Chapter 22

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~Matt POV~

Its been two weeks since me and Anne broke up and have not talked since then. I cant get her out of my mind, its been driving me mad. I was drunk and upset that night and said many thing that i didn't mean and regret. Seeing her with someone else other then me just made me more jealous then i had ever been in my life and i was really surprise I didn't go over there and beat him with all my strength. I came home early from school because i had got into two fights today, one was with a student then the next was with a teacher. Most likely i have been expelled from school.

I walk through the door and heard laughter, which had me freaked out because everyone should be either at work, day care or school. I  headed up to my bedroom. Annie's door was cracked so i peeked in her room. She was talking on the phone with someone. She turned around facing me, but didn't see me. She was smiling and blushing as if someone else was making her feel beautiful and i hated that. I wanted to be the only one that can make her smile like that. 

I left Annie's room then into my room across the hall. I just jumped on my bed and rested my hands behind my head. Did she really not care about me at  all ? So much is on my mind right now so i decided im going to drink and party with different girls every night so that i can get over my Annie. I went outside turned my motorcycle on then drove off. I came up to my friends place for the party he is throwing. There were many girls dancing and drinking and i knew that it would be easy getting one to sleep with me. I walked around with my 5th drink of beer in my hand looking for the right girl. Yes!! I found one! There was girl standing on the table with a drink in my hand. She wore a white dress that was very tight on her and showed off her nice ass and boobs, he had long blonde hair with blue eyes. " Hey, you know your very beautiful." I told her letting out my hand to get her down of the table. She was super drunk so she stumbled a little as she got down." Why thank you, your very very hot!" I laughed she was adorable when she was drunk.  She grabbed my arm and led me to the bedroom. She shut the door and had a seductive look in here eyes. She starts taking off her dress, i lick my lips.  I start taking off my clothes. We start making out and things were getting really heated.

~Annie POV~

 I know what I'm doing is so wrong but my heart is braking, I'm in pain. I been talking to Henry for about 2 weeks and he is thinking about coming down to visit. I been trying my best to get over Matt but its impossible!


2 weeks later....

I got ready for school today, looking extra special. Today is the day Henry is coming to visit but I'm really scared to see him after what he had done to me. I walk down stairs to get some breakfast with my family." Hey mom whats cooking?" I asked while smiling." Pancakes, your favorite. now go sit next to Matt." I went over to the round table and seen the only seat available was by Matt. Oh gosh! I took a seat by  Matt." Good morning." I say adverting my eyes. I turn my eyes back to him." Good morning." He smiles. That was the first time that he had talked to me in a while but somehow I'm relieved because maybe we can be friends again at lease. I will try to apologize later." Annie Me and Ben are leaving now and you don't have to leave for another 45 minutes so you have to ride with Matt for  today even after school." Me and at both look at each other." U-um ok..."

"I guess but I'm taking my motorcycle so I hope your ok with that." I just nod my head. About 45 minutes later we are both are ready to leave." You ready?" Matt asked. I grabbed my jacket and went out the door without saying a word. Matt gets on the Motorcycle and starts it up. I hope one the back putting my helmet on.

We arrived at school and turned into the school parking lot. When he stopped I unwrapped my arms from around him and got off the bike. I looked at the ground trying to avoid his eyes." Thank you for taking me to school." I walked forwards then stopped still looking away from him." Also I don't need a ride hide home, I have someone picking me up." Unexpected him to answer back I walk on." Wait..." I stop." Who is picking you up?" I didn't know why he cared." A friend that's visiting." I heard his footsteps walking toward me." What friend?" He asked." Why  do you care?'

"Well i care because I care about you." I stood there speechless." Annie look at me please, I havn't seen your beautiful eyes in a while. Please."

"Stop saying those things to me! Remember what you said! You are only trying to get in my pants and be done with me, but i won't let you. Besides you already have all those sluts that you bring home every night."

"Annie, I know what i said, but i was angry and confused. I loved you so much i couldn't comprehend what happened. I never meant anything i said." I walked until  i was i front of him. " Your lying."

"Annie I'm not lying to you,  i love you so much and i will prove it somehow, just wait." He caught me off guard when he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, smashing his lips with mine." Matt!  You  can't do that in public. W- wait what am I saying you can't  do that at all!" He smiles and walks off. What the heck just happened? I shook my head from the thoughts and carried on with the day at  school.


 Hey guy sorry this chapter was kinda boring. its really supposed to be a filler chapter, but thank you for reading my story I'm so happy that some of you like it!<3

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