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I wanted to go to my room and cry again, but deep down I knew it will not help with anything. Will it make me feel better? Maybe... a little... . In the end of the day, it will not solve the problem I am having. I am clueless of what should I do, how should I interact with others? Seems, that my friendly and caring nature is not giving the fruits I await.

Edmund is upset again for things I messed up. How could I know, that making Anna happy by buying her a noble's dress, would lead me to confrontation with my husband?

The only thing left to do for me is to wait until he calms down.

I wipe the tiny tear that managed to hold on my thick lashes – the remaining hurt seen in my face.

It's been a while I ate something and my stomach is beginning to rumble quietly.

Before I know it, my feet carry me closer to a dining room. I wish no one is there. A piece of quiet and smell of delicious food would be my ideal company right now, a moment to stay with my thoughts, that's all I need.

As expected the sweet aroma of pies hits my senses as soon as I step in the dining area. Like some type of magic it manages to erase the bitter feeling I hold earlier.

My hopes are short lived, when I notice a person sitting in the chair by the table. I recognize him – Mr Blanchard. The last person I expected to see here and the one I didn't want to talk at this moment.

My body hesitated to move, but my stomach seemed to have mind of it's own, but then I gave up. 

In the future I will have to meet people and interact with them, even if I didn't want to. I have to toughen up. For myself and for Edmund too. I have to show him, that I can be a worthy queen beside him.

Taking a deep breath I walk up to a table and sit few seats away from him. Mr Blanchard seems to be in his own thoughts, singing some unknown melody, which I barely could hear.

As being terribly disturbed, he made a tiny jump upon noticing me.

"Quiet as a mouse... . Good day, my Lady!"

I observed him unnoticeably. He was a weird man, never in my life I have encountered a person with fashion sense like him or manners too. It made me think, as if he is from another world or time.

"Good afternoon, Mr Blanchard!" I tried to be as distant as I could.

It felt strange, that all of a sudden I didn't want to befriend someone.

He leaned little bit over the table and rested his head on his arm. Blanchard was eyeing me with curious look in his features. Slowly a sheepish grin spread over his face.

"Are you excited?"

I gave him a questionable glance.

"Wh.. what are you talking about?"

"The grand party this week. Don't tell me you know nothing!" He said in cheery manner. "I am very excited. Can't even sit still in this chair and you are not making it easier my queen." Blanchard grinned again.

"I am not seeing why you should be excited about me. I , most likely, will not attend your event."

I wanted a moment of quiet, but  Mr Blanchard seemed to be very interested of having a conversation with me. 

I patiently waited for a servant to bring my meal, so I could focus on something else, that this gentleman's company.

He let out a rumbling laugh, as if heard the greatest joke in his life, The sound filled the entire room.

"Excuse me! Is something funny?"

Blanchard chuckled. "You are funny. Don't say no one has told you, that you will be the main .... hmmm... attraction of the party."

I almost choked by surprise. I looked him over for any sign of mischief or something that would tell he is lying or telling a joke, but I could not guess anything. He was weird enough and too hard for me to read.

"No one has told me..."

"Shame. I thought your husband already informed you. How could he forget?"

"There must be a reason, why he ... why Edmund hasn't told me this."

"Maybe he doesn't care enough...?"

William averted his attention to a fancy sleeve of his shirt, examining the crooks of it's folds.

"Edmund care..s... ."

"Maybe he is too busy with his girlfriends and such..."

"What 'girlfriends?"

"Is our queen really that naive?"

Blanchard was starting to get annoying. I didn't like how he implied false truth about Edmund. I believe him. I believe that Edmund is not that kind of man.

"Why are you telling me this. I think it is not your concern, if he has or has not girlfriends."

"Hehe. I just want to help you... open your eyes... ." he lifted his hands up in surrender. "If you don't believe me, you can dismiss everything I said."

I didn't respond.

A servant had brought hot vegetable soup, which helped me to sway my thoughts away from things Blanchard said, just little bit. Nonetheless, deep down it has started to bother me. He was true about me. I am naive. I know nothing of the world or people living in it. I just live in this 'perfect' place Edmund had created for me, shaped my life and maybe even future.

After a while I notice, that I had ignored a servant girl completely. I forgot to pay attention and thank for her work. Too consumed by Blanchard's rumors circling through my mind, I looked like another noble woman - cold and uncaring towards her. It is too late by now to say anything, as I see her disappear through a door frame that leads towards the kitchen.

I got back to my meal and this man continued to hum his previous melody. He seemed so entertained by the thought of party taking place.

Later my husband came in the room too. I noticed the same tension in his face, as before, when I met him returning from city. Those dark, creased eyebrows made his face look menacing and unwelcome. 

Edmund shifted his eyes towards William and then over me. He sat down in chair at the end of the table, just one seat away from me. 

"We will need to talk about something later on, Thea." He let out a rather frustrated sigh.

I couldn't tell, what was that for. Was he bothered by presence of me, Mr Blanchard or something else entirely?

I nodded, but said nothing, not wanting to make his mood get worse. I still waited for him to calm down.

"Ohh, hello my King! Sorry, I have been daydreaming and didn't notice you." William laughed awkwardly. "My deepest apologies for my rudeness."

"Whatever. I just hope you will not stay here for long, as my mother is already gone for some time and will not return soon. I doubt you have other businesses here." Edmund grunted.  

"Awhh, such a waist of time."  William exhaled, his moves were too animated for a noble man. "How could she leave without me? Well... I will have to go, if my king wants me out of his way."

Mr Blanchard stood up, his chair squeaking terribly over the floor. Bowed deeply and with his fancy walk left the room.

"Did you have to be so rude?" I said between the sips of my soup.

Right then, I hoped he will not get angry for my bold question. There was still something up with him.

"He is not someone, who deserves my respect."

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now