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Jin's P.O.V

Playing video games is something I don't regularly do but when I found Hoseok's DS I couldn't help but keep playing. Took me hours to find the charger and a decent game to play. I've been playing Mario for the past two hours since I woke up. Hoseok and Jimin down stairs eating. I didn't want to go down and eat because I was full from yesterday with all the snacks the two brought over. They know I love food.

I'm glad they came yesterday, I don't know what I'd do without them. They are my only friends right now anyway. I don't have Namjoon, I never had him as anything. I met Jimin when I was in 2nd grade, he looks up to me and saying that boys would make fun of his big lips and small eyes. He told me I had the same "problem" like him. I don't think it's a problem. He made me laugh then. We became friends and were always by each other's side. Then I met Hoseok in third grade, I met him on the playground when he was playing himself. That's when I started playing horse with him. Regret that part of my life almost but it's fine as long as I met Hoseok.

Hoseok told me the only reason why he was playing horse is because people said he looked like one. It hurt me deep inside and it still does since people continue to call him horse. I was a bit smarter than them back then but they've caught up pretty fast. Wouldn't change a single day. My mom still messaging me, bullying me, harassing me I almost want to block her. She wouldn't mind if I was with them anyway. At this moment I could care less where my mom is. She doesn't care about me...

My bedroom door opens, I place the DS down and see Hoseok with a phone up to his ear. Jimin's phone. "Someone wants to talk to you." He tells me. I cock my eyebrow and turn off the DS in my hands then set it aside.

"Who?" I ask.

Without answering Hoseok hands me Jimin's phone. Placing it up to my ear I'm afraid to say a word. "Jin..." Taehyung. My whole body shakes but then relaxes. His voice after so long it soothes me. I want to cry but I can't, I've cried too much already.

"Why did you call?" Even Jimin's phone how did he get the number? I never knew they were in contact.

"Hoseok told me what happened, what Namjoon did," Taehyung sighs in distress. I scuff. "Jin, I didn't punch him because I wanted to, though I do all the time."

I shake my head and slightly laugh. I get Taehyung wants to beat Namjoon up and I guess Namjoon gave him the chance. Enough talk about Namjoon, I just want to hear his voice and that's it, just his non sense as I sleep. "I don't want to talk about it." I cover my mouth muting my cry.

"He forced himself on you!" Taehyung yells. "I'm sorry," He instantly demurs. "He didn't tell you the real reason why I punched him and that's what pissed me off the list." Taehyung goes on. I eye Hoseok and he slowly leaves the room.

"Then why did you turn to violence?" Turning to violence again when I told him not to. After he beat Jungkook up I knew that wasn't the end of it. But at least I thought it would end there because I thought Taehyung would get better. When I told him not to he still did it. What can I do? When Taehyung is mad he is mad. You can't do much. Thats what I've found out after all this time.

"Those boys that beat you up," my ribs sting when he tells me. "He knows their names."

"So you punched him?" I grow angry.

"He wouldn't tell me," my eyes drown with tears. Namjoon didn't tell Taehyung so that's what Namjoon meant as in beating them up for me. He isn't going to tell Taehyung anytime soon. That only means one thing. He wants Taehyung to suffer, for my case to never rest. I need rest. "Jin,"

"Hm?" I wipe my eyes.

"I care about you. What those guys did is messed up in many ways. I want this to be over as much as you do." Taehyung whispers almost. There goes that twisting feeling in my stomach.

"Why can't you leave it alone?" I pull my knees to my chest leaning my head down.

"Jin? If someone hurt me would you get over it?" He stammers.

I would burn them. Burn their house, break them. But I know I'm not capable of doing that. "Let me do this. I won't keep you out of my sight for now on." Taehyung makes my body quiver. How does he do this? How do I make him feel? That's all I want to know is how I make him feel and if it's the same way I feel too.

"Out of your sight...Taehyung..."


"You're weird." I break out a laugh.

"I'm weird? How? Hey!" Taehyung complains.

"I love you." I say.

Silence. What's going on? I look at the phone screen to see I'm still on the phone. "Why aren't you saying anything?"

"I'm afraid if I'll be taken away again." Taehyung explains.

I press my lips together. This is unfair. I don't get why I had to fall for him. Destiny. Why him? He makes me feel differently than the others. What is this? Am I so afraid of him that I feel this shaky feeling inside? Does he shake like me? Grow hot whenever I see him like me? Does his mind go different directions when he sees me? Will Taehyung actually ever tell me he loves me? Or do I have to go another year without it? I won't see him next year so maybe I'll never get an 'I love you.' Too many questions. This sucks. "Jin?"

"Sorry," I blurt. "I- I understand. Don't worry." I twist my mouth. I want his lips on mine. Namjoon comes to mind, I rub my lips with the back of my hand. Stop it! Stop it! Gross. Why don't I find Taehyung gross? I think back to the beginning of September. That incident where he switched phone numbers from Namjoon's to his. Soccer. The field he kissed me on. Those moments where he kissed my head. And the hotel, I want to go back, stay there. "I want to go to a hotel. The same one from the that night." I said.

I hear Taehyung chuckle on the other side. I frown. "When it's the right time I will bring you to a hotel, a nicer one than before. I'll treat you and make you feel better." I can sense Taehyung's smirk. My heart skips a beat eight beats at once. Hopefully no one sees us from school. That would be bad, more drama would happen. Why does this have to happen to me?

"I hope it's soon." I manage to smile.

"It will be." Taehyung bubbles.

Please let it be soon.

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