Chapter 11

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~Matt POV ~

I was looking for Annie and came to a hall when i heard some noises. I started walking further down the hall when i saw 2 guys hovering over some girl. I didn't really care that much only thing i cared about was finding Annie. I left the hall and searched for her in class rooms. I went to the library, she was no where to be found. Maybe she skipped class or maybe she is in the restroom. She is probably with Tony. Just the thought made me  go crazy. I finally gave up and went to my first period.

~Annie POV ~

I woke up not knowing where i was or anything. I was confused, i don't remember nothing really. I sit up and i was in a car,in the back seat laying down. I look to see who was driving. "Luis?" I asked really confused now.

"You should lay back down and rest."

"What happen?"

"My brother happened."

"What do you mean?" Everything was spinning and i started get dizzy and lost consciousness.

~Luis POV~

I knew it,she was the girl i met a 2  years ago on my trip to Oklahoma. She was the girl who i had saved long ago, she is the girl that i fallen in love with. I knew i would meet her again.
2 year ago:
I was going on a vacation with my family to Oklahoma to visit my aunt. I really didn't want to go,but i was force to. We got a hotel and we looked around the town. It was so boring! That evening,still a little light but mostly dark, i got in a fight with my dad because i didn't want to be there. Me and my dad never really got along. He slam me against the wall and grabbed my hair pushing me against the window. My mom and my little brother were panicking, not knowing what to do. That evening i left the hotel and i wanted to get some air and calm down. It was pouring down rain and i got soaking wet, but i didn't care at the moment. I went to the park,where there was no one was around, and sat on a bench near the light post, there was trees everywhere.
With my elbow on my knees and my hands pressed together, i sat there watching the drops of rain fall onto the small puddle making ripples. Then a girl with a flashlight was looking for something. She shine the light on me. It was shining bright in my eyes and i couldn't make out what she looked like. She came towards me and i seen her perfectly. She was absolutely stunning even with tears that filled her eyes. I stood up." Have you seen a little girl around here?" I could tell she was very worried which made her look more attractive." No. Sorry, but if you would like... i can help you look. for her it would be faster that way." I say to her. She just nods. She gave me a brief description of the girl Claire. I searched everywhere even in the pouring rain but found no one. I came up near a road. There wasn't a car in sight. I then seen the girl. She looked at me and started crying. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her. She looked up and her eyes widened. I looked over to see what see was staring at. She ran over to Claire who had a teddy bear in her hands and was crying in the middle of the road. She stood Claire up and started walking back to the side of the street. Claire pointed out that she had dropped her teddy. The girl went to get the teddy. I read a noise, it was a car speeding super fast. It was very close and was about to hit the  girl. I ran to over her. Just before the car had tackled her out of the road. Right then the car past by us with flying colors. She landed on my chest." Oh my god! Are you ok?"  She asked." I'm your the one who almost got hit. Are you ok?" She nods. At that moment i don't know what came over me but i kissed her and that's when i fell in love with her. I didn't even know her name, all i know is that she made my heart race.
~Annie POV~

I woke up again but this time in my bed. I went down stairs and see Luis and Claire on the couch watching cartoons." Um... Luis can i have a word with you for a moment?" I asked. He came into the kitchen with me." What happen to me,I'm so confused."

"Well my brother, Tony, tried to drug you and seduce you. His friend didn't know what he was doing so he injected  you  more then needed and it has a bit of side effects."

"Ya I'm starting to remember now, i have to apologize to Matt he tried to warn me of him. Also were you the one i seen running towards me?"


"How did you know i was there? How did you get there? What happen to them? Last question, where was Claire." I quickly asked every question before he could answer.

He smiles." Well you butt dialed me and i heard what they were doing and i was out by the store next to you're  school. I came running in the school with Claire. I let the office people watch her and i hurried and ran to you.  I found you and seen what they had done. I didn't hit them but the police did show up. I didn't tell them you were drugged though. They just let me take you home."

"Where is Tony now?"

"Probably still talking to the police."

"Well thank you." I looked at him and he was just standing there smiling.

"What?" I asked him.

"We should be friends." Is all he said.

"Sure." I said.

"So Annie... do you feel better? If not i could watch Claire all night." He insisted." No its ok, I'm fine."

"Ok then. I'm gonna go just call me of you need anything."

"Ok." He went to tell Claire bye but she was passed out. He was one strange guy.

   I sat it the kitchen when i heard the door open. Matt walked through the door not even bothering to close it. He looked like he was searching for something." Annie! Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened? You had me so worried!" I was shocked to see him that worried about me. He came over to me and wrapped me in a hug. He let go but had his hands on my shoulder, his face close to mine." Yes I'm fine don't worry so much."

"How could i not! I'm never going to let you hang out with any guy again. They cant be trusted." He leaned his back against the wall with is head down and his fist clenched together.

"Tony ! I swear im going to hurt that guy."

"Matt your overreacting."

"No Annie I'm not. You don't understand how i felt when i heard what happen to my stepsister. I was so ready to kill Tony, you have no idea." I went over to him and lifted his face up with my hand making him look straight into my eyes.

"I'm fine but thank you for being worried for me."

"He put on a smile and hugged me again." Well i guess... hey Friday do you want to go to the beach with me? We can go out of town for the night, stay in a hotel and stuff."

"Umm... i don't know. Mom will be back Sunday and..."

Matt put his hand over my mouth." Shhh... we are going." He whispers in my ear. I just shook my head. He let go of me and went to take a shower upstairs.

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