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Jins P.O.V

"Yum!" I exaggerated after I took a bite of my salmon and rice.

"Let me have some salmon!" Nam-joon complains going at my food with his stencils trying to grab my fish.

"Hey, stop it!" I say with a full mouth slapping his hands away.

Nam-joon smiles shaking his head. I wonder what he thinks about most of the time when he is around me. Probably nothing special. It's been almost two weeks since I was rejected by Tae-hyung. Two weeks since I've been friends with Nam-joon. Funny how the day I get rejected I find someone else. I wouldn't say someone else, it's not like I fell for Nam-joon so I guess you can say I found another friend. But ugh, just thinking about Tae-hyung's name gives me the shivers. I feel like I'm using Nam-joon as a distraction sorta just to get over Tae-hyung. I shouldn't let it get that way, our friendship, our relationship would end up in a bad spot. I want to stay friends with Nam-joon for a long time. The past couple school days I have been avoiding Tae-hyung as best as I can and so far I'm doing a great job.What am I saying, he's a senior, I only see him either during physical ed or during the morning. My uniform jacket is my best friend right now because I always use it to cover up my face as I enter the front of the school building. Tae-hyung has so many friends so hiding myself keeps my anxiety low from anyone knowing what I did. I don't need Tae-hyung, he has others to entertain him and every girl falling to his feet. Nam-joon is just fine, this is all I need besides the Sunshine Group. The bell rings to the restaurant me and Nam-joon sit in along with a couple other people. "Yoon-gi!" Nam-joon shouts. My smile instantly fades as I see Nam-joon show his dimples from saying that name. Smiling for someone else?

Wait what? My head snaps in Nam-joon's gaze witnessing Yoon-gi, Min dressed in all black standing by the waiting area to be served. Besides the school uniform he wears a black dress shirt and black jeans, he always has to have black with anything he wears. I used to see Yoon-gi out and about during the summer doing his own thing and he'd be wearing black whenever I saw him. The sun beating on him he didn't complain about it being too hot or sweating. Once I walked into his classroom to give his history teacher books and I heard him complaining to his classmates about it being too cold. Just like Tae-hyung, Yoon-gi has many friends but no one really speaks to him unless they are spoken to by him himself. Yoon-gi waves and I mentally choke on my food. No, no, no! I hear Yoon-gi's soft steps come towards us as I stare down at my food. "Hey, Nam-joon. You eat here too?" Yoon-gi asks. Nam-joon stands and gives Yoon-gi a fist bump.

"It's my first time, my friend, Seok-jin was nice enough to show me this place." Nam-joon tells him and motions to our table.

I peer up at Nam-joon first to see him smiling at me then I look over at Yoon-gi and smile with an awkward hand gesture of a wave. "Seok-jin...aren't you the one who-"

"Yoon-gi, what the hell are you doing?"

Yoon-gi takes his attention off of us to shoot a glance over his shoulder. What I see next had my whole soul leave my body, the heat leaves my blood and I can barely move. Blue jean jacket, black and white stripped turtle neck along with black jeans stood, Tae-hyung. His hair slightly wet it falls over his eyes, white flushed he is handsome. One of the reasons I can't get over him. Though he wears unmatched clothing and over sized clothing he was still good looking. Today is a different day than being at school, I don't have my uniform jacket to cover up my face. But what a god damn man. Shut up, Seok-jin! "I came to get some food. I told you I was hungry." Yoon-gi pesters.

"And you come here? You are richer than this," Tae-hyung approaches Yoon-gi to our table. "Lets go somewhere better I'll pay for-" he finally sees Nam-joon then finally "Who are you?" His words directly to Nam-joon as he shoots darts with his brown eyes.

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