Chapter 12

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Prakash was really keeping his hand on his head because he knew he is totally dead in the hands of Jubi coz he lost her ring. I was all the time searching in his room while he was in between the piles of cloths. Turning i found him chewing his nails. 

Now get up you pig , find the ring before she finds that you lost them. As if realisation dawn his stupid head he ran to me and knelt infront of me. "Sathya find the ring, else you have to keep the final ring flower bouquet in front of my tomb." He is surely a kid but always a king when it's come to conquering the world. Nodding my head i was searching for the ring. Just then there was a ping in the mobile. Rushing i found Jubi sending me the picture of the ring which was in her hand that is wait why does she has his ring that to in her chain. Is that mean ?? Oh my gosh these guys are totally shameless. 

"Ask him to come and meet me soon as i am angry with him." came her text followed by the picture. 

"Yaa Prakash what did you do yesterday ??" I asked him. His ears turned pink and his cheeks were slightly blooming in rose bud color. "Nothing... just few stuffs" came his response. Blinking few times i held his ear and twisted making him finch. "You nasty brat, she is having the ring and asked you to come coz she is angry with you.. What did you do ??" i yelled on his face. 

"She demanded a kiss all of a sudden and i..." he dragged.

"And you being a highly hypocrite just kissed and only because of that your ring got transferred in to her chain and she was angry with you isn't it ?? "

Few nods came as a response. Walking out i just turned and said, " try to say a lie like a lie not like a leave letter with the level of 2nd grade student/"

Today i felt really happy. After 10 days Shiva is coming and it felt good to have him as my friend but he was always with Vivek which was just a pain in my you know what i meant. He was a darling brother. But when his mother said she planned to kick us out of the house and transfer every asset which was in my name to him and he was already signed the document and also i came to know that he went to abroad to study just because this would be the perfect timing for them to send us out of the house which was actually in my name. He knew everything from the beginning and acted as if he really loved me like his real sister but not it was fake everything was fake. 

Shiva used to come drunk at times making us fight but he will apologies to me the next day so we made a pact. If he is drunk he will have to stay out because i hate people who drink.

I was thinking and looking at the beautiful lawn of this house, True to it , it was beautiful and really peaceful watching it. Suddenly a pair of hands surrounded me and i smiled. Shiva came. 

"Welcome.." i rejoiced. I was about to walk out of his arms but he just held tight and said " god i missed you so much, next time you have to come with me. I felt utterly useless without you." I laughed hard. This guy is seriously a kid not more than 5 years of age. "Fine fine next time i'll go with you now first go refresh and speak to granny i will get you something to eat." I said and walked out but he was in no mood to leave me. 

"Please don't go", he pouted. 

"Who are you ?? What did you do to my shiva ??" He laughed and i giggled at that. 

Now come, i said and pulled his hand and went to the main hall. It was really pleasing to have him as my friend a guy who knows nothing other than to demand what ever he wants which at times makes me go on my nerves, but still my fav buddy. 

Vivek was also there speaking with my dad and my dad was as always treating him as his own son where as Vivek was not more than a wolf in sheep's skin. Just walking past him i smiled at granny and papa went to the kitchen to make coffee for Shiva who is now in love with my coffee. He would always say that my coffee has some magic which would ceases and eases his head ache. I couldn't help but smile thinking how he made a big drama of appreciating my coffee which was just a normal one. This side of Shiva was new to me. A happy one, who is really lively. He would always smile and make the place really happy to live. If only we met in different situation might be might be i would have treated him like Prakash who is nothing but my sweet heart. 

My trance was broken when i found Vivek walking into the kitchen. "How are you ??" He asked me with concern. His concern my foot. "Was really good until now as you have entered I know I feel terrible" I replied without looking at him. Why do you loath me so much Sakthi ?? Aren't I your brother ?? He asked me in his broken voice making me break like hell.

"Were you my brother ??" I asked him back and his eyes widened. He was not my brother and never he would be. "I am sorry i have no brother, no sister just a father who is in the hall and a grand mother with my husband. That's all. As a family i have 4 people including Prakash". 

I intentionally specified Prakash because that should be a slap on Vivek's face for leaving me and betraying me. I still believe whatever they said was not totally true and he will come back but when i got his letter saying he wants me to vanish so that he can be happy and enjoy the money he had. I was given just two options sign the papers so that my dad would be treated or let him die. 

I cared none when it came to my dad, so i just signed away the papers without even looking what the hell was written. It was that day i vowed that i would never ever see them again in my life but my stupid heart carved for one glimpse of Vivek when he came but when he just crossed me without even looking at me he just walking past me without acknowledging me. That was the day my brother died. 

"Am i really not important and your friend is more important to you ?? Sakthi , i never knew anything happened to you back then, it was all framed by mom." 

Enough.. i yelled at him. "You are here as my husband's friend not as someone related to me. Will you please leave so that i can do my work."

He just walked away with just four words, " I miss you sakthi..." I know he does and he also know i don't care now. That sakthi who does anything for her brother is long dead. This one is just a corpse. A living corpse living for her father just to take care of him.  Little did i know my eyes were betraying me and i know still in my heart my brother has his place. Silently but definitely. 


After soo long writing it. Finally... Fwwwww..

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