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Young girls had formed groups, gossiping and chatting about this night. I knew no one. No familiar faces nor anybody who would be interested in spending time with me.

I watched them through the archway on the balcony. What have I got myself into? This life ... . Is it truly, what I wish for? I am here for Edmund, but sometimes I think I will not be able to handle the constant problems in my life, that comes with this new world.

My tears have dried up, leaving only the unpleasant feeling in my heart.

I scan the crowd for Edmund or for Charles – somebody who I can rely on. I am afraid to go out and face another person, who might throw their mean words at me.

Going over and over the faces, my eyes finaly reach a pair of orbs watching me close by. So close, that I question myself, how did I not see him? His light grey eyes burned in amusement as well as his sheepish grin, when he catched my gaze.

"What are you doing here, Mr Blanchard?" I aked nonchalantly.

His tall form was leaning against the pillar supporting the archway, all the while not leaving his eyes away from my face.

"Why are you surprised? I told you very ealy on, I will be attending this event."

"Then what business do you have with me? It is not like you see me for the first time... ."

"True. But it is so entertaining to watch you cope with such simple interactions – something our kind faces every day."

"So you have been watching me and seen me feeling miserable after the encounter with Edmund's parents?"

"Don't say that, my dear queen. You make me sound like a creep. Actually I wanted to get united with lady Amelia, but I decided to allow her the little ... meet up with you."

"Why?" I was getting little bit annoyed. "You could have saved me trouble."

"Ahh.... What's done is done. By the way, where is our king? Shouldn't he be with you?"

Blanchard turned his head to look over the many heads behind him.

"He is not obligated to be with me all the time."

I said the words, but did not mean them. I wanted to have Edmund next to me, comfort me, so I could feel little bit safer.

"Ah! I know where he is!" Blanchard exclaimed.

Like a small girl he shaded his smile behind his hand, all the while eyeing somebody in the crowd – assumably Edmund. I could see the bubbling excitement in his movements. He glanced at me with a childishly naughty gleam in his eyes.

I couldn't stand and not know, what this guy is so excited about. I walked up to his spot and scanned the crowd for Edmund. The bright light from cristal chandeliers made me blind for a second. Rosy cream and dark blobs were all I could see.

Near the middle, where section was thinner and not too many people gathered, I saw my husband. Between the pink, cream and white colored dresses he stood black and tall. The girls had gathered around him, ogling my husband as some treasure or magical being. Their girly giggles could be heard far away. Nothing more, than being in his presence seemed to matter them.

Edmund on other hand stood unfazed – watched the small girls from above. Their doll like faces bloomed in tones of feathery pink, with eyes admiring my king. His stair expressed nothing similar. I didn't know and didn't see the look he gave, the emotion his royal eyes hold.

"Ah,ah,aaah." Blanchard shook his head. "So many young girls. Shouldn't he pay more attention to his wife? Such a lucky man."

I didn't understand, what William was hinting on, what was so different in the scene before us, that I could not see?

"I admire you. Such loyalty from your part, while he is enjoying his time. Will you accept it so easily? His girlfriends? I wonder how many he has?" He made himself appear deep in thought.

I watched my husband and thought about Blanchard's words. It was true, that Edmund appeared famous between young girls. For the first time I saw, what Wiliam meant. A small pinch of jealousy invaded my heart, but I couldn't be hundred percent sure about, what was happening. Edmund has never mentioned any other women in his life except Victoria. Did he not want to tell me about them? Hide their existence? Another secret of my husband I am unaware about?

"Those are not his girlfriends." I said determined.

Blanchard came towards me. His eyes hold a mischievous gleam.

"I will tell you, who is his favorite." Wiliam placed his hand heavily on my shoulder. His breath fanned the skin near my ear. He whispered: "Victoria Murray."

My heart stopped for a second as well as the tiny pain let me know of my hidden fear.

"Don't get upset, my queen. That's just a life of the king."

"Leave me be! Please!" I said silently.

"As my queen wishes. You know, I didn't want to be mean. It's better to know about such things early on. Especially for you my dear, naive queen."

Mr Blanchard's voice slowly faded away. I wanted to stay on the balcony for little longer, have the much needed air and calmness. My eyes were still glued on Edmund's form and the girls surrounding him.

Is he really the person I know?

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now