Chapter 4

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Matt POV


     I can't believe I have too take my 'little sisters' out today. I don't like Annie, I don't know why exactly but I just do. I just didn't want to disrespect her mother's wishes. Claire I don't have a problem with,she actually kinda cute. I get our of bed and put on some black jeans and a black t-shirt. I don't care about looking nice today i'm just going to shore them around town then back her for my hot date with my hot girlfriend. I'm  looking forward to going out with her tonight. I walk out off my bedroom headed to Annie's room,which is just down the hall from me. I knocked on her for 3 times. She didn't answer. I just decided too walk in. I seen Claire over on one side and Annie on the other. I walk over to wake Annie up. I spoke her telling her too get up. " give me 5 more minutes." Annie said turned around,putting the blanket over her head. I got angry because she completely ignored me. I grab her blankets and yanked them off of her." Get up now our we aren't going anywhere!" I yelled at her. Her eyes open and shoot me an evil glair. I just smiled. "Ok sorry, I Was just really tiered." She says while getting out off bed. She didn't get mad at all. "She is really something else." I mumbled to myself." What was that she asked with a sweet voice. She really is.


Annie's POV

"Ok sorry, I Was just really tiered." I say to him but what I actually mean is I'm going to get you back for that. I guess he could be worst but still he is a jerk." Get dress so we can leave, I don't have all day." Matt says.

" Ok will you please go so I can get dress?"

"You can get dress right now if you want,I can wait right here." Here says with a flirty smile." Ew! That's discussing!" I laughed." Ok fine I will go,but seriously if you don't hurry I'm not taking you."

"Ok I'm getting dress right now so if you will excuse me." I say in one of my sweet voices. Ok I have to admit i'm not a mean person at all. I don't like to tell people how I feel on the inside. Even when I'm mad I won't show people. But one day all my feelings are all bound to come out.


I get Claire ready brushing her long blonde hair. I put a pretty pink dress that looks like a princess dress. I wore my yellow sundress. I walk with Claire down stairs. Matt came up to me." We are going too get breakfast,so, you ready?" He asked.

"My hummy,my hummy!" Shouted Claire." What is she saying?" Matt asked."She said she is hungry."

"Little kids I swear." He let out a breath and went to start the car."Nini y is he so weird." Claire asked." The world may never know." I kissed her nose.


Matt took us a lot of places today and it was about 4 o'clock when we decided to go to the park and get ice cream." I will have chocolate." Matt ordered." I will have, vanilla for Claire and cookies and cream with peanut butter in it." I ordered. I got my wallet to pay but the ice cream man stated to say." Don't worry about it, it's on the house for a beautiful women as your self." The young man said." Ya she isn't beautiful though." Matt said. I guess he really is honest.

We say down on the bench eating our ice cream." I want to play park  pwease !" Claire started pulling my arm to go with her.

"Ok ok lets go play park." I said." But first I want kisses." She came closet to my face and have me a peck on the noise. I turned towards Matt who was looking at me and he turned away to avoid my gaze." No. No playing park were got to go. I have too get ready for my date."

"Come on pwease!" Claire says hanging onto Matt's shirt with tears in her eyes." Fine only 20 minutes ok?" He says smiling at her. I actually like when he smiles it makes me feel happy. What am I thinking he is just a jerk. Claire and Matt goes over to pay on the swings. I went too go get something to drink. "I need one water please." I asked the person selling waters." Here you go mam enjoy." I went over on the bench and watched Matt and Claire playing on the swings." Hey beautiful." I here a deep sexy voice say.


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