"I love you...." he whispered against my lips. I was taken aback. He loves me. I blinked and saw him. I wanted to be with him yes i know i couldn't go away from him. Is that called love ?? Am i in love with him ?
He nuzzled his nose in my neck and i giggled at that. It was tickling. "Could you answer my question?" he whispered against my neck. I felt goosebumps all over me. Gulping hard i nodded my head. Smiling against my neck and giving a small peak he lifted his head from there and saw me straight. I saw him straight his eyes. I could see my reflection in there or his heart which is having me ??
"Why did you leave me when you could not actually leave me ??" he asked me making me gulp visibly. "Honest answer love i need the truth.." he demanded.
"Well as we got divorced..." i started making his face turn fury. I couldn't stand to see that face so i held him tight and kept my head on his heart and he lulled me with he tapping my head.
"I thought to step out of your life. Now don't interrupt i will complete it full. I thought i should not burden you and so i asked my colleague to find a job abroad. When you were at office i attended the interview through video conferencing and got placed in Mauritius. I was about to start but then something in me made me stop from going. It was hard for me go away from you. I wanted to run back to you and hold you like this. But i couldn't do that because i thought you would not love me or i thought i...." i couldn't frame any word as how i feel right now. I wanted to go away from him yet i wanted to be in his embrace. I was confused. Totally confused. I blinked at the thought.
"You're not leaving me..." he whispered. I couldn't help but smile as i was not willing to leave him either. "I don't want to go either." i whispered back.
Now it's my turn to ask him.
"If you love me so much why did you hurt me that way... you know first when we got married.." i dragged as i yet again couldn't frame words.
"Ok i will be honest to you..." he said making me nod. Smiling at me and kissing my cheeks he spoke.
"You know when we came back from our studies everything was messed up with Vivek..." he said and i nodded. I lost the hope of finding you... my love for you was fading or i thought i never had at first place. It was that time i met her a girl i loved. I don't want to take her name. But i fell for her. Slowly yet deeply."
I felt myself getting jealous.
"It was years back. She would smile at me as if i meant the world to her. She was so innocently beautiful i planned to propose to her but Vivek for some reason was totally against it. He said she doesn't suit me. She is not worth my love. I did not give a damn to him for that.
I planned to propose to her. I wanted to make a surprise for her for which i went to her home without informing her at all. When i reached her house i found her doing her deeds with another guy. I couldn't trust my own eyes. The love of my life was all the time cheating on me. When i went back home mom was making a huge fuzz for divorce from dad. Dad loved mom but she said she was tired of me and dad. You know everything happened so quick i lost the respect for woman. I thought they were only behind money and i am so sorry for behaving like a jerk.I promise you i would never ever do that" He said honestly. I wanted to ask him just one thing.
" Do you still love her or have any contact with her ??" He saw me blinking few times and hugging me close with him screaming high " my wife is jealous. Yaahoooo" he yelled.
"No i am not..." i spoke in a harsh tone from my point of view.
"Oh you are love... of all the things i said you were asking me was i still in contact with her. Damn you are jealous."

Agni Pariksha (Complete)
RomanceSo what is the deal ?? I asked all calm and quite. He smirked and said simple marry him and i will take care of your father. I was totally shattered. So he is making business at the cost of my life. How could he be possibly my brother ?? I felt my...