Chapter 1

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~Lis' POV
I stared out the car window watching the raindrops come at my face but stopping and sliding down the glass. We were in a big black van driving behind another one just like it. I haven't been back in America since the adoption. My adopted Mom who I now just call Mom is married to a band member who she has been dating since the beginning of high school. She's only 22 and he's only 23 and they wanted kids. I don't see why, they don't have time for any. Although Mom can stay at home, she still has a job. She said it was to make extra spending money but let's be honest here, when you have a Dad that's in one of the biggest bands at the moment and who has now adopted three kids the money comes just fine. I have theories on mom, she always seems to prove me wrong but she hasn't on this one. I think she works so she doesn't have to spend too much time with me and my sisters. Don't get me wrong our Mom and Dad are fucking amazing parents. They just aren't around often. They treat me and Amy like best friends until we do something wrong then they get all Parental. I blame the age range of all us. Clearly they were not ready for kids, I mean who adopts two 17 year olds who are about to be adults soon and a 14 year old who can take care of herself. Why would you even get married and adopt at this age? Amy says Dad did it for a charity thing. That theory was proven false when we all got into a huge argument and he proved us wrong. So no one really knows why these two thought of doing this. New theory, They probably needed people. Around the adoption they were experiencing a rough patch. When dad would tour he was tempted to drink. I bet anything they needed people to keep them grounded and together. What's better than starting a family together. I mean, because family matters right? At least sometimes. "That's it." I whispered, "What's it Love?" Mom asked from beside me, "Oh, that burger restaurant. I remember it." I said pointing out the window, "That's odd considering you have never been to LA." Amy said with a smirk, her British accent showing, "Can it Amy, like you would-" "Girls, you promised Dad no arguments while on tour." Mom scolded as the vans came to a stop, I laughed shaking my head and opening the door to get out.
Screams erupted and the guards pushed back on the barricades as fans pushed forward. "Ashton marry me please?!" A fan yelled at my Dad he smiled a held a thumbs up as Mom, Amy, and Lily continued with there heads down quickly to the venue. Lily grabbed my hand and tried to drag me behind them but I pulled away and stopped looking around at all the girls. They were pushing so hard it seemed like they were gonna get hurt. I felt a hand on my shoulder and the crowd erupted with an awww looking to my right Dad was there. "Lis, what are you doing? You should be with your Mum; what if these barricades broke and you got hurt?" Ash asked as we continued walking, "I'm sorry it's just, at one point in life I wanted all of this. I still do, it amazing." I smiled at everyone. "Lis, can you sign this!?" A girl yelled to me, my eyes opened wide with confusion as I smiled and looked at Dad. "Go on." He said pushing me towards her, "I can't believe you want me to sign something." I said over all the screaming, "I was trying to get your mom and sisters to sign too but they blew me off. It's a family picture of you all. I drew it." She smiled, "It's amazing. Can I take this in? I'll get it signed and bring it back to you." I asked the girl and her face light up as she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you" she mumbled into my ear and I felt hands grabbing my arms as I was being pulled over the barricade. "Meet me at the back door, if guards stop you just say lid sent you. Don't share that with anyone." I said as she kept me in a tight embrace, I could feel the barricade pushing deeper in my stomach and panic was starting to sent in as I was being pulled further. I felt hands on my waist and the girl with the drawing released me I let out the air I was holding in and turned to hug my savior. Releasing them I looked up and made eye contact with Michael. "Thank you." I whispered, as I hurried into the venue drawing in hand.
I made my way to the main part of the venue where the fans will be sitting in a few hours. I looked down at the drawing that had a few drops of rain on it. It was amazing and so detailed, I walked up to the stage and laid the drawing down on it reaching to my backpack and grabbing a marker from one of the pockets. I found myself and signed my name next to it. Picking the drawing up I sat in on the floor in front of the stage and watched as people finished setting everything up.
"What do you got there?" A hand reached for the drawing, "A drawing from a fan, speaking of which I have to get it signed from the rest of the Fam and meet her in the back." I said standing, "No guitar lessons today?" Luke asked following behind me, "Just relax before the show for once. It wouldn't hurt you know." I said opening the door to back stage, "Hey, I saw you hug Mikey." He said grabbing my wrist, "Point is? He pulled me out of the fans. I was thanking him. It's not like we are dating and we aren't dating either so why do you care? Don't forget who my Dad is Lucas." I pulled my wrist away walking quickly down the hall and trying to figure out what room my family would be in. Spotting a guard by a door I called to him. "Ron, do you know where my Mom is?" I asked, "Good to here your accent Lis. Your Mom is in the second to last door on your right." I smiled and waved, the guards here liked my American accent for some reason, they said it wasn't exactly like others, but it wasn't really different either. I think they're on crack or some type of drugs. Opening the door I entered the room to my sisters and mom lounging around. "Guys, can you sign this? Where's Dad?" I asked setting the drawing down and the marker too. "He is in the other room with the guys." Mom answered standing up to look at the drawing. "This is beautiful!" She exclaimed grabbing the marker from Lily, "How are you gonna give it back to the girl?" Lily asked sitting down next to Amy who was now signing the picture. "I gave her the nickname and she should be by the back door." I smiled, "You did what?" Amy shouted standing from the couch, "I gave her the nickname why is it such a big deal?" I questioned grabbing the drawing and marker, "No one is suppose to know anything about us, Mom asked to keep it that way. She doesn't want us to deal with everything Dad does." Amy grabbed my shoulders, "What if I want to deal with everything Dad does?" I shrugged her hand off and turned to leave, "Lis, I have to talk to you later about associating with the fans. Dad said to come straight into the venue and you didn't listen." Mom said sternly, "Talk to your husband about that. He was the one that pushed me towards the fan." I opened the door and walked out so I could get Dad to sign the drawing and take it outside.
After searching in each room I finally found Dad in one of the rooms up by the stage. He was with Calum and they were on their phones. "Dad, can you sign this so I can take it back please?" I asked, "Hey chick." Calum said from the couch as Dad stood up to sign the drawing. "Hey dude." I laughed walking over to Dad, "How's Amy?" I turned to look at him, "And Lily?" He smiled nervously, "They're fine. Everyone's fine." I said grabbing the drawing and backing out the room. "Lis, don't forget about your guitar lessons." Dad yelled to me, I held a thumbs up and shut the door running down the hall to the back.
Getting to the back door the guard stood there talking to the fan. "Told you she was coming." The fan said pointing to me, "Here you go." I handed her the drawing and she let out a squeal as she looked at all the names and hugged me. "You're welcome. See you later, enjoy the show!" I said turning around, "I don't have tickets." She whispered, I stopped and turned around. "I'm not in the position to give out any, plus I'm not sure we have any, the show is sold out." I stared at her, "It's fine thanks for the drawing." She turned towards the back door. "Wait, what's your twitter maybe I can work something out for another show." I said opening my phone to the notes section, "@Cass5sosx" she smiled big, a few tears coming down her face, "Hey, don't cry." I pulled her into a hug, "It's just so crazy how nice you are and everything you've done. I wish you were able to do more interviews and stuff. You're so polite. Thank you." I released her, "Wait, you're crying because of me?" I asked, "Yeah, well you're the only famous person that has talked to me, ever." She smiled, "I'm not famous, my Dad's famous and he isn't even my real Dad. Don't cry, I'm no one special. Just Lis." I said smiling at her, "I have to go now. I'll tweet you or something, have a nice day." I hugged her again before turning and heading back to the room where Mom was.
"She was literally crying because of me and I'm a talent-less piece of shit!" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face, "language, Lily's here." Mom said, "Mom, Lily cusses." I gave her a get over it look, "I wish I would have went with you now!" Amy laughed, "It was so cool. I'm gonna follow her on twitter." I grabbed an m&m throwing it in the air and attempting to catch it. It landed in my mouth with ease and I smiled to myself. Opening the twitter app I typed the user into the search bar and found the account. The follows you thing came up next to her user. She had pictures of her drawing up. One was of the signed one. There was a tweet where she was freaking out about talking to me and she had today's date next to BEDT DAU EVRR in her bio. I smiled and clicked her follow button then watched her timeline to see what she would do. I like to watch the fans freak out after Dad or someone follows. Soon her timeline filled with a bunch of random capital letters and retweets of tons of congratulations. I never associated much with fans. It was like some rule that Dad and Mom made to protect us. But I honestly don't see the harm in association with them. They seem really nice.
Me and Amy were left alone while Mom and Lily went to find food. "Calum asked about you." I said staring at her, "He did?" She perked up, "I mean, oh, he did?" She asked less excited, "What's going on there?" I asked sitting up normally on the couch instead of laying down, "Nothing, are you kidding Dad would kill him. Nothing is going on, I was just surprised; normally those guys keep there distance from us." She said setting her phone on her stomach as she looked at me, "Okay, well what do you want to do at this venue? We can prank Dad and the guys?" I questioned staring at her, "Stop staring I'm thinking Lid." She said, "How about we blow off all of this and sneak out and explore LA?" She more of stated than asked, "I'm game." I said jumping up and grabbing my sweater.

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