Chapter 10

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Lis' POV

I stepped off the bus with my arm around Amy and her's around me. The ride to this venue wasn't long at all. It was only 5pm meaning we had and hour to relax before the guys had to get serious with show stuff for tonight and then starting tomorrow they all get a week off.

I entered the venue with Amy and we walked down the hall to the dressing room. "So, how are you?" I asked my arm still around her, "I'm fine, let's not talk about it." I could feel the air get colder, "Calum's a fucking douche anyway." I mumbled and she looks at me letting out a laugh and I smiled at her. I opened the door to the dressing room and we sat down on the couch as the others entered. The One Direction boys left to their dressing room. "So, we get a week off! Who wants to go to New York?" Ash asked, everyone raised there hands except me and Amy, "Why don't you two want to go?" Ash asked looking at us, "Because you guys will be picking up interviews the whole week and we will be stuck in the hotel." I stated, "I just don't want to go to New York." Amy glanced at Calum and then looked back down at her phone. "We'll talk about this later." Ash stated looking from us to Marcia as if asking her to get us to want to come along. She shrugged and I smirked before sitting back and scrolling through Twitter.

It's now an hour until show time and we haven't done much at all other than sit around and me and Amy knocked out a bowl of M&Ms and gummy bears which was impressive. I could feel the sugar rush coming on and I was getting excited because a hyped up me and Amy was the greatest. But it came tumbling down when Marcia asked just Amy out for Ice cream. Lily sat back staring at me as I shook in my seat. "You have a sugar rush huh?" Lily smiled, "Yes and I'm in desperate need of whipped cream, some foil pie tins and a helper." I bounced, "Sounds interesting, tell me more." I threw a hand up to my chest and gasped, "Lily is gonna be a bad girl for once?" "Well, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." "Well played." I jumped up from the couch and galloped out the door way, Lily following close behind and listening to my idea.

After collecting the items we filled up the pie tins and took two each. "So, are we getting all four of them?" Lily asked, "No, just one, you'll catch on." I smiled evilly as we walked out the door over to the guys separate dressing room. I kicked the door and hid the pie tins behind my back Lily following my lead. The door opened and it was Mikey. "Where's Calum?" I shouted into the room, "Cal, it's for you." Mikey said leaving to go sit back down, "What's up?" Calum said a hint of sadness and annoyance in his voice, "I want to talk to you, about Amy." I said backing up to let him step out into the hallway he turned to shut the door and I cleared my throat telling Rob to hit record on my phone and get all this from his hiding spot. Calum turned around and I brought my hands in front of me shoving a tin in his face, one on top of his head and Lily pretty much clapped her hands together with Calum's head in between the pie tins. "What the fuck!" he screamed, wiping his eyes, "I told you that night that none of what you did was safe nor okay." I stepped towards him, trying to contain my sugar rush laughter and be serious, "You hurt Amy, so you hurt me. Did you like the surprise? There might be more in the future." I swiped my finger across his face and licked the whipped cream off, finally I let out my laughter dropping to the floor as he stomped back into the room. I could hear Luke's laughter through the door and the quite grumbling of the other two and Calum yelling at Luke to shut up which made me and Lily laugh harder.

Amy and Marcia got back just before the guys went on stage. Me and Amy have been sitting in here on Twitter for the past hour or so. I was getting bored and decided to show Amy the video of what we did to Cal. She began laughing as tears welled up in her eyes and then they began pouring and she started sobbing. I threw my arms around her and she hugged me tight. "Thanks for always having my back." She cried into my shoulder, "It's what I'm here for." I smiled releasing her. She smiled back and stood up, "I'm gonna go ask Marcia what's happening for the break." "Okay, I'm gonna go see if the guys are done performing." I stood following her out the door. We walked in silence until Amy drifted over towards the room Marcia and Lily were watching the performance in. I kept going towards the stage. I was almost behind it when the guys came around the corner buzzing from tonight's show. They looked at me and their smiles dropped except Luke's, "Hey, Lis." He waved walking by me, Ash nodded at me and Calum shot me a glare. I stomped at him and made him flinch and run to catch up to Ash. "Can I talk to you?" Mikey asked rubbing his hands up and down my arms slowly and looking down at me, "Yeah." I said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall to a more private distant room from the others.

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