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Taehyungs P.O.V

"Will you be going home today?" I question Jin as we stroll down the street getting closer and closer to school. Soon we'll have to part way, he'll go ahead of me and get to class so I can go. Now I guess I go to school just to see Jin and make sure he is ok.

I didn't want to get up this morning for school, I just wanted to stay in bed with Jin the whole day. Knowing that couldn't happen we made our way to hell a place where I won't miss when I'm older. "Are you sure you want to go to school?" I ask him. Jin shrugs. He doesn't know. He doesn't want to see his mom or anyone for that fact other than his friends. Jin's mom didn't show up to the hospital and has been blowing up his phone non stop now, telling him he deserved what he got. I wanted to yell at his mom but I know that would just make her more pissed at Jin.

His phone buzzes again but he doesn't budge to answer it. "Your mom must be worried." I say choosing my words carefully.

"We both know she doesn't care about me." Jin sighs kicking around air as he walks.

No matter how much I want him to stay at my home again he needs to go home for his mom. His mom will just be more mad if he doesn't go home. I'm surprised my mom hasn't been wondering where I was those other days. Then again she's never home to ask where I am.

I'm also afraid for Jin to be going back toschool today. Hae-Win is there with the kids that had beat him up is there, roaming the halls. Who knows what those guys will do next when Jin is alone and at his weakest point. Jin doesn't know their names and once I get them I'll find them. Kill them. Torture them first, slowly. Just knowing what they look like is practically half the school. I need names. But how could someone harm someone else? It's all Hae-Win I know and I have to speak to her but I don't think she'll stop here.

Jin moves his jacket further in front of him from the wind. I act and take mine off to drape it on him. He flinches and looks at me with a shocked expression. I gulp and clear my throat. "About yesterday..." I begin as I pick up the pace.

"I don't want to talk about it. Forget about it, okay?" Jin stammers blushing up a storm.

I bite my lip and take my eyes off of him as I start to smile. Yesterday afternoon we were close. Close in my eyes. I had him in my grasp, I had all of him. We could've been one but it didn't feel fully right. I know how he was feeling at that time, he was jealous and still is. He wanted me because he felt like if he didn't we weren't really together. Something like that I can't put words to it. Jin can, but I can't. "I'm sorry that I"-

"We best part ways here," Jin stops in his tracks and follows up on my confusion. "People will suspect things." He is right. I watch him jog away as the cold wind blows his hair back.

"Jin..." I almost cry. I just want to walk with him, up to everyone. Claim him as mine. But he won't let me he is too afraid now for what else could happen to him. He is set on the thoughts of my popularity but I'm concerned about his life here too. The dating scandal though with Hae-Win what do I do with that? "A little more and I'll leave, okay?" I say holding out my hand for Jin to take.

It's best for it to be this way, he doesn't want anyone to get hurt anymore. I deserve the biggest punishment from anyone. I've done many things wrong but I also need to put the punishment on people who deserve it first. But god, have someone get me right after. Any time, someone beat me up, run me over, ruin me but don't ruin Jin. That's all I deserve.

I clutch my fists and feelings overtake me. Hae-Win. My legs move, fast and smoothly. She won't stop no matter what I do no matter what I say. I dash onto school grounds not caring if I were to bump into Jin. I'm inside the school building and I'm stopped by a force. A tug to my shirt making me swing. Who is bothering me at this time? My arm is swung over a ball of a body. They stand tall, taller than me.

Namjoon. I glare at him. "What do you want? I'm kinda busy." I growl at him.

"Busy with being angry? Whatever. I know who it is," Namjoon tells me with little detail. "Those boys who beat up Jin."

My eyes widen and I can feel my whole body boil. "Who are they?" I ask my teeth clenching.

"I can't tell you." Namjoon says.

I'm left in shock and I don't know how to respond. He can't tell me? Why is he keeping all of this to himself? What is he planning? "Why? Why can't you"- without finishing my words I push Namjoon up against a wall closest  to me. Students stare and some stop to watch. A few pull out their phones to take videos or photos the phones clicking by each picture.

"I wouldn't with this many people." Namjoon barges in. Damn it for everyone being right!

I let go, the anger still there when Namjoons feet hit the ground. He fixes himself. "The reason I can't tell you is because," he bares my silence. "I'll be the first to beat them up."

"You fucking idiot!" I yell, my fist impacting with his face. Gasps fill the air and flashes of light take up my vision. What did I do? Namjoon smirks at me with his hand over his cheek. What did he do?

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