Chapter 19

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We walk over to my mothers room with our hands intertwined. I loved the feelings of him warm hands against mine. It sends electric shocks through my arm. My mother started to open the door. I quickly moved my hand away from Matts. He gives me a sad disappointed look." Oh hunny! You look absolutely stunning." My mother said." Thank you." I say.

"Haha im surprised Matt here doesn't have a crush on my little girl." Me and matt both look at each other.

"Yeah." I laugh very quickly averting my eyes." You right, she is beautiful, im surprised i dont have a crush on her. Her boyfriend is a real lucky guy." He says while staring passionately into my eyes. My mother looked at both of us suspiciously. Once Ben was done getting ready we headed to the restaurant in the hotel. We sat at the table that Ben had reserved for us. At the round table i sit next to mom and Matt. Matt sat next to ben and me. Mom sat next to ben." Wow this is such a lovely place." My mom starts off." Not as lovely as you my dear." Ben said. I looked at Matt making a gagging face. I laughed. When our food had arrived everyone stared eating, i was the first done. I sat and waited for the others to finish. I feel hands on my knee and going up my leg. I push Matts hand away, a few seconds later he placed his hands on my leg again. He went further up this time and made me jump a little. I cleared my throat." May i be excused now, i don't feel so good" Everyone stared at me." Yes dear. I hope you get better because we are going on a tour tomorrow." My mother says." Yes mom, i will be fine i just need some sleep."

"Ok dear." I started standing up from the table, while doing that i slip Matt a note that i wrote.
The note: meet me on the top of the hotel when your done eating.
-love Annie:)

I headed toward the roof top. I waited about 15 minutes trying to build up the courage of what i need to tell him. "Annie?" Matt says.

"You wanted to meet me up here?" I take a deep breath." Yes... i wanted to get something off my chest." He looks at me waiting for me to continue." Matt i know you like me..." he stop me in midsentence." No Annie i dont like you, im in love with you." I smile a bit and i continued." I might be in love with you." I mumbled low enough he cant here me." What?"he said getting closer." Im in love with you." I say a little louder." I still can't hear you..." he smiles and gets right in front of my face." I'm in love with you! I told myself I might as well take the risks because it's the only remedy I know that could unburden this feeling I've been keeping ever since i realized that I love you. I know you'll find it hard to believe me if I tell you now how much you mean to me. I could hardly understand what I feel for you, knowing how to endure those long sleepless nights just thinking only of you. I've never been like this before. I just don't know how to pour out my feelings for you. I wanted to find the perfect words to make you realize how much I need you and love you, but words continue to elude me, what would they be? Something poetic? I'm sure it should be heartfelt and out of the ordinary. I'm afraid it's no use; every time I look at you, the words came out the same. I love you. I love your eyes, your smile, your hair, your body, and your voice, damn that voice, it drives me off the wall. When I hear your voice my heart skips a beat. I am crazy about you." Matt stares at me with a  bewildered face." Annie, do you really feel that way?" He rumbs his thumb over my cheeks." Yes, if i didnt i wouldn't have said thoes things dummy." Matt chuckles." Does this mean we can be together?"

"Are you crazy ! This can never work. I only told you how i felt because i needed to get it off my chest."

"We could make it work." Matt says.

"No we can't."

"We have to, i... i can't keep doing this. Especially now that you told me how you felt."

"I just dont know."

"We can date in secret for now but i will eventually.we.can tell our parents, but only when your ready ."

"Matt, i just dont think its a good idea. But, I think we should just see what happens from now on. Maybe we can date but  we shouldn't make it official."

"I guess its better then nothing. So that means i can hold you like this?" Matt puts his hands on my waist smashing my body into his." And kiss your neck like this." He starts kissing my neck all the way up to my chin. My whole body started to heat up." And kiss you on the lips as passionately as i can?" He kisses my lips." Matt." I whisper into his ears after huging him tight." You can do whatever you want just stay by my side. I scared right now, i don't want to get my heartbroken again."

"Again?" Matt asks.


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