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I had good hopes for today. In a long time I had someone to share my days with exception of Edmund. I felt safer with Victoria next to me, a new friend on who I could rely on, ask for advice or just simply be there for me.

She sat before me in the carriage, a small smile present. What was she thinking? Not often I see bright emotion on her usually hard and arrogant face.

I glanced out the window. My eyes squirmed in bright sunlight. The day was peaceful, with bright blue sky - some tiny birds were chirping high up above our heads. I sighed releasing the building emotions stirring within me.

"It's so nice to see some change!" Her voice was light.

"Yeah, it's been days since we got some decent sun."

"I am not talking about the weather, you silly girl. It's so nice to finally be in peace with you. The jealousy you lead yourself into was starting to get bothersome. I a glad you opened your eyes and changed your heart. Edmund would never cheat on the woman he cares the most, not even the prettiest of the beauties stand a chance."

"I am sorry. If it wouldn't be for people who made me doubt him, I would never think of him setting eyes on someone else."

"You see? You know him so we'll, that nothing of that sort crossed your mind. Who told you this nonsense anyway?"

I let out a shameful breath.

"Mostly it was Blanchard, some other people too."

"He is the last person you should listen to. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true. There must be some personal gain to his slimly nature."

"What could it be?"

"I don't know, but I am sure, nothing good."

The guilt of doubting my husband was evident in heart, but I wished to erase it and focus on today's activities instead. Being out with girls and do the fun things only nobles and rich could afford was a new world to me ready to explore. With Victoria, Scarlet and Margaret I felt safer and not so afraid of the world surrounding me.

The streets were buzzing with people as soon as we entered the city. Everyone was out and about enjoying the wonderful day that had come as a gift in the weeks of gloominess. Pots of colorful flowers stood on the corners bringing life to dark colored brick walls as well as the scents emmiting from exotic decors.

"Thea, calm down! Wait until we have stopped!" Victoria grabbed onto my shoulder as my form was leaning too much on the loose carriage door. I was too eager to get out and explore, see new faces and meet my new friends.

As the carriage and the sound of horse hooves stopped my feet lead me out. The warmth of coubled path heated up my eager feet.

"Where are we suppose to meet girls?"

"Probably at the marketplace. Those two can't go without shopping even for a day."

"Do you know the way?"

"Come with me." Victoria said calmly.

We crossed the streets, passed crowds of people. Some of them gave curious glanced towards us, others didn't bother to even look up. I wished to spend this day calmly and with no interference of citizens, who would recognise me and stop me from enjoying my own free time.

Through the narrow passages she lead me deeper in to darkness until the brightness of an opened space engulfed us. Wast section of the city was cleared to be filled with tents and market stands selling the goods I recognized and some which I did not. The smells, scents of food amazed me. Expensive fabrics from lands afar lured the rich people if the city. Not only the nobles, but common people gathered here too. Seemed that everyone could afford what they desired for the wealth their own class brought.

Over the hundreds of heads I got a glimpse of familiar color, the shade and pattern of uniforms my nightmares hold. I wished my eyes would find a more attractive spot to look at, but against my will the gaze of my worried glance drew back to the spot  dreaded to turn to.

My mood darkened and heart filled with sorrow. I wished to not see these people anywhere, I wanted for them not to exist, but the reality was different. No matter the town, every marketplace held a spot for slave traders.

The feet of my anxious body took me closer to the spot until I saw the 'produce' they sold. Three young women with dirty blond hair shivered in the warmth of gentle sun rays. I knew they were not shivers of cold, but of uncertainty and fear for the future these girls will have.

The sight was so familiar. Their heads down, eyes glued to their feet in fear to even look around and attract the wrong attention. All three of them were holding their bodies close to each other. Seemed as the girls knew each other longer than the time they gave spent here in front of eyes of their new possible owners.

My heart trembled and bitter tears wished to get free, but constricted my emotions. I felt for them so much.

"Set them free!" I ordered calmly.

"What?" A man grunted in disbelief.

"Let the girls go."

"I will, unless you pay the price, ma'am."

My jaw dropped, but then everything dawned up on me. That's how it is and always have been. There are people who sell the slaves and who buy them. Rarely someone just simply let them go. It's a business after all.

"I have to make a living too." He continued. " So which one you will buy, lady?"

I hesitated. I didn't want to be one of the who contributed to this despicable act and business.

The longer I looked at them, the more my heart churned in sadness.

"Can't you just let them free? It's a king's order."

"King's order or not! I will not go home with empty pockets. Pay or free the space for someone who will pay."

He gestured for me to go away, as for some annoying insect. My patience were running low. I could not leave these girls to the horrible fate that awaited them.

"How much do you want for them?"

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now