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My gaze followed her shrinking form as she walked closer to my husband who for my surprise has ventured out of his room. His tall form was leaning over the railing separating the outdoor section with the garden. I could see from afar his fists tightening as he looked into the distance. I wished to see his face, but the gut feeling told me Edmund was not feeling better today.

Cristina was so confident walking up to him, not frightened or wary of his possible reaction. It pained me to even think that from all people she might have a chance to sway his mind and feelings to a calmer place. I was doubting it will ever happen.

Scarlet and Margaret mumbled something nearby. I was too occupied observing the scene in front of me. My heart was beating faster and faster. I wished nothing goes wrong.

With a subtle smile and concerned look in her face, Cristina approached Edmund. He seemed surprised but chose not to react to her sudden appearance. They talked and I wished I could be there and witness their conversation.

Seemed like hours passed even though mere minutes went by. I could see Cristina's grimace change into the shocking expression. What happened, what did Edmund say to surprise her so much?

My breath stopped when I saw her hand rise up ready to strike at Edmund. His reaction was lightning fast grabbing her delicate arm before it connected with his face. My husband's hand was shaking in anger. Fear gripped my heart. What could he do to me if I chose to see him? He has no problem to be so rude to a lifelong noble lady?

Cristina pulled herself out of his grip and marched back to the castle. I was so eager to hear what has happened. Her dark eyes reached mine. With a hateful stare, she neared me ignoring everything around her, even passing her loved cousins.

"Unbelievable!" Cristina nearly screamed in my face. "How dares your husband show such disrespect towards me? Calling me low life, a beggar, a... a whore?" She nearly choked on her words. "Edmund even threatened to put me in prison if I continue my affairs! For such a minor act?"

I could hardly find my breath and power to open my mouth and respond to the avalanche of words she threw at me. "Wh... why would he say such things in the first place? What have you done to deserve it? I doubt Edmund would act so nasty just for you want to help him."

"You know Thea? Edmund does not love you. I have never seen him show the smallest affection towards you in the time I have spent in this castle. He needs a better woman, who knows the needs of a man. I was hoping to be the one... Not his wife, unfortunately, but at least a number one mistress. So much work in vain!" Cristina hit her foot against the marble floor, resembling a small, spoiled girl who hasn't gotten what she wanted. "I hate you, I hate Edmund. He is the rudest man I have ever met! Where did his kind nature of a gentleman disappear?"

"He has never been a gentleman, Cristina. If you knew him, you should be aware of it." My blood was starting to boil after hearing her insults. What did it mean? She really wanted to be a lover to my husband? Behind my back? I collected myself and tried to hide all the resentment I felt at the moment. "I am glad Edmund told you clearly what he thinks of a woman like you!"

Cristina seemed taken aback by my reaction. She appeared to be lost of words. I on another hand could not believe anything that has happened. What Edmund had told me turned out to be true and I was totally oblivious to the dirty schemes she plotted.

"Get out of this castle! I want to see none of you here anymore! Out!"

I could see the surprised looks on Scarlet's and Margaret's faces, but I could not be sure if these two girls are involved too.

"Thea? What? Why?"

"I don't want to hear another word! Disappear!"

The girls reluctantly walked away and out of the castle. I was left alone with the sight of Edmund in the far distance. Our eyes met. I didn't know what to do. Go and see him or stay put and mind my own business? His creased eyebrows didn't relax and it made my mind to change. I was not ready to confront him yet.

I turned away and my feet lead me back to the room I spent the previous night. Just like him at this moment I craved the solitude and a peaceful location to stay with my thoughts undisturbed.

It hurt me deeply that people who I thought to be my friends betrayed me once again. For once I thought I have some real friends from higher society who might like me for who I am not for the status I hold now. Maybe I am not made for this life, just like Edmund resents to be the king. What if there is a place where we are meant to be but not here? What role do we have in this life? Only to suffer or is there a greater purpose?

Another night I wish to lie here and cry my feelings out. I feel unsure of what Edmund will do from now on, what he truly felt for Cristina or was there anything at all? Could it be only her delusional perception that Edmund saw something in her? I want to believe nothing happened. I trust him. What will hold us together at this hard moment in life as not the trust we share? I put faith in him, Edmund will get better, he will find his peace eventually.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now