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Jin's P.O.V

"Jin, you know you are my top student in economics, right?" my teacher had taken me from the room, classmates laughing that I was in trouble. They take out their phones once they know the teacher isn't around. Felix hasn't been at school for a while. I bet he knows what happened and the rumors about him. Now people put notes in his desk or write on his desk. But I already know I could be in trouble for nothing. I'm a good student. 100% on almost every test, yet no one begs me to tutor them. If I were to tutor someone I would get payed. I would be the best person to them. But am I a good person?

"Yes." I reply.

She sighs. What is this about? "I had a student two years back, a senior now and they had failed my economics class. They made an agreement that they would take my classes again if he had a tutor during the term. So, the reason you are here is because..."

"You want me to tutor them." I say not even a question.

She nods seeming like I took a bunch of weights off her shoulders. "How did they fail? If you don't mind me asking." I grow curious. But I really wanted to ask is if I'll get payed for tutoring the kid. How could you  fail economics even with this teacher, she's such an easy grader.

"He was hanging around the wrong people and gave up on a few classes." she tells me.

He, huh? A boy. How can someone fail school? It's the easiest thing you could do. get up and study like everyone else. Maybe he was butt hurt that his friends didn't like to be part of school so he decided to drop his classes too. "When do I start?" I question.

"This afternoon. He wants to meet at his place, says it is a better place to study, no disturbance and he'd feel comfortable around things he knows." My teacher spills everything.

Oh. His place, that sounds really weird. Why not a library or something? We could've met up in a science lab or a random classroom that nobody goes to. Whatever floats his paper boat. "Wait," I begin. "What do I get out of this?" I for sure wasn't up to tutoring a person on the other hand I didn't sign up for this. I know my teacher wasn't going to pay me money for this so what's the catch? There's many people who aced economics and could teach him. Maybe rumors will go around that I'm smart and tutoring people. Maybe then I'll get money.

"The satisfaction you helped out another persons education. What else could you ask for?" She eyes her watch. "I'll give you extra credit if you do this for me." My eyes widen at her remark. For extra credit, anything. Though I am already excelling in the class so this would bring me up to an A++.

"We have to get back to class before everyone starts vlogging or something. Oh- before I forget," she digs in her jean pocket to fetch out a piece of paper. "This is where he lives. Please take care of him." She leaves me there with the paper in my hands, confused. You are kidding right? I don't complain and go back to class. His house? Why? Maybe he has social anxiety? I have to respect the person before meeting the person. He has his own reasons why he wants to study at his house than here at school. That means he isn't here today? A grade higher I won't know who's here and who isn't here.

I go back to my desk in the back listening to the students chatter and the teacher trying to get them under control. "Did you get into trouble?" Hoseok asks me as I take my seat.

"Yea, what happened out there?"

I shake my head. "Then what was the reason she pulled you out of the room for?" Hoseok drags on.

"I'm tutoring someone I guess." I tell him.

"Tutoring someone? Who?" Namjoon now whispers to not disturb the teacher who quickly got everyone to be quiet. I shrug being honest as I grab my pencil to write down notes but the other piece of paper in my other hand.

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