Chapter 2

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I wake up super tiered, I must not have sleep as long as I thought I would. I grab my phone and unlocked it and turned my alarm off. It's 6 in the morning and I'm not a morning person at all. I need too get me and Claire ready for for our flight. I hope my mother got Claire's things packed up. I uncover my hole body and stretched and went over to the dresser and looked in the mirror. After I brushed my hair go to my mom's room and still see my mother sleeping and see Claire right next to her. I go to Claire's side of the bed to wake up her up but she is just to beautiful when she its sleeping. Her hands are right by her rose red cheeks with her long blonde hair flowing along the side of her face. I sat there for a minute just thinking about this little girl who I'm glad I had but I hate how she reminds me so much of her dad. I could never tell her that her mom ,my mom, isn't actually her birth mother and that I'm actually her mom. I had Claire when I was 14 years old. Henry's the dad. We was not dating at the time but we still liked each other. He was my first and my only. He knows about Claire and also that I let my mother adopted it and he was ok with it. He never wanted to see her though,that's why he never goes to my house unless Claire is gone. So all I ask to Claire ,all I ever will be to Claire is a sister. I came back to my senses and decided that I need to hurry up and get Claire ready and wake my mom up. I lifted Claire out of bed and carried her on the side off my hips ,and her resting her head on my shoulder still half asleep. "Hey baby girl wake up,we to give you a bath." I tell her as I set her down." Ok nini I'm awake, let's go take a bath and later we can watch frozen right nini?" She asked while yanking onto my shirt." Well of course but first we have too get ready and then go on a big airplane,then we get a new home." I set her in the bathtub and washed her off and start to wash her hair. She runs back to my now old room to get her clothes. As soon as we are ready I go to wake my mother up. "Mom wake up,its time to get ready!" I walk into her room but she was gone. I'm guessing she is already up,that's a first,she usually never wakes up early." Mommy!" I shouted." Honey, I'm in the kitchen with Ben. Are you and Claire ready too leave?" Yes mommy we are." I checked all the rooms to see if we had forgotten anything. Everything is all packed up ready to go,thanks to Ben . I'm surly going too miss it here. Everyone its in the car waiting for me. I finally headed to the front door,at last I turn off the light and shut the door and went to the car.

30 minutes later we are at the airport ready to thank flight. New York here I come.


"Let it go , let it go!" Played on my phone and is all I hear on my way to the new house. Claire wanted to listen to it over and over. I'm not going to lie I was singing along with Claire, I love that song. The music was turned off by my mother." Ok, Annie we have something else to tell you." My mother starts to say while looking at Ben." There's more then being together 6 months without telling me and all of a sudden getting married." I say with a sarcastic voice." You don't have to be so sarcastic Annie."

"Sorry." I stated." Well anyways." Ben

Says looking towards my mother." Well, you and Claire aren't going to be the only kids there." I stayed silent for just a moment." What do you mean?"

"Ben happens too have a son just a year older then you."

"Don't worry he its hardly ever home. He is not the most nicest guy around but I'm pretty sure he will like you. In fact he said he couldn't wait to meet you." Ben says." Really?"

"Of course. But I'm just warning you  he is kinda a bit to honest, but just don't take what he says to heart." Ben finished." Ok, can't wait to meat him."

It kinda scares me now. I have a stepbrother but not only that his dad makes him sound like a bad guy. I wonder what he looks like. My guess he is a nerd.


It was around 7:30 when we arrived at a huge house,well at lease what I am used to, but it took my breath away. It was at lease 3 story's high and and was made out of bricks with a lot of windows as big as the walls where. I get out the car and unbuckle Claire,helping her get out of the car.

I get started to get my things out of the trunk when Ben comes over." Oh honey you don't have to get those I will have Matt come and get those." I didn't want him to though I can get my own things." Sorry Mr.G,he is in the shower but I would love to help a pretty lady with her bags." Someone says. I turn around to see that someone had short brown hair,green eyes and is really muscular. He had his shirt off and wow he is sexy!" Ok I got your mother's bags and Claire's so I'm going to go take them in, Jackson you know where Annie's room is,will you show her?"

"Yes sir." He came next to me and grabbed the bags and headed for the front door." Well are you you coming?" He says turning back too me and smiled." Oh yes,I'm so sorry." I looked down at my feet,feeling embarrassed then started following him." You don't have too be sorry,your funny. By the way I'm Jackson,Matts' best friend." We went up stairs to floor number 2." I'm Annie,its nice to meat you."

"Yes Annie, Matt told me he will be having 2 bratty little sisters." I was shocked by what Jackson said. I haven't even met Matt yet and he is already judging me. Well this is going to be fun." He said that about me and Claire? Claire isn't bratty at all she is the sweetest girl ever." I defended Claire , I didn't want him to get the wrong idea about her. We reached my room and I was loving it. It had a really pretty bed with a roof on it and was covers with those sheet that cover the whole bed where you cant see the person that is sleeping there. In the other direction was to glass window that leads to my own personal balcony. The room was bigger then my room in Oklahoma. I got really excited and try to run over to the bed but tripped and knocked Jackson to the ground." Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I just got overly excited. Does your head hurt, do you need a ice pack. I stated talking really fast because I was embarrassed and felt bad. I quickly started to help him up." I'm so sorry i real-." I was cut off." Hey it's  ok,I don't blame you for being excited. You aren't bratty at all, your actually kinda cute. Your to kind but instead of saying sorry you could always let knew take you out sometime. He chuckled. My face was pure red by now." Maybe another time,but thanks." I answered." ok,well I will remember that. Anyways I will let you get settled, oh and good luck when you meet Matt. I'm going home so bye beautiful." He walked out off my room shutting the door. Everyone is making me nervous about meeting Matt, is he really that bad?"

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