Chapter 10

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"Annie, come out please." Matt says standing by my bedroom door." I don't feel like it. I'm tried so can you leave me alone." I lied I'm so mad. Just early this morning he was being a jerk to me. He only acted like a jerk because of his stupid girlfriend." I know why you are mad. Its because i was a jerk huh..."

"Yay. You figured out the puzzle." I say sarcastically." I sorry. She just gets so jealous of you." I got up and unlocked the door. Matt walks in and sits on my bed." Why would she be jealous of me?" I questioned." Because you are a girl who is living with me."

"She knows I'm your stepsister."

"Ya i know, but she said your very pretty and she just don't like pretty girls around me." I looked at him for a moment." That's stupid, and that still does not explain why you were being a a**hole." He chuckled." Well she also thinks I'm attracted to you." When he said those words I felt a little happy, just before he said the next part." So I pretended to be a jerk to you to show her that I'm not at all interested in you." When he said those words it felt like a dagger through my heart. I hate these feelings I get when he talks to me, smiles at me, and even just being near him. Is this what love feels like...i wonder. I just cant fall in love though i wont let myself fall in love with him he is my stepbrother and besides i can't trust guys very easily anymore, not after my ex... That night we spent watching movies and eating popcorn.


"Nini!" I heard Claire come in my room screaming. I could tell she missed me." My baby girl! Your home!" She ran up to me and jumped into my arms. I missed her." I have new frwends." She said smiling. She was so glad, and happy and i loved it.

"Wow that's awesome. I'm glad you made new friends."

"Did your friend drop you off?"

"No... it was ummmm.....Lulu."I looked at her for a minute." Who is Lulu?" I asked her. "He is the babysitter and his name is Luis." Matt walks in my room.

"Oh. Where is he, i need to get ready for school."

"Downstairs." I got up and walked downstairs, Claire right behind me. There was a tall, dark haired, green eyed man. He was very handsome. "Hello". Luis said." your that babysitter?"

"Well as you can see i am."

"Well im going to get changed."

"Have fun." Luis rolls his eyes. I want to know whats his problem is. I went back upstairs to change for school. Did my hair and makeup and headed back downstairs.

    I was about to walk out off the door to go to school before Luis grabs my hand." Wait, Claire wants me to take you to school with her." He was still holding onto my hand." Why?"

"Because she said she wanted to see your school." He looked hesitant.

"Well ok i guess. I will get her." I said heading back to the living room where she was  watching cartoons, but before i could he wouldn't let go of my hand.

~Matts POV~

I went over to the front door and seen Luis holding onto Annie's hand, and they were looking at each other. The sight of it made my blood boil. I just wanted  to go over their and beat his face in for even looking at Annie. Luis looked at her differently the Annie was him. I know that look... he wants her, but no way im going to let that happen. Annie's mine! I rushed over there and shoved him away from Annie. Their hands parted and i grabbed onto her wrist and led her outside." What was that for?" She asked." We needed to go right now or we would be late."

"We have like 30 minutes before school starts and it only takes like 10 minutes to get there." I just looked at her and turned on the radio. She turned to face the window. She rested her head on her hand. The sun was shining in her eyes making the sparkle. She was so beautiful. Sometimes i wish i could tell her how i feel but there is no way i can. She is my stepsister and there is no way we could ever be together, but i still can help but think about her all day, everyday. My girlfriend was cheating on and yet i still stay with her only to keep my mind occupied for the thoughts of Annie. I honestly don't know how much more longer i can control myself.


Matt was acting weird. He looked so mad when Luis and i were talking. I also don't get Luis. One moment he is rude then the next he offers me a ride to school. Then there's  Tony,who i also don't understand Boys are just so confusing.

We got to school very early and i decided to go have a look around the school. I felt a vibration in my pocked, it was a text. I pulled out my phone and looked to see who it was. *Mom*

*"Hey sweety we will be leaving sooner then expected we will be there Sunday, ok baby love have a good day at school"*

Yay finally she is coming back. I,still looking at phone,.bumped into someone. I got knocked down to floor. The person that i had bumped into turned around." Oh, Annie are you ok?" Tony starts to laugh." Do you think this is funny!" I yelled.

"Ya this is hilarious!" He took out his phone and took a picture of me.

"What the heck Tony! You could at lease help me up." He put out his hand for me to grab. He yanks me back up like it was nothing." Sorry i laughed its just your so cute when you get hurt." I looked at him strangely." What do you mean by that! That's super weird." I turned away and started walking off. He grabbed my arm." Let go would you!" I shouted." Yaaaa... i don't think that's gonna happen." He pinned me to the ground. His body hovers over mine. That the h**l is this guys problem! Matt was right. This guy is crazy. He was trying to kiss me but i kept turning away so he would miss my face. 'Help!' I screamed in my mine. He had his hands over my mouth so i could scream out loud. I heard footstep coming down the hall, which was abandoned. I thought i was save but i was so wrong. Tony had a friend who apparently likes to share everything with him. They both were now hovering over me, touching places that i did not want to be touched. Then Tony's friend reaches in his backpack and pulls out a little needle and gives me a wicked smile. I try to squirm free from Tony's grip,but he was much stronger then i was. The guy held my arm down so that i could move it. He injected the shot inside my arm. Then my vision had gone blurry. All i could see was a figure come running towards me. I try to see what was happening. I could hear a faint noise. It sounded like yelling. I loss conscious soon after.

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