." You better call me..." kisses me on the other cheek."everyday." He kisses me on the lips." What the heck is going on here?" I hear my mother say." Oh mom, i forgot to tell you. Me and Luis is dating now." My mother looked very serious for a minute and then it turns into a huge grin." Yay i'm so happy for you guys. That's just so adorable. Ben! Ben get out here!" My mother shouts." What is it honey?" Ben says." Annie and Luis are dating!" My mother says." What! Aw Luis that's great news!" Ben goes over and hugs Luis and pats him on the back." Take good care of her ok?"

"I plan on it sir." My parents get in the car and wait for me and Matt. Me and Luis lean on his car and he start making out with me. I stop for some air. I see Matt coming towards me." What the hell Annie?"


"Why are you kissing him."

"Because he is my boyfriend." Luis turns my head towards him and starts kissing me again, moving his hand down my sides to my butt. He squezzes my butt. Matt grabs Luis's hand and squeezes it." Don't ever touch her like that in front of me again." He takes my hand and drags me to the car." I will call you when u get settled down at a hotel ok." Luis says. He runs up to me and kisses me on last time. Matt turns his head.


"I can't believe it we are acually in Paris!" I yell. We go to the front desk and get our room keys." You and Matt go to your room. We are on a different floor then you so if you need us call our room number." Ben says. We walked awkwardly beside each other. We get to our room and unpack." Oh my goodness Matt!" I rush over to him pulling is arm."What are you doing?"

"Look at the eiffel tower. Its beautiful."

"Ha your right it is." He walks over to his bed and flops down on it and turns on the tv." Really Matt, you can watch tv anywhere your in paris, go out and do something with me."

"No way if i hang out with you hot babes are gonna think we are dating, then i won't get laid."

"Ew, your such a pig. I'm glad i have a boyfriend now, so i dont have to worry about trying to get laid. " i chuckled." Shut up, i dont want to hear that."

"Hear what. Oh how he likes to touch me and take off my closes one by one or how he gently cresses me in his arms, kissing me passionately." All of a sudden im pin to the wall." What did i say, i bet he can do any of the things i want to do to you right now. He cant kiss you the way i can or touch you the way i can. Only if you would let me." He says with lust in his eyes." W...what are you say... are you messing with me right now or something." He lets out a deep sigh and lets go of me." Yes i was only messing with you. I would never touch you in that way, after all you are my... sister."

"Hey you want to go on the tip top of the eiffel tower tonight?" Matt asked.

"Sure sounds fun! Wait why are you being nice all of a sudden. Dont you want to takw a girl up there with you?"

"No i was only joking. My dad wanted me to take you up there, he said i had to."

"Well if its such a hassel to you then no."

"Annie its not a hassel, i want to go with you."

"Really." He nods his head. My phone started viberating." Hello." I say."hey babe."
"Oh hey Luis." Matt looks over to me and sends me a death glare." Um can you call me back later im a little busy right now."
"Sure babe."


We were walking distance from the eiffel tower so we walked." Are we even aloud up there on top?" I asked.

"Yes dad rented it out for us."

"For how long?"

"Ha 30 minutes."

"Wow thats not alot."

"Well its a historical place what do you expect, its pricey." We go on the elevator and up to the top. I looked out to the balcony and see the beautiful city. I leaned against the edge and looked down." Wow this just breath taking."

"Your right." Matt agrees." Im glad your dad did this for us." I say.

"Yeah...." Matt looks down.

"What?" I asked." Well i guess this is the best time to tell you. Dad did rent this place out i did."


"I thought this would be the perfect place to tell you that i...i ..i"


This chapter is a little short but ya i have so many ideas for this book! im excited to write more!

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