Chapter 6

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I woke up and looked around the room and checked what time it is from my new phone. It was 11, I laid my head back down trying to go to sleep but jumped a little when my head was on something hard. I tilted my head up to see Matt. I don't even know how that happen. I didn't see Claire anywhere. Maybe she is with my mom. I felt so comfortable and warm in Matt's arms. I stared to get out of bed before I was stopped by Matt's hand.

" Wait don't leave yet." Matt said,still half asleep." What are you talking about,I need to get up and you should go to your room."

" Your so cute." Matt grabs me and locks me in his arms. I couldn't get out of his grip,so I gave up and fell back asleep. " What the hell are you doing Annie!" I heard a loud voice say. I open my eyes and see Matt awake. I sat up." Did you really think you can sleep with me."

"What your the one who wouldn't let go of me."

"Why would I do that. You discuss me."

I lay back down and put the covers over my head. Matt walks over and pulls my covers off." What was that for." I said." We have to go get schools supplies."


"We are going to school next week."

"Fine." I got up up out of bed and went to go pick some clothes out.

I started take my shirt off,before I took it all the way off I stopped and looked over the other side of the room. Matt seen me looking at him and he just kept staring at me." Sorry I forgot you were in here, did you see anything?"

"No." He snapped out of his gaze and ran through the door. I wonder what that was all about.

After I got dress I ran down stairs." Ok I'm almost ready. I need to eat first."

"No we need to go right now!" Matt takes my by my arm and drags me to the car." Why do we have too rush." I asked." I want too show you something that's why. I hope it will make you cry."

"Why would it make me cry?"

"Because now shut up." Matt turns the radio on. We arrived at the mall." Come on." Matt demanded.

"Where are we going?"

"Just come on." We walked in a restaurant. We sat at a table." Ok hold on he should be in here in a minute." Matt said. I kinda know who he its talking about. He means Jackson. My guess is he is with another girl. I hope out isn't true I actually come too like Jackson." Ok i'm guessing we are not here for school are we." I asked. " nope." We sat not talking to each other for a few more minutes, nothing happened." Why are we still here?" I asked breaking the silence."just a few more minutes."

Next thing I see was Jackson and some hot blonde with a nice body,long hair,big boobs and looked like a slut." See your not the only girl he is seeing. The things he says to you, He says to every girl. So what do you think about him now." He had a smile on his face." Well if he wants to see another girl let him. Its none of my business. Besides we went on one date and I literally just met him. I'm just gonna go." I walked out the store and got a taxi. I know that i'm not dating Jackson but it bugs me that he tells every girl they are beautiful. I don't think I can be more then friends with him, I don't need another guy cheating on me again. I'm literally done with dating...

I got home and went to the living room and decided too watch a movie. Half way in I felt tiered and fell asleep.


Matt POV

I watched her leave the restaurant. I wanted her to see Jackson with another girl. I wanted to see her heart brake. I know it's a little mean but I don't want her to be with anyone. She didn't react the way I thought she would. She is more different then I thought. Most girls would either cry or go punch him,but she did neither.

I got in the car and turned it to the rock station and lips of an angel came on. That song was one of my favorite. I was thinking maybe I should invite my girlfriend over. I picked up my phone and call Kali, my girlfriend. Before she answered I heard some weird noises." Hello Matt?"

"Hey babe i was wondering if you could come over."

"Ya sure be there in a little bit got to go bye." She quickly hung up. I walked through the front door and heard noises from the living room. I walked in and see Annie sleeping like a baby, a very cute baby. Wow she looks so beautiful when she is sleeping. What am I saying right now. I still kinda feel bad for her. I been so mean. I think maybe it won't be so bad to be nice, but I still wish she wasn't my stepsister. I grabbed a blanket from the hallway closet and put it on her. I turned the tv off and walked upstairs.


Sorry this is kinda a sorry chapter i will make it longer the next time. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like it so far

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