I, for some reason was happy. I felt light, free finally could breathe. Every minute Shiva would be there for me. Always. He kept his promise that he will never leave me alone and this guy kept his promise. He would time and now take me out or we would have our own kitty party in the balcony or in the terrace. And never once he would complain that i wanted to sleep holding him tight. Rather he would smile and open his arms for me to sleep in his arms.
I could hardly remember the day i was actually working. He was spoiling me and i was enjoying it thoroughly. It felt good, i felt so happy and i was really smiling a lot. We would watch movies , share our food, do nothing or just sit with each other with our blankets wrapped and just sit with peaceful silence. He was making my heart to flutter very much. I was finally flying in my sky, high.
Granny wants to speak with you, I said and saw him. He gulped hard. "What for ??" he asked me. Shrugging i said "i don't know." he walked out And after he went to speak to granny i smiled like an idiot thinking of the way he was scared when i took her name. The great Agnihotri is a darr pok.. (scared crow). I laughed at that thought and it was when one of my maids gave me a registered letter saying it was something important.
Opening the cover i found legal papers. Then reading them i found the harsh reality. I have to step out of his life. The freedom which we were carving for has finally arrived. But this seems to be so wrong and i wanted to tear them into pieces but he wanted it.
He wanted this.
I wanted this.
We wanted this and we are going to accept it.
I will walk away from him because he needs peace and i would go some where far from any ones reach. I have to make myself ready to leave them all once and for all. But why am i feeling so lost. I wanted to cry , but why ?? I wished it was just a dream everything was a dream. I don't want to leave him after what he has done to me. But do i have a choice ?? He is just my friend, yes my friend. I should not keep my hopes high. I was battling in myself and it was when i heard a foot step near the door.
"Sathya..." he called my name i sucked a harsh breathe. I am going to miss him already. He was there for me like a strong rock when i was shattered and i am going to get the girl who would understand him and love him till his life end. When i saw him i didn't know why but I held him tight. I didn't want to leave him. I didn't wanted to say that. But this is the reality and i have to say that and step out of his world. I wanted to hold him and i know this is the time for me to leave him. He deserves a life a happy life.
"The divorce papers have arrived."
I said and i didn't know why but my heart ached. Why ?? i didn't know. I pinched my eyes closed. It hurts and it hurts bad. A lone tear flew from my closed eye. He held me tight and there was silence surrounding us. It was an annoying silence. Nothing felt right and i didn't know what to say or to do. He left me and walked out without saying anything. Suddenly a crash came and before i could go out i found Shiva yelling my name. Rushing i found granny not in her conscious state.
He picked her up and placed her in the bed and asked me to take care of her and rushed out to call the doctors. She slowly opened her eyes and saw me with concern.
"Sathya.." she called me. I leaned down to her mouth. "Don't go from me.." she said holding my hand tight. I won't granny i won't i said and hugged her tight. Please call Shiva, please... she whispered. Nodding my head and whipping my tears, i rushed out to find where Shiva was. He was seemed to be relaxed.
Slapping his head i asked him to rush to the room. I saw him walking into her room and the door was shut tight. Biting my lower lips i wiped my tears. I cannot afford to loose one more life who is close to me.

Agni Pariksha (Complete)
RomanceSo what is the deal ?? I asked all calm and quite. He smirked and said simple marry him and i will take care of your father. I was totally shattered. So he is making business at the cost of my life. How could he be possibly my brother ?? I felt my...