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Like two little, young girls we were striding along the colorfully displayed goods on each selling spot. Fresh vegetables, fruits and the finest fabrics gorged my eyes. I was excited and saw the same emotion in Anna's eyes. On other side, Sophia's face was still blank, as if things going around here didn't affect her in any way. Maybe it didn't. I hardly doubt this is her first time here.

"Sophia? Can you buy this and this  and this too?" Anna was jumping  from one marketplace to another, in long strides around many racks and boxes.

She didn't wait for an answer, but continued her exploring. Sophia glanced at her slightly annoyed, but said nothing. I was surprised that I had caught a glimpse of emotion of any kind on her face.

Was Sophia unhappy?

"Are you feeling well?" I asked and paid closer attention to her response.

"I am alright, my Lady!"

"Are you unhappy here... in the castle?"

Her eyes widened little bit, but then she put her stoic mask back on.

"No. I am happy. May I ask why you think that way?" her voice was quiet.

"I just have never seen you smile or be happy about anything. Is there anything I can do for you?" I gave her a small smile.

"No, my Lady. I am fine. Some people are happy and you can clearly see it, some ... hold on their happiness inside. We all are different and express our emotions differently... ."

She slowly averted her eyes back on vegetables in front of her.

"You are right... ."

I could say the same things about myself. There is not many times, when I truly express my happiness to people around. Even though my heart is bubbling erratically inside of me. Most of the times other person wouldn't guess, what I experience. Just lately I have started to feel more free and comfortable in relation of my feelings.

Time passed quickly. Sophia gathered everything she needed and reluctantly we were heading home. On the way back to our carriage, I gazed on the smaller shops inside the buildings. Hidden behind the thick window frames, I could get a small glimpse, what they were selling. 

In one of them it seemed to be some souvenir type things, while on other side I noticed the expensive looking shoes, dresses - for woman and fancy coats for man. In one window I noticed a black coat for man and a crimson red scarf. It stood out in the dark, candle lit window. 

Edmund gave me money, so I can buy something. The scarf captivated me. It reminded me of younger Master. He used to wear them - blue, red most of the time. 

"What are you looking at?" Anna asked standing beside me.

"Wait for me here. I need to buy something."

Determined I walked inside the shop. The room was filled with strangely pleasant aroma. I noticed more clothing of men hanging in the corners. 

A tall man with bald head stood behind a table, reminding me a butler in his later ages. He smiled and it made me feel more at ease. Did he know, who I am, or is it just a regular, polite interaction expected here? Either way, I felt glad, that there are still good people around.

I walked up to a scarf I noticed earlier. It was silky and vibrant in color. 

"May I buy this?"

Old man walked up to me and elegantly took a scarf from mannequin.

"You have a very good taste, madam. May I know for who is this? Which household are you coming from?I just wonder, if I know this man... . " He said under his nose, while folding the fine fabric and placing it in to a box, which didn't look much cheaper than scarf itself.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now