Chapter 15

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Me and Luis have been spending a lot of time together. I'm so glad i asked him to stay the night. We have been watching movies that were appropriate for Claire. Claire sat in the middle of me and Luis with her head on my stomach asleep." I should put her to bed." I said. Luis nodded. I lifted up Claire and went to my moms  room and laid her down. I gave a kiss on her forehead and turned towards the door.  Luis was leaning on the doorway smiling." What?" I asked." Nothing." He smirks. I walked right passed him and into my room.

    Luis followed me into my room. I went over to the paint and looked at it for a minute, thinking of what to paint." Luis?"


"Can you go get me some water real quick?"

"Sure, i will be right back." He went out of my room. As i stared at the canvas i thought about Matt. 'What was taking Matt so long?' I thought to myself. Caught up in my thoughts i hear Luis clear his throat." I got your water..." I walk towards him grabbing the water from his hands. He walks over to my radio and turns it on to a sweet,soft, romantic song. I smiled. He walks to me and i stayed walking towards him and end up tripping over something. My glass flew out of my hand and onto Luis's shirt." Oh no, im so sorry!"

"Oh don't worry it's just water." He lifts up his shirt and i was caught in a gaze. He had a beautiful body. I grab a rag and start to wipe down his wet chest. I looked up at him and he was gazing at my eyes. He leaned in and have me a kiss. Even though it felt wrong,I kissed him back. The kisses started to get deeper and deeper. He lays me on the ground and slowly raises my shirt over my head leaving me in my bra. He rubs his hands down my sides and stops at my waist. We were both breathing very hard. I could his friend poking out through his basketball shorts. As it got more heated up i started unzipping his pants. Just before i could someone comes bursting through the door. I see Matt's eyes filled with anger. He came over and grabs Luis and throws him off of me. He slams him against the wall,punching him over and over again. Luis finally had a chance to punch Matt. Luis spears Matt to the ground. He gets on top of him and starts hitting him hard. Matt starts to bleed. I run towards them and pull Luis off of Matt." Guys stop!" Matts still on the ground holding his face. I take Luis and push him up against the wall. He had a bloody nose." I'm so sorry, i don't know what came over him." I apologized." No i'm sorry you had to see that." I went over and grabbed a rag and gave it to him.

"Maybe its best if you just go home for now."

"Your right. I will call you later." He picks up his shirt and head out the door. I run over to Matt." Matt are you ok?"

"Hell no i'm not ok."

"Hey that was your fault."

"Shut the f**k up and leave me alone!!"

"Why are you so angry with me!?"

"Because you were about to screw that guy!"

"That's none of your business." He stands up." Just leave me the hell alone. I wish you never even came here in the first place."

"You don't mean that do you?"

"Yes i do."

"I thought we were getting closer." I started to cry.

"Well you thought wrong. I hate you!"

He walks out the door. I don't know why he is so angry. I don't get him at all.

*Matts POV*

I know what i did was bad butt i knew something was up. When i came home trying to find Annie i heard Claire crying. It was odd because Annie is always there when she cries during the night. When i went to her room and heard kissing noises i started to get mad. When i saw it was Luis my mind went black. All i know was i was filled with anger and jealously. I regret what i told her but part of me knows some of was true. I wish she had never came here because i wouldn't be like this. I wouldn't have fallen in love, and i wouldn't have my heart braking like it is now.* Matt starts shedding tears*

~Annie's POV~

"Mom i missed you!" My mothers finally home. Me and Matt hasn't spoken at all, i guess he really does hate me now.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Claire runs to my mom.

"Oh i missed you so much my darlings."

"Where's Matt?" Ben asked. I just shrug my shoulders. Ben goes up to Matt's room.

"Well i would love to chat and tell you about the honeymoon, but I'm so tired from plane trip i'm falling asleep. Ben has something to tell you and Matt though." I gave a "ok" look, and she waves for me to go find them." Night honey!" Mom shouts. "Night mother!" I go to my room where matt and Ben are standing.

I go in and sit on my bed with my pillow in my lap." Mom said you needed to tell me something?"

"Yes. We are going on a trip to Paris for 5 days starting Friday." I looked at Matt who didn't look at me once. I would be so excited if it weren't for Matt hating me." Awesome, can i leave now?" Matt says." No. Also Claire is going to her grandmas house while we are there, and you and Annie will be sharing a hotel room. Don't worry it will have 2 beds." Matt looks at his dad with anger." No way I'm not sharing a room with that slut!" Part of my heart broke a little." Matt! Don't talk like that about your sister."

"Stepsister." I hear Matt mumbles wear i could hear him." Now then I'm leaving. Oh and whatever issue you guys have going on fix it. I don't want your guys mother to be hurt." He leaves." She isn't my mother and she never will be." Matt says. He starts to walk out of the door but turns back to me with apologetic eyes,he turns back and leaves.

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