Chapter 9

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     My alarm goes off. It sounded like a freaking tornado warning. I cover my head with my pillow. I have a hangover from hell. This is why I don't drink. I tried to go back to sleep and so I turn around and seen matt smiling." What the heck Matt!" I shouted." He woke up. I pushed him out of my bed and he hit the ground.

"What the f**k Annie." Matt shouted. "Hey your the one that's in my bed."

"Sorry I must have been out of it last night."

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked.

"Ummm... no..." Matt says as he adverts his gaze from me. 'Hmmm that seems kinda suspicious when he says it like that.'We should get ready for school." I say.

"Yes your right !" Matt says. Matt gets off the ground and headed to my bathroom." Hey that's my bathroom, go use your own." I shouted.

"Why? I like yours better." He yelled back.'Who does he think he is?' I think to myself.

    I decided to go use my mom's bathroom. I took a shower and raped a towel around my body.

  I walked in my room and went to my closet to pick out something to wear. After I finished getting my dress, I did my hair. I let out down and curled it making it look like Taylor swift. Last I put my make up on and headed down stairs.

     ' Yum something smells good.' I went to the kitchen." Hey I made breakfast want some?" Matt asked.

"I would love some!" He made pancakes, my favorite.

    I grabbed a pancake off the plate. I wanted some eggs with it so I had to make them. I put the egg in the pan and cooked it.

    I accidentally bumped into the hot pan and burnt the top of my hand." Ow!" I yelled in plain. Matt quickly looked up."What happen." He looked worried.

"I burned myself." I say holding my hand. It really hurt. Matt started laughing.

" Its not funny!" I yelled. He got up from the table and came over to me and grabbed my shoulders. He took my hand to examine it.

    " Wow you burnt it good." He says while still examining it.

"I told you." I scuffed.

    He grabbed the bottom of my hurt hand and lifted up to his lips. He kiss the burnt spot. My heart skipped a beat at the touch of his lips on my skin. I felt my face get red and turned away. Is it better now?"

"No!" I said still looking away. I grabbed my plate and ate away from him.


We arrived at school 20 minutes before it starts so I can go get my classes." I will take you to the office so you can get your classes." Matt offered." No thank you,I can go by myself. Besides you need to go be with your girlfriend." I said.

   He looked at me with pained eyes.

"I guess your right. She might be looking for me. If you need anything just tell me or find me. Be careful please, there is a lot of stupid people here." He gives me a tight hug sending tingling feelings throughout my body. Matt lets go of me and  went to his class. I don't get him at all. He went from hating my guts to being nice to mean,like really nice. I could help but to want him to hug me again. I just want to feel his warmth wrap around me.

I walk in the front office to get my class schedule." Lets see my first class is ... art." Art was my favorite subject. Before I head to my first class I went to find all my classes so I wouldn't get lost.

The bell rung for first period to start. I sat in the furthest seat in the class room." Ok everyone, you may know me you may not. I'm Mr. Tuner your new art teacher i'm looking foreword to teaching you guys this year. Ok so first day we are just going to hang out a little bit, so feel free to talks among yourselves." I didn't know anyone so I sat there quietly waiting for the bell.

A complete stranger walks through the doors of the room and looked at the teacher." Sorry dad i'm late because I was in trouble...again." the guy said. He was so cute. He had longish black hair and blue eyes. He looked like one of the emo kids." Its Mr. Tuner at school Tony. Go sit somewhere." Mr. Tuner said to the guy who name is Tony. Tony come over to my table and sits right next to me. I remained silent. He looked over at me." Hey." I looked at him then smiled." Hello." I answered back putting my head down." Are you new here."

"Yes I am. I just moved here."

"I thought so,I would have remembered a pretty face like you're. So what's your name?" He asked."Annie. "Well I'm Tony. Nice too meet you." He reached pit his hand. Just before I was about to shake his hand he kissed the back of my non hurt hand. Why does everyone keep doing that too me today. The bell rung for the next class." Hey Annie can I walk you to your next class?" He asked. " Sure."

He walked me too my next class. As we I was about to go inside the class he stopped me. I turned too look at him. He pulls his phone and handed it too me." Here put your number in it." He commanded. I did add he said and then handed back his phone." I will text you." I was really confused. Her seems very interesting though.

Lunch time came around and i was a little lost. I was wondering the halls to find the cafeteria. I turn the corner and see Tony. He was giving some guy some money. He turned his head to look at me,. He smiled at me and i smiled back. He came walking down the hall towards me."Hey." He says.

"Hello." He looks at me for a second. He pinned me up against the lockers. It wasn't in a violent way. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked deeply in my eyes." Your so beautiful." He says rubbing my arm. He lets me loose and walked away. I was really shocked." Annie their you are i was looking all over for you." Matt says." Sorry i was lost when i found my friend."

"Who is your friend?" He asked.

"A guy named Tony."


"What?" His face changed to an angry expression,

"There is no way im going to let you be friends with that guy."

"Do you even know who im talking about?"

"Yes the emo looking on right..." I nodded.

"Exactly, you cant be friends with him."

"And why not..."

"He is dangerous."

"I don't think so." He grabs my wrist and again im up against the lockers.

"Im not going to let you." I pushed him off and walked away.


Matt POV

I watched her walk away. I felt bad but i cant let her be friends with that guy. He was a druggy and bad news. I pains me even thinking about her with him . I think I'm starting do development feelings for this girl.


Annie POV

The bell rang for 5 period I sat in the back of the class. I hear the door open and the girls all squeal. I looked over and see Matt walk in. He looked at me and look away. He sat on the other side of the class.

Finally school was over. It was a long day and i was tired. My math teacher already gave me homework on the first day. When i got home i went to my bedroom. Me and Matt are still not speaking each other. I don't get why he so mad at me being friends with Tony. He acts like he owns me. I sat on my bed in pure silence. I heard moaning for the hall. I walk out to the hall and Matt's door was open and i peak in there. Him and his girlfriend was doing the dirty and it mad me mad. That's so disgusting. I stomped my way into my room and slam the door.

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