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Edmund's POV

The sky was darkening. The last rays of sunshine disappeared masking the pleasant day into the gloomy atmosphere, the same as my mind. The window of my room was opened and silky white curtains danced wildly in front of me. I was restless. My heart was beating fast for no reason. Like a small boy being afraid of the thundering storm, I wanted an escape from my feelings, the dark emotions that were brewing inside of me.

I am still waiting for her, for my wife to come through the gate with the kind shine in her eyes, dispersing the dark clouds.

Maybe I am worrying for no reason? It's been only two days but for me, it feels like an eternity. She will come. I must have faith in her. I know she is strong and has grown knowledgeable, but I can't help but think of her as a small innocent girl who needs my help and support.

Without Thea, not even the calmness of my land can cure me. I can't relax knowing she is somewhere else, without my protection and watchful eye.

"Edmund! Why are you standing in the wind? Close the window."

I heard Victoria's calm voice. My eyes were watching the moving clouds and I inhaled the fresh air that flooded the small room. I heard her nearing me and then the weight of her form landed on my back. Victoria's firm grasp on my shoulders felt like a soothing hug. She sighed next to my ear.

"I want to say she will be alright, it's too early to worry, but... I... I don't know... I have the feeling it is not alright... " Victoria sighed. "I don't like the clouds outside. It makes me feel sad and lonely."

"Should I go back to Agra? To see her?"

"I think so. But not now. Wait for the storm to pass." Her hold loosened. "Come to have dinner. I feel lonely by myself." My friend changed the subject.

I felt sorry for Victoria. Just days ago she learned of the death of her fiancé. I don't think she is mourning this man. Never ever seen him nor known him from other sources, she holds no feelings. But I think the mere fact of waisting her years on waiting for a man who was never destined to come, saddens her. He was born in the sea and the sea eventually took him. This gloomy weather is depressing her even more and I follow her slim form after closing the window and shutting the sight of the frightening storm.

She sat in silence by the table, examining the finely presented food, poking it with a fork and I could see she has no interest in trying it out.

"You should try it, the taste of the countryside, the food of my childhood."

"Maybe some other day, I have lost my appetite." Victoria looked like a spoiled child. It was funny to watch her stoic ladylike features to change so much. "I... I am so upset and disappointed. If my father would not have chosen this mysterious man to become my husband, I would have a bunch of children by now and a happy, happy family."

"Is there anyone else who would fit the role? Your preferences? Anyone, I know?"

"Well..." Victoria smiled sheepishly. "I have always wanted a prince..." she continued to watch my reaction not leaving her eyes for a moment.

"Don't look at me. I am already taken." I couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh seeing her serious expression. I knew what was in her mind.

"Pff...!" Her hands crossed over her chest defensively. "Don't think of yourself so high, king Wiltshire. I would never take an arrogant, rude and boring man like you as my husband."

"That's good!"

I sipped the hot soup filling the room with faint slurping sounds. Victoria was deep in thought, the slightly cheerful expression was lost in her features.

"So who is it then?" I was curious.

"Someone kind, simple and with an excellent sense of humor. Sadly I know none."

"Hmm... Reminds me of somebody... James."

"James, what! Don't draw my husband in your games, young Master!"

I noticed Fiona come by, her hands put on her hips assertively. Her eyes slowly went over the foods on the table and reached the full plate at Victoria's side.

"Young lady, my James is already taken. You should not listen to the lies the little boy Edmund tells you."

I could not hide the small smile on my face and I saw Victoria stir up as well. Fiona has grown older, but her cheerful and energetic spirit has not faded at all. Despite my high status, I could be myself in this house and I enjoyed the casual interactions between the long known workers and me. I wish Thea was here. She would love to see Fiona again as well as Storm.

In some way, he looks unrecognizable. The pitch-black coat has changed to a dark grey and few coarse hairs have given him an, what looks like a beard, old man's appearance. Storm's reaction has gotten slower. Also, he could hardly recognize me, though not so long time has passed since our last meeting.

"Is Thea not here yet?"

We both shook our heads. Not knowing was the hardest thing to cope at this moment. She might be at the castle or on the way here or something else entirely has happened to her, but I wish not to think of the last.

"I will go myself to see, what has made her stay behind."

"Yes, you do, Master. Otherwise, I will not be able to sleep at night. I still have nightmares of the last time Maria sent her away." Fiona shed a tear of concern.

She looked over the table one more time. "Now, eat up! I am not going to throw this wonderful food out for pigs!"

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