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I was afraid, that at some point I will meet Amelia – Edmund's mother. I can't stop thinking about things she said to Edmund the other night. The bitter feeling still holds on to me.

From all the times, finally she has decided to talk to me, but unexpectedly, her words cut in my heart like sharp knifes. So odd to see such beautiful and rather kind face, which holds so deep grudge against me.

I have never wanted to get on her bad side. Now she has voiced loud and clearly her thoughts about me.

Amelia did not pay attention to me, she was looking into the distance, as if I did not exist. It felt odd, hearing her inner thoughts, those hidden inside for these long years.

"Don't say you are going to please and protect her too, Charles." She responded to a man who addressed her.

The event was going so terribly bad, when I noticed, who he actually is. I didn't want to make a scene or any trouble in this family and at least not between his parents. I was stuck in the middle. Edmund's father's dark eyes were fixated on me. I was waiting in anticipation the hurtful words that might come my way.

"Would I be doing something wrong, if I did?"

"Off course you would. She doesn't deserve a single drop of our sweat. "Amelia was getting agitated. "Has she earned her place? It is easy to seduce a man and climb up to the top with no effort. She would be nothing, if Edmund wouldn't had married her. Nothing... ."

I was glad that she had chosen to keep her voice down. It would be a big problem, if everybody were to hear her assumed truth. I was keeping myself calm with all my strength not to shed my tears.

"We... I put so much effort to get him where he is now. All in vain."

I was afraid to say anything, tell her, that everything she voiced is a lie and just her assumption, without knowing the truth. It was never my intention to use Edmund for my own good.

"I... I am..."

"And what if it was her intention? You have not been a saint either, Amelia." Charles's voice rumbled out of his chest, interrupting my thought.

"So you are on his side too? Fine. We will see how everything will end."

Amelia wiped her red lips with napkin. Her face hold no emotion, as if nothing affected her. With a proud face she glided back into the crowd.

I could barely stand and hold my beating heart calm.

Charles's serious face did not move away from me. We stood in awkward silence, until I couldn't take it anymore. My heart was full with hurt and I didn't know, what was up with Edmund's father. He has always been so mysterious, the same way like Amelia. There was nothing I could say about this couple. Despite the long years spent in their family's service, I know nothing about them. They seemed absent in my life the same way as Edmund's.

"I... I am sorry." I bit back a forming lump in my throat. "I have never wanted to cause any trouble between you and your wife, also Edmund. I would rather..." I had averted my eyes on the fruit platter. His dark stare was too much, too intense for me to handle.

"Leave it be. You don't need to prove anything to me."

"But..." I said barely audible.

I saw him extend his hand towards me. A tear rolled down my cheek, when I blinked, completely taken aback by his invite. Charles's brown eyes watched me in pity - a broken person - torn by cruel words. A queen who can't even handle a bit of impoliteness.

He came closer and I gave in. His hand was warm, big just like Edmund's. Oddly I felt like I can trust him, be at ease, despite of  the uncertainty not knowing Edmund's father as a person, as an individual.

"Come. I bet you need some fresh air."

I followed his lead, alongside the wall, where less people gathered, away from curious eyes and ears.

My heart couldn't calm down. The heavy sensation smothered me, tears trapped in my eyes, awaiting the right moment to free themselves. I can't help myself, but feel hurt the most by people, who supposed to be my closest ones. If they would know, that they have the power to destroy me, make me give up.

Cool breeze hits my heated cheeks, as we step on to the balcony. I see the sky getting darker, few darker clouds disturb the evenly colored heaven.

Charles's comforting hand glides over my back. It gives the warmth of a caring person, but I am too afraid to trust my senses. It wouldn't be the first time, when I get hit in the face by the most nicest person. My biggest mistake to ever think that everybody's heart is pure and free of dark thoughts.

He gives me a handkerchief - white as snow. I didn't notice that I was crying silently.

"I am afraid of her... . I believe she will make me leave the position of queen, leave Edmund."

Fresh stream of tears welled over my cheeks thinking about loosing Edmund.

"Don't be afraid. She will do nothing to you. Rest assure."

I glanced at him questionably, surprised, why he is so certain. As if knowing my thoughts he replied.

"Amelia is afraid of Edmund. She will never go against him. Now that he is grown up, she has no power over him at all. She is just talk at this point. Amelia, as bad as she seems, is not so twisted to truly hurt somebody."

"And what about you? What am I to you?"

"You are my queen, Thea. And a dear person to my son. I can't be thankful enough for the way you have changed Edmund. And from the very beginning I knew you will be the one, in some way special to him. You have my support."

"Thank you. It means a world to me. I just want my family to be happy. You, your wife, Edmund - everyone."

"Thea, you can't make everyone happy. It is impossible. You will never be able to please the whole world. First, make sure you are cherishing yourself."

"Now I know, where Edmund has gotten his personality from." My lips formed an ironic smile. "He is so much like both of you."

Charles's form stood like a dark shadow, menacing and mysterious in the darkly lit balcony. Half of his face hidden in the night, the other lit by a soft light. Such an odd image will be embedded in my mind, remembering his kind gesture, a moment to treasure his expressed support.

"I will go and try to get hold of Edmund."

I felt another stroke of his firm hand and he left me with my own thoughts and the dark sky watching me.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now