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I paced around in my room - nervous, a little bit eager to get the news. A few days ago I sent a man to find something... someone I was looking for. It mattered me a lot and for another human being it was even more important than myself.

Richard Oak this man was. He is the son of Joseph. There is no way I can repay him for his help and kindness. He does not want money or any of the material goods. I promised him to thank for his help and this is the best thing I can do for Joseph.

I remember how sad he looked when dwelling in the memories of the times spent with his favourite boy. He might not be a boy anymore, but a grown man. Joseph had many children, but none was so close as this Richard. It pained me to think that all of his children had left him, all alone, forgotten by his closest ones.

I cannot calm down. I want to know where is he, who is he? Will he want to see his father? Is he still alive.

I could not stop the long trail of thoughts making my mind go crazy. I wished Joseph to be happy before he parts from this life. He does not deserve to die alone.

Violet knocked on my door and startled me. She opened them just enough to get her head through.

"Your highness, the investigator has arrived and he has some news for you."

"Oh! I was waiting forever for him to come back. Tell him I will be over in a minute."

"Understood, your highness."

She disappeared silently. My heart was beating in anticipation. Has he brought good news or bad.

I made myself presentable and with determined steps reached the guest room. This middle aged man wore the long, grey coat, a hat which hid the light blond hair. He seemed deep in thought which made me more anxious.

"I am sorry to make you wait. Is there any news about Richard?"

He smiled giving a pleasant feeling.

"Yes, I have. Are you ready, my queen?"

I nodded.

"This Richard Oak, he... It was hard to find him, he seemed like lost from this world. I mean, I had trouble finding him anywhere in the city or any other town."

"So where is he then? I thought you said you have found him."

He leaned little bit closer to gain my full attention.

"Richard Oak lives here, in your castle. He is been in front of your eyes for a long time. Who would have known he was so much closer."

"In this castle? Wh... where... who is he, which...?" I was shocked, but beyond thankful we have found him.

"If I am correct, he is one of the guards." He looked through papers and then back at me.

"That's good news. I will deal with the rest. Thank you for your service. I escorted him half way to the door and then tried to figure out what to do next.

A very recent memory popped in my head. How could I be so dismissive and paid no attention to a guard who took me back to Edmund? Wasn't his name Richard? Maybe that's him?

It was lunchtime and I did not see this man by the door nor near the entrance gate. Checking out every possible corner my feet took me to barracks. I noticed few man playing some board games while others took their time to relax. They all looked bulky and strong.

As soon as they saw me, their forms stood up and froze in place. Some of the men bowed and others saluted me. My eyes were not focused on their manners or anything they were doing. I was here only for one person.

A serious looking man walked up tome, he bowed. He looked intimidating in the black colored uniform and somewhat royal as the golden accents shaped his attire. Compared to the rest his outfit suggested he is a general or someone of great importance in this section and for these guards.

"How can I help you?" He grumbled under his well trimmed moustache.

My eyes scanned the men behind him for a recognizable face.

"I need to see a man called Richard Oak."

He gave me a questioning glance, his eyebrows shaped in confusion.

"Has he caused some trouble?"

"No. It's all fine. I just want to talk to him about the matters of a family."

"This way, my queen." The general lifted his hand to show me directly and I carefully followed him.

I entered a room filled with numerous tables and many men eating their lunch. The same way as before they all stood up and saluted. I felt uneasy. Despite the time spent in the castle and as a queen and noble lady, I found it difficult to accept the extravagant attitude and respect shown wherever I went. In this situation I did not want to disturb their calm mealtime.

"Richard Oak! Come forward!" The general's voice boomed over the multiple heads.

One young man came. The hair on his head was trimmed short, they were dark brown and his eyes gleamed with youthful energy.

"Could I speak with him somewhere in private?" I turned to general again.

"You are allowed to use my office, majesty."

I nodded and all three of us went to much quieter place.

The general's office was holding lots of carved wooden furniture. Against the wall stood an impressive book shelf and on top of it two swords crossed each other. The metal shine bright and brought a tiny spark, an accent in the dark colored room.

He left me alone with Richard. I could tell he felt nervous as well as did I, but for different reasons. I was holding excitement and eagerness to hear his thoughts about Joseph and if he wants to go and visit his own father.

It would make my day if he chose to reunite with his old man.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now