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Complete darkness engulfed me. I washed myself and my clothes in the nearby stream. Now the remains of my garments hang in the pitch dark room along with me sleeping on the puffy pile of hay. Joseph provided me with a separate room. It was a storage cabinet, but sadly, not much was saved to provide him with goods for later.

Nothing was comparable with silky sheets and duvets of the castle. It's been so long since the last time I experienced such conditions. Though I was not the one to complain, content enough to get a decent shelter for the night, I could sleep at last.

My memories went back to Edmund. He is in his summer house, patiently waiting for me, unaware of the tragic events I was taken into. It breaks my heart I have to be separated. For how long? How long does it take for water to go away?

I pray for my husband to stay calm and cool minded while I find my way back. Sometimes I think it's harder for him to handle my problems than myself. He needs me and I need him. I need the warmth his heart provides. I feel lonely sleeping here in the middle of nowhere.

The night was long and it was hard for me to close the eyes. Troubled thoughts didn't let me have a peace of mind.

The morning was coming. I could see the dim light appear from the small rectangular opening in the wall, which was supposed to be a window. The only thing it was good for was providing me with fresh air and slowly awakening chirps of birds.

Instantly my mind went back to the summer house and depressing thoughts of what I am missing out.

Seemed that Joseph is waking up. I heard footsteps and doors squeaking outside. Barely any light has come up and he is already out and about.

I wish to open the door of my room too due to the suffocating feeling in my stomach. It felt like my corset is still on, but in reality, it was hanging on a branch in front of me.

The annoying feeling of sickness seemed to be coming back in the possibly worst moment.

I stood up thinking it might release me of dizziness. Most likely it was the fault of the injury on my head. I washed it, but it lacked the proper treatment.

As I exited the house the cool brush of air hit my face. The trees were swaying wildly suggesting the storm is on its way. It looked spooky and I tried to spot Joseph in the tall grass.

"Joseph?" I said not too loud. "Joseph! Are you there?"

No one answered. I figured it might be the strong winds or the old age why Joseph couldn't hear me. I decided to wait for him on the disappearing stepping stones right in front of his doorway. Oddly the atmosphere was relaxing. In the shelter looking on the wild nature outside comforted me with thoughts of decent safety.

Joseph emerged sometime later from the sea of grass like a dark, mysterious silhouette. If I would be alone and not know he is the only inhabitant, my heart would jump out and it would be the end of me.

"Damn! Why are you not sleeping? You might drop dead with the injury you have. Besides it getting dangerous outside. The storm is approaching." He looked over the shoulder to gaze at the fast-moving clouds.

"Sorry. I can't sleep quite well." I brushed my forehead. I was tired, but despite the lack of strength, my eyes didn't want to shut.

He walked inside with a basket. The fragrance of herbs made my mind even hazier. The old man waved for me to come, join him and sit by the table, next to the only window in the house. Right in time as the heavy raindrops packed on the stones slowly bringing more rains in short time. The big oak tree over the field swayed wildly, waving with the thick branches, ushering me take shelter.

"Come, I will take care of your head." Joseph's voice sounded soothing.

He ground the herbs and put something else in it, turning the substance in the green paste. It still smelled nice. He looked me over with concern in his old eyes and I noticed a small smile form under his uneven mustache.

"When are you expecting?"

"E...expecting what?" I was confused.

"Damn! When the baby is going to be born?" He continued to work on the remedy.

"A baby?" I was shocked. "A... a child?"

I was lost of words. My hand gently slid over my stomach, trying to feel something, where nothing was evident yet. I could not grasp the idea of having a child. I felt too unsafe to raise another human being under my wing.

"Damn! I had many those years ago. I could tell it straight away, whenever Grace showed the first signs. Those were my happiest days." Joseph seemed to enjoy his memories. His eyes glowed in the faint morning light. "I sometimes wonder where are they now?"

"You don't know? Don't your children visit you?"

"Damn! They all left long ago. Left me behind and Grace. Well, I am not mad. They have their own lives now."

I jumped in pain, when Joseph put the remedy on my wound, totally unaware of his moves.

"I am sorry to hear that..."

If it is true and I am pregnant, I wish for my child to see his father. I want a family that sticks together through hardships and share happiness in the years to come. I will do everything to bring a good life to my baby.

What Edmund is going to say? What will be his reaction? Does he want children? I have never asked him about it.

I can't wait to tell him the news. I don't know why, but once again I feel butterflies swarm in my stomach, bringing happiness to my heart.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now