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My legs were about to give out. The road seemed endless, going forever through the dark forest as a golden thread, a lifeline for me. I hoped it is. Slowly I was starting to loose all the optimistic thoughts about my soon arrival and be together with my loved ones. For one I was greatful, the sun today was bright and warm, I felt no cold seep through my torn and thin clothing.

As I was ready to drop on my knees and take a rest, the odd trees caught my attention. At the very end of the road they made even darker alleyway, their thick foliage concealing every bit of sunshine. I walked closer and the ground was covered in thick layer of older and newer leaves. It gave me a feeling I might be closer.

Underneath the crunchy leaves the hard stones of the gravel pinched my feet. The road and each step was hard, but despite it I made my way though and then I saw, what I dreamed for very long time.

A green opened field of grass and at the edge of horizon a castle like structure. It was small, but it meant I will have a chance to find my way home with the help of whoever lived in it.

I was stopped by a wide gate made of black metal rods. No one was in sight. Maybe they are gone? Maybe actually no one is here?

But then it shouldn't be so we'll taken care of. The grass seemed freshly trimmed as well as hedges along the path leading to the main building.

A bark of a dog made my heart jump and I pressed myself closer to the cool rods. It meant someone is at home.

"Hello? Hello!" I banged against the gate to get the attention I desperately needed. "Is anybody there? Please help!"

The barks got louder and in few minutes a dog was beneath my gaze on other side of the gate. It's erratic barking made me afraid, but on other hand it meant I will get someone's attention sooner.

"Hey, little dog! Will you get somebody to help me?" I bent down to his level. He was cute and not small at all. I was not sure but it reminded me one of the breeds I saw in a book... it was a foxhound I think. It's floppy ears shook on each bark, which made me crack a smile.

"Mud! Muddy! Shut up!" I heard a distant voice.

I stood up too excited to see another person, a human being!

"Please! I am here! Hello? Please, please help me!" I felt my voice being desperate, but I was and I all I needed was the sight of civilization.

"Who is there! Get lost all you beggars!"

A man in ash grey outdoor suit appeared.  His hair was grey, neatly combed with a perfect divide on the right side. He looked grumpy and not happy at all about my appearance and arrival.

"Please help me! I am no beggar. I just need to know directions to the closest city." I talked louder for him to hear clearly as he slowly neared the gate, but I felt weak as well as my voiced words.

He calmed his dog and looked me over. I felt as insignificant as at  the time I was a slave. Nothing of a new queen I was before was left behind. Indeed I looked like a bagger, a homeless person.

"I need to get to Agra and see the king. Which way? I ask no more of your time."

The gate squeaked with an irritating sound and he pushed it open just enough for a person to get through.

"Come in." He said in calm, low voice. "I am not so cold to leave a pregnant woman outside just before the night."

"Thank you for your kindness!"

"Muddy, get out of the way!" His voice was stern as well as his whole being. "Come with me." This man invited.

I followed him close by, I was still intimidated by his dog, but seemed that Muddy paid no further attention to me. He followed the same path his master was taking. My legs were hurting and I felt if I sit down just for a moment I will not be able to get back on my feet for some time.

"Albert! Mud! Who is there!" A lady emerged from the house.

"Just a lost girl. Make some tea for her, Jane."

"I need nothing, sir. Only..."

"Look at yourself, Mrs. No harm will come to have a full stomach and a warm place."

I didn't object. I was tired and in truth hungry as well. The only reason I wanted to move forward was to see Edmund, but is my body able to make the journey at this moment?

I feel like not.

They invited me inside. The warmth engulfed me sending pleasurable feel all over my skin. The house was in warm colors, lots of wood accented the interior. I noticed few animal trophies on the walls. My feet connected with a soft carpet and I nearly melted.

"What's the matter with her?" Jane asked to Albert. She eyed me a little bit longer before saying in husshed voice to herself. "She seems familiar..."

"I... I am just passing through. I need to get to the nearest city and after that see the king."

"No, you girl are not going anywhere in such condition. First you need to eat something and clean yourself and above all to rest. I see you can barely talk how tired you are." Her voice was soft and melodic the same way as her face. The kind, brown eyes seemed to set spell on me and believe her sweet nature. I did not doubt it.

She rushed into another doorway and Albert guided me into the room with a fireplace and couple of soft cushioned sofas. He pushed me down and I succumbed to the welcoming comfort.

"Sit down. You must be terribly tired. What's your name? Where do you come from?"

"My name is Thea Wiltshire." My voice was weak.

"Thea?" It seemed that he had troubles forming thoughts as he said my name slowly. "Jane! Jane! Come over here now!

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now