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Maria turned her head around slowly, as if being disturbed in midst of something important. Her noble face showed a slight surprise, but not a shocking expression which I expected to see. She looked rather calm. I was awaiting her rage filled insults coming my way immediately, but she kept her calm.

"You are not welcomed here." I continued. 

She made a subtle smile. I knew that her sweetness was just a facade and a venom oozing personality hid inside.

"Oh! A queen herself has honored me with her presence. I thought you had run away hearing about my arrival."

Maria hadn't lost her collected behavior. Nothing suggested about her dirty plans, which I knew she had in plan for me or Edmund. I on other hand could hardly keep myself together. I wanted her out right now, but making a scene was the last thing that everybody needed to see. People were waiting to witness the drama unfold, but Maria will not get her satisfaction seeing me go mad in front of my guests.

"You have got a wrong idea, if you think I would leave my family in your mercy. I will always protect my loved ones, no matter what my position is."

"I am not here to to reclaim my spot, if that's what you think. I came to deliver a special message to Edmund from my dear father. So... if you will let me finish..." Maria raised her chin arrogantly and in the same slow motion turned back to face Edmund.

Just now I noticed him, the way he looked down on us from a throne - all silent and observing. I wish to not had seen him this way. It was not my husband anymore, who I had known before. My heart stopped and endless questions invaded my mind of what had happened before I came back. What Maria had done or said to him to change Edmund in mere minutes?

The king's body expression suggested the annoyance and feeling of heavy burden set upon him. The way Edmund leaned on his throne with one hand supporting his head and watching all of us - low people - beneath his cold gaze. The sight reminded the worst moments of my life in his presence. The darkness in his eyes and deeply creased eyebrows told about the storm brewing inside of him, the unpleasant emotions that had been awakened from his dormant, hate filled heart, ready to be released at some unlucky person. If his eyes wouldn't hold his inherited characteristics, the odd color, they would had become the darkest shade, like the thundering storm itself. 

My heart shuddered, when I met his gaze - cold and unwavering. Was he upset about me or was it Maria, who had caused his mood to change? 

I wanted the tension in the air to disappear, see her leave and return to the place, where I was before, at the time Maria was not here. Everything was still causing nervousness, but nothing compared to a presence and turmoil Edmund's ex fiancé had created.

I reached for Maria's shoulder, to get back her attention.

"This is not a place for business matters. You could find another time to discuss the future of this land."

Maria flashed a wide smile, which created an image in my mind of an evil grin coming from the dark heart. I couldn't stand the sight of it.

"I will tell you one more time or else the guards will take you out by force. Leave!" I asked more assertive.

All I wanted was for the night to end and leave this emotionally suffocating place. I was barely holding on the line of sanity. If I had to stay here longer and look in the face of my unhappiness, I would make the events unfold in much unpleasant way, which I will regret for rest of my life.

I was getting impatient.

"Guards! Lead her out!" 

They came up to her and were ready to get hold of her hands, forcing her out, but she slapped both of their reaching grasps away in swift movement. 

"Don't you dare to touch me!"

Maria was upset and gave me a hateful glare.

Passing my tense form, she leaned closer to me and whispered in her sweet voice.

"This is not over, Thea."

I glared at her swaying form as  she left the ball room. Every single person was watching me in silence. I couldn't tell what was on their mind, none of the guests seem to be willing to move or do anything else, almost as being shocked of the scene unfolding in front of them. This was nothing compared to the fear facing Edmund. The whole time he said nothing, just stared silently at us, watching and doing nothing. Certainly he was nowhere near the calmness, where I could easily approach him, my own husband. 

The silence in the room was deafening. I wanted to cry and let out everything that had collected in my heart, but not with people present.

Taking a deep breath I said the words, which I hoped not to regret.

"The party is over! I want everybody to leave!"

I tried to keep my voice loud enough for everyone to hear, barely. Inside I was shaking by the intense emotions evoked.

I was waiting another minute in hopes I will hear a word from Edmund, but he stayed silent. 

I decided to leave through another door, to avoid the questionable stares and whispers of guests leaving the event early. Alone time was all I needed and Edmund, but not the cold king I left sitting in the ball room. The sweet and loving person he had become was my only remedy for achieving calmness.

As I was ready to head home, sitting in the carriage and savoring the silence, my mind was still with Edmund. I peaked my head through the tiny door to get attention of the guard.

"Excuse me, do you know where is Edmund? .... Uhmmm... King?"

"I heard he is still in the ball room, my majesty."

"Alright. Thank you!" My voice faded in disappointment.

What has happened with my husband? Is he feeling well? I could not stop, but worry about him. 

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now